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The k-ification of the compact-open topology for weak Hausdorff compactly generated spaces

Let CGWH be the category of weak Hausdorff compactly generated spaces; see e.g. N.P. Strickland. THE CATEGORY OF CGWH SPACES: Preprint available from
Joao Faria Martins's user avatar
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Eilenberg–Zilber-type theorem for Map([n],A), where the degeneracy maps for [n] are forgotten

The following statement should be immediately implied by Eilenberg–Zilber theorem if the sequences $(i_0,\ldots,i_k)$ below are only monotone. But I need the strict monotone version which I believe to ...
ChiHong Chow's user avatar
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Does twisted arrows commute with the simplicial nerve construction?

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a simplicial category, and let $N(\mathcal{C})$ be its simplicial nerve. We can form the category of twisted arrows as a simplicial category $TwArr(\mathcal{C})$ Now Lurie's ...
Jens J Kjaer's user avatar
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Cohomology of bisimplicial set is the cohomology of the total simplicial set?

Given a bisimplicial manifold (or set, topological space) there is the bar construction, which assigns to it a simplicial manifold, called the total simplicial manifold. Now stepping back for a moment,...
Josh Lackman's user avatar
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