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5 votes
0 answers

Friedman's proof of covering lemma for $L$

There is a two-page proof of the covering lemma for $L$ using $\Sigma_n$ substructures (Theorem 3.10) in Sy Friedman's Fine Structure and Class Forcing, compared to the proof that spans about twenty ...
5 votes
1 answer

Inner model with a $\mathit{\Delta}^1_3$-good well-ordering of the reals

The constructible universe $L$ has some nice properties: $L$ has a $\mathit{\Delta}^1_2$-good well-ordering of $\mathbb{R}$. (Gödel, Addison) For any $\mathit{\Sigma}^1_2$ formula $\varphi(x)$ and a ...
6 votes
0 answers

Recent literature on the gaps of reals on $L$ or other inner models?

I'm doing my Bachelor's Thesis on Gödel's constructible universe $L$. I'm interested in the gaps without new reals (sets of natural numbers) in the hierarchy, as presented in Gaps in the constructible ...
7 votes
0 answers

Literature on the reals or their gaps in $L[0^\sharp]$?

I'm doing my Bachelor's Thesis on the continuum in $L$ and $L[0^\sharp]$. In $L$ I study the gaps without new reals (sets of natural numbers) in the hierarchy, as presented in Gaps in the ...
7 votes
1 answer

The core model and elementary embeddings

Let $K$ be the core model (below a Woodin cardinal). Let $j \colon K \to M$ be an elementary embedding, where $M$ is well founded. Under which conditions can we conclude that $j$ is an iterated ...
5 votes
1 answer

GCH implies acceptability

I have been studying the concept of acceptability, particularly in its relation to GCH. There are many versions of it in the sources I have found, with some slight variations, and some of them are ...
19 votes
2 answers

The Ultimate L in a Nutshell: On Descriptive Articles

Everybody who catches a fleeting glimpse of Woodin's central papers on Ultimate $L$ (i.e. Suitable Extender Models I & II), admits that they aren't so tempting for lazy readers who don't like to ...
14 votes
3 answers

Forcings predicted by core model theory $+$$ZFC$ results proved by the method of core model theory

I have two unrelated question. First question. To motivate the question, let me explain an example. The natural way to force the failure of singular cardinals hypothesis ($SCH$), is to start with a ...
7 votes
1 answer

Core model with $\omega$ Woodin cardinals

In [KwoM] it is proved that the the core model K exists under the assumption that there is no inner model having a Woodin cardinal and satisfying ZFC. Furthermore, they also mention that the result is ...
3 votes
1 answer

Definition of $M_n^\sharp(X)$ for arbitrary set $X$

The definition of $M_n^\sharp$ in [OIMT10] is the unique sound, $(\omega,\omega_1,\omega_1+1)$-iterable mouse which is not $n$-small, but all of whose proper initial segments are $n$-small. What is ...
2 votes
0 answers

Strong determinacy principles for "small" sets

In the course of a (fun but silly) project I'm working on, I've run into the following class of determinacy notions: Suppose I have a "reasonably definable" class $\mathcal{C}$ of games (in the usual ...
15 votes
1 answer

Consistency strength of $\aleph_2$-Souslin hypothesis

Question 1. What is known about the consistency strength of $\aleph_2$-Souslin hypothesis? Question 2. What is known about the consistency strength of having both $\aleph_2$-Souslin hypotheis and $\...
4 votes
0 answers

Characterization of $L[T_{2n+1}]$ as a direct limit of mice

I am asking for a reference request/proof sketch for the result of Steel that characterizes $L[T_{2n+1}]$ as a direct limit of mice. Given that both $L[T_{2n+1}]$ and $M_{2n}$ have a $\Sigma_{2n+2}$ ...
7 votes
0 answers

Core model for supercompact cardinals and iteration trees

I have a few somehow related questions: Question 1. What do we expect for an inner model $\mathcal{K}$ to be a core model for a supercompact cardinal? What properties should it have, and what ...
5 votes
1 answer

A Hot Betting On HOD

Remark: This question is based on an open question at the end of a paper by Hamkins, Kirmayer, and Perlmutter: "Generalizations of the Kunen Inconistency". $HOD$ as an inner model of $ZFC$ lies ...