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Is there a clear inconsistency with this general assertion about n-internalizations of external bijections?

Define: $j^1[x]= j(x) \\ j^{n+1}[x] = \{j^n[y]: y \in x\} \\ j^{-n}[x] = \{y : j^n[y] \in x\}$ Define: $n=1,2,3,...\\ _n\mathsf{Forth}_j(S)=\{j^n[x] : x \in S\} \\ _n\mathsf{Back}_j(S)=\{j^{-n}[x] : ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Can Godel's incompleteness theorems be in some sense circumvented this way?

New foundations "NF" (formulated in the language of $\small \sf FOL(\in)$), can define a kind of ordered pair relation $``\rho"$ such that we can have a set $E$ of those pairs where NF proves the ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Is there a non-trivial consistency preserving transformation?

In ‎set ‎theory ‎"equiconsistency" (and not "consistency") ‎of ‎the ‎theories ‎is the‎ ‎main ‎part ‎of ‎researches. ‎So ‎we ‎usually ‎try ‎to ‎construct a‎ ‎new model ‎using a‎ ‎given ‎one. ‎In ‎the ‎...
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Where is the end of universe?

In some sense the empty set ($\emptyset$) and the global set of all sets ($G$) are the ends of the universe of mathematical objects. The world which $ZFC$ describes has an end from the bottom and is ...
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Constructible models of New Foundations?

Hi all! Is there anything like Gödel's constructible universe for New Foundations? More precisely, I would like a process for taking a model $M$ of NF, and using it to build a model $L \subseteq M$ ...
Nick Thomas's user avatar