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Unaugmentable cosimplicial simplicial sheaves and realization functor

I'm studying the construction of the $\mathrm{Sing}$ functor in Morel-Voevodsky ``$\mathbb{A}^1$-homotopy theory of schemes'' and I was trying to understand the properties of its left adjoint, the ...
Stefano Nicotra's user avatar
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Basic technical things about simplicial sets to have a good understanding of quasicategories

May someone provide me the list of basic techniques about simplicial sets, in order to have a good understanding of the definition of a quasicategories, $\infty$-topos, $\infty$-stacks, $\infty$-...
Camell Kachour's user avatar
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Internal Hom on simplicial presheaves and the preservation of cofibrant objects

1)Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a cartesian closed small category. Let $\operatorname{Map}\: : \: sPsh(\mathcal{C})\times sPsh(\mathcal{C})\to sPsh(\mathcal{C})$ be the internal Hom of simplicial presheaves, i....
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