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Questions tagged [set-theory]

forcing, large cardinals, descriptive set theory, infinite combinatorics, cardinal characteristics, forcing axioms, ultrapowers, measures, reflection, pcf theory, models of set theory, axioms of set theory, independence, axiom of choice, continuum hypothesis, determinacy, Borel equivalence relations, Boolean-valued models, embeddings, orders, relations, transfinite recursion, set theory as a foundation of mathematics, the philosophy of set theory.

40 questions from the last 30 days
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2 votes
0 answers

Cardinal characteristics and $\mathfrak{c} < \aleph_\omega$

Let $\mathsf{R}$ denote some finitely many relations about finitely many cardinal characteristics (e.g. $\mathfrak{a} \leq \mathfrak{s}$, $\mathfrak{a} < \mathfrak{d} = \mathfrak{r}$, $\mathfrak{b} ...
Clement Yung's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Diamonds on supercompact $\kappa$ after a $\kappa$-c.c. forcing

Let $\kappa$ be supercompact. Then the (supercompact) Laver diamond holds at $\kappa$: There is $f:\kappa\to V_\kappa$ such that for all $\lambda\geq \kappa$ and $x\in H(\lambda^+)$ there is $j:V\to M$...
Yujun Wei's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Diamonds at $\omega_2$ under PFA

Let $\lambda$ be a cardinal, and $S\subset \lambda^+$ be stationary. A $\diamondsuit^+(S)$-sequence is a sequence $\langle \mathcal{A}_\alpha\mid \alpha\in S\rangle$ such that each $\mathcal{A}_\alpha\...
Yujun Wei's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

An uncountable measurable subset of $\Bbb R$ containing no nonempty perfect set

$\newcommand\R{\Bbb R}$Assuming the axiom of choice, is there an uncountable Lebesgue-measurable subset $S$ of $\R$ that contains no nonempty perfect set? Of course, such a set $S$, if it exists, ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
0 votes
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How near are a groupoid and its 'preorderification'?

As remarks, a groupoid is a category with only (categorical) isomorphisms as its morphisms and a preorder is a category only having one morphism between each object. If we choose one isomorphism by ...
categoricalequivalent's user avatar
5 votes
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Query about extender embeddings

This seems as though it should be a result which is possible to prove but I was just wondering if I have it right and also if there is a source for it. Suppose that $j:V_{\alpha} \rightarrow V_{\beta}$...
Rupert's user avatar
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-2 votes
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There is a typo in Stall's textbook on Set Theory: unable to prove the trichotomy of sets (m ∈ n or m = n, or n ∈ m) [migrated]

Here is the textbook, chapter 7, page 300. This lemma seems very of important, and I've spend about 8 hours trying to figure it out, but I'm unable to prove even the weaker version of the lemma (only ...
Iaroslav Baranov's user avatar
2 votes
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Consistency of Sigma-V-2 uniformization with AD

Is ZF + AD consistent with: For every real $r$, every true $Σ^V_2(r)$ statement has a $Δ^V_2(r)$ example? DC is provable in ZF + every true $Σ^V_2$ statement has a $Δ^V_2$ example (i.e. witness). ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Forcing equivalence and equal generic extensions

Two forcing notions $\Bbb P$ and $\Bbb Q$ could be defined to be forcing equivalent if the associated complete Boolean algebras are isomorphic (so, the CBA's formed by considering the regular opens of ...
Tristan vd Vlugt's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Existence of k-complete uniform ultrafilter over a regular cardinal, k is strongly compact

This is a question about set theory. Let $\kappa\leq \lambda$ be infinite cardinals such that $\kappa$ is strongly compact and $\lambda$ is regular. My question is: how to construct a $\kappa$-...
Chris's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Does there exist a section of $\mathcal{P}(\kappa)\to\mathcal{P}(\kappa)/(\text{fin})$ that is "nearly Boolean"?

The following might be a somewhat esoteric question: Does there exist an infinite cardinal $\kappa$ and a section $f$ of the quotient map $\pi:\mathcal{P}(\kappa)\to\mathcal{P}(\kappa)/(\text{fin})$ (...
David Gao's user avatar
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8 votes
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Can $\mathbb{C}$ have a "doppelganger" in $L(\mathbb{R})$ with countable automorphism group?

Working in $\mathsf{ZFC}$ + large cardinals (a proper class of Woodins, to be precise), is there a field $F\in L(\mathbb{R})$ such that $V\models F\cong\mathbb{C}$ and $L(\mathbb{R})\models\vert\...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Destroying scales

Suppose $\lambda$ is a cardinal with uncountable cofinality and $C\subseteq\lambda$ is a club of ordertype cf$(\lambda)$. Let $f=\langle f_\xi\mid\xi<\lambda^+\rangle$ be a scale consisting of ...
Seba Thei's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Every well-ordered set is isomorphic to an unique ordinal? [closed]

Every well-ordered set $W$ is isomorphic to a unique ordinal Proof: We start with some well-ordered set $W$. We attempt to construct a bijective map from $W$. Let us consider this class $$\{(x, \...
Duck Gia's user avatar
1 vote
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How strong is separation + reflection without transitivity?

Consider a theory $T$ with a binary relation $\in$ and the following axiom schemas: $\exists u \forall x (x \in u \leftrightarrow x \in a \land \phi)$ where $u$ is not free in $\phi$. This is the ...
user76284's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

NBG, ZFC+I, and Global Choice

In Shulman's 2008 paper 'Set Theory for Category Theory', he includes amongst the axioms of $\sf NBG$ the axiom of limitation of size. Being well known to imply the axiom of global choice, it seems to ...
Noah Laikin's user avatar
1 vote
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Is this theory synonymous with ZF + Global Choice?

$\textbf{Logic:}$ Mono-sorted first order logic with equality. $\textbf{Extralogical Primitives: } <, \in$ Define: $x > y \iff y < x \\ x \leq y \iff x < y \lor x=y \\ x \not > y \iff \...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Reference request: The non-productivity of Lindenbaum numbers

For a set $X$, the Lindenbaum number of $X$, $\aleph^*(X)$, is the least non-zero ordinal $\alpha$ such that there is no surjection $X\to\alpha$. It seems to be well-known that for infinite sets $X$ ...
Calliope Ryan-Smith's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Iteration of $\aleph_2$-properness

Let us say a forcing $P$ is proper for a class of models $\mathcal C$, if for large enough regular $\theta$ and $M \prec H_\theta$ in $\mathcal C$ with $P \in M$, every $p \in P \cap M$ can be ...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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4-quantifier formula not decided by ZF

This interesting question asks the minimum number of quantifiers required to state the Axiom of Choice, and recalls that any sentence having three or fewer quantifiers is already decided by ZF. This ...
Pedro Sánchez Terraf's user avatar
3 votes
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Is the interval topology on ${\cal P}(\omega)/(\text{fin})$ connected?

If $(P,\leq)$ is a poset and $x\in X$, we let $\downarrow x = \{p\in P: p \leq x\}$, and $\uparrow x$ is defined dually. The collection $$\Big\{P\setminus (\downarrow x): x\in P\Big\} \cup \Big\{P\...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Restriction of a locally finitely supported function on an ordinal is finitely supported?

This is a question about set theory. Let $f:\delta\rightarrow H$ be a function from an ordinal $\delta< \omega_1$ to an arbitrary abelian group $H$. Endow $\delta$ with the order topology. Let $f$ ...
Chris's user avatar
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About synonymy relationships around these two theories?

The following question is about patterns of synonymy relationships around two theories, $T^+$ and $\sf PA$. For purposes of self inclusiveness I'll re-iterate $T$ and its extensions. $\textbf{Logic:}$ ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
3 votes
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What axioms are needed to show that the range of a finitely additive diffuse measure on $\mathbb N$ is not closed?

The other day I learned of a small error in the book Theory of Charges: A Study of Finitely Additive Measures. Example 11.4.1 goes as follows. Let $\mu_0$ be a finitely additive probability measure ...
aduh's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Do the surreal numbers enjoy the transfer principle in ZFC?

The surreal field $\newcommand\No{№}\No$ is definable in ZFC, and it is easy to see that the surreal order is $\kappa$-saturated for every cardinal $\kappa$, precisely because we fill any specified ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
4 votes
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Partial uniformization under AD

Under ZF + AD, and especially $\text{AD}^+$, even if uniformization fails for reals, in some ways it must almost hold. For a notion of small, we say that uniformization holds on a co-small set of ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How many colors do we need?

How many different colors do we need so that the set of all possible colorings of $\mathbb{R}^3$ is greater than the powerset of $\mathbb{R}$. Countably many doesn't seem to be enough and even $|\...
Arianit's user avatar
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14 votes
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Can the axiom of choice be expressed in 4 quantifiers?

This 2007 paper presents a 5-quantifier $(\in, =)$-expression that is ZF-equivalent to the axiom of choice, but leaves open the 4-quantifier case: Thus the gap is reduced to the undecided case of a 4 ...
user76284's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is $\operatorname{non}(\mathcal{M}) < \mathfrak{a}$ consistent?

Let $\operatorname{non}(\mathcal{M})$ be the least cardinality of a non-meagre subset of the reals. Let $\mathfrak{a}$ be the least cardinality of an infinite maximal almost disjoint family (i.e. $\...
Clement Yung's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Which arithmetic\set theory is synonymous with this theory?

$\textbf{Logic:}$ Mono-sorted first order logic with equality. $\textbf{Extralogical Primitives: } <, \in$ Define: $x > y \iff y < x$ Define: $x \leq y \iff x < y \lor x=y$ $ \textbf{...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

To which arithmetic\set theory this theory is bi-interpretable?

$\textbf{Logic:}$ Mono-sorted first order logic with equality. $\textbf{Extralogical Primitives: } <, \in$ $ \textbf{Axioms:}$ $ \textbf{Order:} \ x < y < z \to x < z $ $ \textbf{...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Is there a $\Pi_2$ sentence $A$ such that $\text{ZFC}^- + A$ proves powerset?

This is a follow-up to this question. Let $\text{ZFC}^-$ be ZFC without powerset and with collection rather than replacement, as described here. Is there a $\Pi_2$ (or perhaps $\Sigma_2$) sentence $A$ ...
user76284's user avatar
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If $\omega_1$ is not inaccessible in $L$, how hard can it be to find a non-measurable $\Sigma^1_3$ set of reals?

In his wonderfully titled paper Can you take Solovay's inaccessible away? Shelah showed that if every $\mathbf{\Sigma}^1_3$ set of reals is Lebesgue measurable, then $\omega_1$ is an inaccessible ...
James E Hanson's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a sparse almost disjoint family over $\omega$ of cardinality $2^{\aleph_0}$?

Is there an almost disjoint family $\mathcal{F}$ of subsets of $\omega$ of cardinality $2^{\aleph_0}$ satisfying the following property? For all $A,B\in\mathcal{F}$ with $A\neq B$ and every $k\in\...
Guozhen Shen's user avatar
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Can ZFC be interpreted in this infinitary logic theory?

Working in language $\mathcal L_{\Omega^+,\Omega^+}$ where $\Omega$ is the first strongly inaccessible cardinal. If we add a primitive partial $\Omega$-ary function $F$ and a primitive constant $\...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are Cohen Generics Minimal Covers?

Are Cohen generics (in $2^\omega$) minimal covers? I'm ultimately interested in this question for some more effective notion of forcing but I realized I wasn't sure how to show this even assuming full ...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
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16 votes
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Pedagogically intuitive reformulation of Zorn's Lemma for functional analysis

While teaching an applied functional analysis class, I’ve noticed that students often struggle to develop an intuitive understanding of Zorn’s lemma. It’s relatively straightforward to explain why ...
Tobias Diez's user avatar
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Can Cardinality Theory capture ZFC?

Cardinality Theory "CT" is a theory of sets of cardinals and links between them, only sets of cardinals can be assigned cardinalities. The links are unordered edges linking cardinals, they ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
4 votes
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Stably embedded clone

Let $M$ be a first-order structure, considered as an element of the ambient set-theoretic universe $V$. Clearly, for any $L_{\infty,\infty}$-formula $\varphi(\bar x)$ (with $\bar x$ finite, say) in ...
tomasz's user avatar
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Is there a characterization of measurables in terms of indiscernibles?

There is a characterization of $\alpha$-Erdős cardinals in terms of sets of indiscernibles of order type $\alpha$. There is also a characterization of Ramsey cardinals in terms of sets of good ...
C7X's user avatar
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