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Determine the coefficient of the exceptional divisor

Consider the following setting: suppose that $X$ is a smooth variety and let $f:X\rightarrow \Delta$ be a smooth morphism outside the origin $0$. Let the central fiber $X_0$ be a reduced (Cartier) ...
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Analogous tensor product operation for reflexive sheaf

Suppose now $(X,\mathcal O_X)$ is a normal complex space, and $\mathcal F$ is a coherent analytic sheaf on it. Product the reflexive sheaf $$\mathcal F^{[p]}:=(\mathcal F^{\otimes p})^{**},$$ where $\...
Invariance's user avatar
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$(-2)$-curves in complex $3$-folds

Let $X$ be a smooth complex $3$-fold, and let $C \subset X$ be an embedded smooth rational curve whose normal bundle $N_{C/X}$ is isomorphic to $\mathscr{O}(-1) \oplus \mathscr{O}(-1)$. Is it true ...
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