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Questions tagged [set-theory]

forcing, large cardinals, descriptive set theory, infinite combinatorics, cardinal characteristics, forcing axioms, ultrapowers, measures, reflection, pcf theory, models of set theory, axioms of set theory, independence, axiom of choice, continuum hypothesis, determinacy, Borel equivalence relations, Boolean-valued models, embeddings, orders, relations, transfinite recursion, set theory as a foundation of mathematics, the philosophy of set theory.

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9 votes
2 answers

Can local $0^\#$ exists in L?

Assume $0^\#$ exists and there is an inaccessible cardinal. Are there two transitive sets $M,N$ s.t. $M\in N,M\vDash ZF+V=L[0^\#],N\vDash ZF+V=L$?
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Incompleteness and nonstandard models of arithmetic

The following are a collection of doubts, some of which shall have concrete answers while others may have not. Any kind of help will be welcome. Reading Peter Smith's "Gödel Without (Too Many) Tears",...
Marc Alcobé García's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Given a cardinal k, what's the biggest dense linear order with a dense subset of size k?

It's not hard to show that for any cardinal $\kappa$, there is no dense linear order without endpoints (DLO) of size greater than $2^{\kappa}$ that has a dense subset of size $\kappa$. But one can ...
Amit Kumar Gupta's user avatar
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1 answer

Pontryagin dual of the surreal numbers?

Has any work been done on the Pontryagin dual of the surreal numbers (suitably topologized)? I have not been able to find anything and am not sure if this is still unknown. Alternatively, has this ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
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0 answers

The global dimension of fields

In the absence of the Axiom of Choice, it is not necessarily true that all vector spaces over a field have bases. What are the possible global dimensions of fields in a model of ZF in which AoC ...
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to prove that any two points of a convex complete metric space are connected by some metric segment without the axiom of choice?

We say that a point $m$ is between points $p$ and $q$ of a metric space $(M, d)$ if $d(p, q) = d(p, m) + d(m, q)$ and $p ≠ m ≠ q$. A metric space $M$ is said to be metrically convex if given any two ...
Juan Atacama's user avatar
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1 answer

Harrington's unpublished note "The constructible reals can be anything"

Around 1974, Leo Harringto wrote an unpublished note entitled "The constructible reals can be anything", in which he proved that it is consistent that being $\Delta^1_n$ is the same as being ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
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1 answer

Does $Add(\kappa,1)^L$ ever collapse cardinals?

In general, we know that adding a subset to a regular cardinal $\kappa$ can collapse cardinals. If, for example, there is $\gamma < \kappa$ with $2^\gamma >\kappa$, then $Add(\kappa,1)$ will ...
jonasreitz's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it a theorem of ZF that a non-empty countable Cartesian product of finite non-singleton sets has the cardinality of the continuum?

I think that, without countable choice, I can prove quite easily that for a sequence $(S_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ of sets $S_n$ with $|S_n|=2$, the Cartesian product $\,\prod_{n=1}^\infty S_n\,$ is ...
Julian Newman's user avatar
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1 answer

Model of ZF + $\neg$C in which Solovay's Theorem on stationary sets fails?

It is a theorem of Solovay that any stationary subset of a regular cardinal, $\kappa$ can be decomposed into a disjoint union of $\kappa$ many disjoint stationary sets. As far as I know, the proof ...
Norman Lewis Perlmutter's user avatar
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Intuition behind Pincus' "injectively bounded statements"

In David Pincus, Zermelo-Fraenkel Consistency Results by Fraenkel-Mostowski Methods, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 37, No. 4 (Dec., 1972), pp. 721-743 Pincus introduces the notion of ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Is there any forcing free proof for hard independence results?

We are forced to use forcing for almost all "hard" independence results such as: $Con(ZFC)\longrightarrow Con (ZFC+\neg CH) $. The question simply is: Primary Question: Is there any "forcing free" ...
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Existence of infinite groups that are too reluctant to be topological

With ZFC, is there an infinite group $G$ such that there is no non-trivial non-discrete topology on $G$ with the functions $G\times G\to G,~~ (a,b) \mapsto ab$ and $G\to G,~~ a\mapsto a^{-1}$ ...
Minimus Heximus's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Road to Solovay's Land.

In the first semester of 2012 I took a course in General Topology and Set Theory, at undergraduate level. For topology, I was instructed to use Engelking's General Topology; albeit I had a great ...
Paulo Henrique's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Vaught's conjecture for partial orders

In ``Steel, John R. On Vaught's conjecture. Cabal Seminar 76–77, pp. 193–208'' the following is proved: Theorem. Let $\phi\in L_{\omega_1,\omega}.$ If every model of $\phi$ is a tree, then $\phi$ has ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
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Properness of quotient forcing

It is well known that if $P$ is a proper notion of forcing and $\Vdash_P \dot{Q} \text{ is proper}$ then the iteration $P \ast \dot{Q}$ is proper. Is the converse also true, i.e Suppose that we have ...
Stefan Hoffelner's user avatar
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2 answers

Does fast function forcing really have $\kappa$-Knaster property?

I ran into a claim concerning Woodin's fast function forcing in the following paper of Apter and Cummings which sounds no right to me: A. Apter, J. Cummings, Blowing up the power set of the least ...
Morteza Azad's user avatar
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Making all cardinals countable and its HOD

Suppose that $G$ is $Col(\omega, <Ord)$-generic over $V$ and let $W=HOD^{V[G]}$. Is $CH$ true in $W$? In general, what can we say about the behaviour of the power function in $W$? Update. Are the ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
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1 answer

On the number $n_0$ in Shelah's construction of a Jonsson group

In the paper "On a Problem of Kurosh, Jonsson Groups, and Applications", Shelah proved the following Theorem 2.1. There exists a number $n_0$ such that for every infinite cardinal $\lambda$ with $\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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A combinatorial property of uncountable groups, II

Problem 1. Is it true that each uncountable group $G$ contains two subsets $A,B\subset G$ such that 1) for any $x,y\in G$ the intersection $xA\cap yB$ is finite and 2) for any function $\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Covering compact Hausdorff spaces with closed $G_\delta$ sets

I'm thinking about results of the form: Under assumption $A$, if $X$ is a compact Hausdorff space and $C$ is a cover of $X$ by closed $G_\delta$ sets, then there is a subcover of cardinality $\leq\...
James E Hanson's user avatar
8 votes
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If there is a non-constructible real, is there an $L$-generic real?

If we assume that $\Bbb R^V\neq\Bbb R^L$, can we deduce that there is some $x\in\Bbb R^V$ which is $L$-generic? Of course if $V$ is a generic extension of $L$ this is true, but if $V=L[0^\#]$ this is ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
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A question about the Axiom of Choice

Let AC denote the Axiom of Choice. Let PP denote the so-called "Partition Principle" which states that "If S is a non-empty set and T is a non-empty set of pairwise disjoint subsets of S, then S can ...
Garabed Gulbenkian's user avatar
8 votes
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On a weak tree property for inaccessible cardinals

Suppose that $\kappa$ is inaccessible and consider a tree of height $\kappa$ whose levels have size strictly below some cardinal $\gamma < \kappa$. Does this type of tree always have a $\kappa$-...
godelian's user avatar
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Does Vizing's conjecture hold for the infinite graphs?

In finite graph theory, there are many (in)equalities which relate the integer value of a certain graph invariant (e.g. domination or chromatic number) for the product of two finite graphs (e.g. ...
Morteza Azad's user avatar
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Generalizing Feferman - Levy

The Feferman - Levy model makes $\aleph_1$ singular by a cardinal collapse $\aleph_1 = \aleph_{\omega}^L$. Unless I've got something wrong, the same thing would work to make any well-orderable ...
Colin McLarty's user avatar
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Order types of models of theories of ordinals

For $C$ a set of ordinals, let $\mathcal{L}(C)$ be the language with identity, a relation symbol for less than, function symbols for successor, addition, multiplication, and exponentiation, and a ...
Beau Madison Mount's user avatar
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1 answer

Models of ZFA corresponding exactly with a particular class of groups

I recently read [1], in which Blass exhibits a correspondence between: Permutation models of ZFA in which the axiom of choice (AC) fails but the Boolean prime ideal theorem (BPIT) holds; and ...
Clive Newstead's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Does forcing with recursively pointed perfect trees add a Turing degree that is minimal over $V$?

A tree $T$ on $\omega$ is recursively pointed if it is recursive in each of its branches. We can consider a variant of Sacks forcing where the conditions are recursively pointed perfect trees ordered ...
Trevor Wilson's user avatar
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Explicit counter example to Vopěnka's principle in the constructible universe?

Vopěnka's principle is a large cardinal axiom which has many equivalent formulations. One of them, which I find especially appealing, is the following: if the universe is satisfies Vopěnka's principle ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
8 votes
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How big is the least non-$\Sigma^1_1$-pointwise-definable ordinal?

There's a large countable ordinal which has cropped up (as a lower bound!) in a computable structure theory problem I'm playing with. At present I don't really understand how big it is, and I'm ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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2 answers

Does the class category of ZF-algebras satisfy the Multiverse axioms?

I read with interest both Hamkins Multiverse Axioms and Joyal and Moerdijk's algebraic set theory. Both of these perspectives takes a set-theory universe as an object, and consider collections of set-...
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Where can I find the following S. Shelah's paper?

I've been trying to find the following article: "S. Shelah, Remarks on cardinal invariants in topology, General topology Appl. 7(3) (1977), 251-259". I tried to go directly to the journal ...
Peluso's user avatar
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1 answer

Ill-founded models of set theory with well-founded ordinals

Let $(\mathcal{M},E)$ be an internally non-well-founded model of set theory i.e of $ZFC^{\neg f}=ZFC\setminus \mathrm{foundation}+\neg \mathrm{foundation}$, then $\mathcal{M}$ includes an infinite ...
Rahman. M's user avatar
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A surjection from square onto power: Is limit Hartogs/Lindenbaum number necessary?

I am considering the construction in [Peng—Shen—Wu] in which the authors show the consistency of a set $X$ such that there is a surjection from $X^2$ onto the power set of $X$ (henceforth $\mathscr{P}(...
Calliope Ryan-Smith's user avatar
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Different approaches to forcing

There are many different approaches to the forcing method, and I am looking for all known such approaches. So my question is: Question 1. Which different approaches to set theoretic forcing are ...
8 votes
2 answers

Analogues of worldly cardinals for (an unusual version of) second-order $\mathsf{ZFC}$

Let $\mathfrak{ZFC}(\mathsf{SOL})$ be the theory in second-order logic (with the standard semantics) gotten from $\mathsf{ZFC}$ by modifying the Separation and Replacement schemes to apply to ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Reference request: proof-theoretic strength of $\mathsf{KP}$ with recursively large ordinals and $\mathsf{CZF}$ with large set axioms

Large set axioms are notions corresponding to large cardinals on constructive set theories like $\mathsf{IZF}$ or $\mathsf{CZF}$. The notion of inaccessible sets, Mahlo sets, and 2-strong sets ...
Hanul Jeon's user avatar
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3 answers

Cardinality: Why is there no "ℵ½"?

A wikipedia page/paragraph on ℵ₁ states: "The definition of ℵ₁ implies (in ZF, Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without the axiom of choice) that no cardinal number is between ℵ₀ and ℵ₁." "If the axiom ...
NevilleDNZ's user avatar
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Modal logic of "mostly-satisfiability"

For $n\in\omega+1$ let $\mathsf{ZFC}_n$ be $\mathsf{ZC}$ + $\{\Sigma_k$-$\mathsf{Rep}: k<n\}$. Let $\widehat{\mathsf{ZFC}}$ be the strongest consistent theory $\mathsf{ZFC}_n$ (so if $\mathsf{ZFC}$ ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
8 votes
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VC dimension of standard topology on the reals

Can there be an uncountable set $S\subseteq\mathbb R$ such that for each subset $D\subseteq S$, there is an open set $U$ with $D=S\cap U$? I'm asking merely out of curiosity, but I'll mention that ...
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
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Can iterating countable unions give every set? (ZF)

Does ZF prove that there exists a set S such that S is not in the closure of {{s} : s in S} under at-most-countable unions?
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Foundations: Existence of uncountable ordinals.

This isn't really a research question, but at least it's research-level mathematics. I'm talking with some other people about the first uncountable ordinal, and I want some facts to inform this ...
Toby Bartels's user avatar
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Are there large cardinals for $n$-elementarity?

In July, Asaf Karagila asked three questions about elementary substructures of the universe of sets. The latter two were answered, the upshot being that the hypothesis $V_\kappa \prec V$ doesn't alone ...
Cole Leahy's user avatar
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Sunflowers in maximal almost disjoint families

Let $[\omega]^\omega$ denote the collection of infinite subsets of $\omega$. We say ${\cal A}\subseteq [\omega]^\omega$ is almost disjoint if $A \cap B$ is finite whenever $A\neq B \in {\cal A}$. Zorn'...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Equivalence of the Banach–Tarski paradox

I am working on the Banach–Tarski paradox and the fact that the Hahn–Banach theorem implies that paradox. The proof involves the equivalence of the Hahn–Banach theorem and the fact that for every ...
bdt's user avatar
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Are problems in complexity theory dependent on set theory?

I was pondering the fact that maybe the classical hard complexity-theoretic questions are undecidable, not because they are so themselves, but because some set-theoretic foundations makes the ...
kastberg's user avatar
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Probabilities independent of ZFC?

Hi guys, is it possible to change the probability of an event via forcing? More precisely, is there an innocent looking question on the probability of "something" whose answer is independent of ZFC? ...
sebastian's user avatar
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Shelah's "Can you take Solovay's inaccessible away?"

I was wandering if there was a book, thesis or some notes where Shelah's argument for $\mathtt{ZF}+\mathtt{DC}+$"All sets of reals are Lebesgue measurable" is equiconsistent with $\mathtt{...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Mostowski's absoluteness theorem and proving that theories extending $0^\#$ have incomparable minimal transitive models

This question says that the theory ZFC + $0^\#$ has incomparable minimal transitive models. It proves this as follows (my emphasis): [F]or every c.e. $T⊢\text{ZFC\P}+0^\#$ having a model $M$ with $On^...
Arvid Samuelsson's user avatar

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