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Cellular-Lindelöf: a common generalization of the Lindelöf property and the CCC

All spaces are assumed to be Hausdorff. Recall that a cellular family in the space $X$ is a family of pairwise disjoint non-empty open subspaces of $X$. The cellularity of $X$ ($c(X)$) is defined as ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
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How much do idempotent ultrafilters generate in terms of semigroups?

It is known that the set of ultrafilters on, say, the natural numbers $\mathbb{N}$, can naturally be endowed with the structure of a compact topological left semigroup (which fails to be anything ...
Jakub Konieczny's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Is there a condensation from $\aleph_1^{\aleph_0}$ onto a metrizable compact space?

Is there a condensation (continuous bijective mapping) from $D^{\aleph_0}$ onto a metrizable compact space ? $D$ - discrete space of cardinality $\aleph_1$. CH implies it is a positive answer. In ...
Alexander Osipov's user avatar
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Existence of infinite groups that are too reluctant to be topological

With ZFC, is there an infinite group $G$ such that there is no non-trivial non-discrete topology on $G$ with the functions $G\times G\to G,~~ (a,b) \mapsto ab$ and $G\to G,~~ a\mapsto a^{-1}$ ...
Minimus Heximus's user avatar
9 votes
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Compact Hausdorff spaces without isolated points in ZF

$S$ is uncountable := $\vert\mathbb{N}\vert<\vert S\vert$ $S$ is noncountable := $\vert S\vert \not\leq \vert\mathbb{N}\vert$ $(X,T)$ is a nice space := $(X,T)$ is a compact Hausdorff space ...
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On the Large Cardinal Strength of Normal Moore Space Conjecture

In his seminal 1937 paper, Jones [1] proved the following result about Moore spaces: Theorem. (Jones) If $2^{\aleph_0}<2^{\aleph_1}$ then all separable normal Moore spaces are metrizable. Then ...
Morteza Azad's user avatar
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Is "All hyperreal fields $C(\mathbb{R})/M$ are isomorphic" independent of ZFC+$\lnot$CH?

We work in ZFC. Let $C(X)$ be the ring of continuous functions $f:X\to\mathbb{R}$, and $M$ a maximal ideal. We call $C(X)/M$ a hyperreal field if it's not isomorphic to $\mathbb{R}$. A field $E$ is ...
Jakobian's user avatar
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Can you fit a $G_\delta$ set between these two sets?

Every subset of $\mathbb N \times \mathbb N$ can be viewed as a relation on $\mathbb N$. The set $\mathcal P(\mathbb N \times \mathbb N)$ of all relations on $\mathbb N$ has a natural topology with ...
Will Brian's user avatar
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2 answers

Convergence properties in dense subsets of $\omega^*$

The space $\omega^*$, the remainder of the Cech-Stone compactification of the integers, fails to have all convergence-type properties known to me. Sequentiality. (As a matter of fact $\omega^*$ does ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
9 votes
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What is the shape of mathematical universe?

Shape? At the usual mathematical literature when we can discuss about the shape of a "space" that we have a kind of "topography" on it. For example a topology, metric, geometry, etc. Note that for ...
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Small uncountable cardinals related to $\sigma$-continuity

A function $f:X\to Y$ is defined to be $\sigma$-continuous (resp. $\bar \sigma$-continuous) if there exists a countable (closed) cover $\mathcal C$ of $X$ such that the restriction $f{\restriction}C$ ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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On a result by Rubin on elementary equivalence of homeomorphism groups and homeomorphisms of the underlying spaces

In the known paper On the reconstruction of topological spaces from their group of homeomorphisms by Matatyahu Rubin several deep reconstruction theorems of the form "if $X$ and $Y$ are ...
Alessandro Codenotti's user avatar
9 votes
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Baire category theorem for uncountable unions

Any compact Hausdorff space $X$ is a Baire space: if the set $X$ is a meager set (meaning a countable union of nowhere dense subsets, also known as a set of first category), then $X$ is empty. I am ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
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Rothberger property for finite covers

Let us recall that a topological space $X$ has the Rothberger property if for any sequence $(\mathcal U_n)_{n\in\omega}$ of open covers of $X$ there exists a sequence $(U_n)_{n\in\omega}\in\prod_{n\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Is $\beta\mathbb N$ a unique compactification with the smallest possible permutation group?

For a compactification $c\mathbb N$ of $\mathbb N$ let $\mathcal H(c\mathbb N,\mathbb N)$ be the group of homeomorphisms $h:c\mathbb N\to c\mathbb N$ such that $h(x)=x$ for all $x\in c\mathbb N\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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A $\mathsf{ZF}$ example of two Baire spaces whose product is not Baire?

Motivated by this question I'm looking for a pair of Baire topological spaces whose product is not Baire and whose construction does not need the axiom of choice. The example of such spaces I'm ...
Alessandro Codenotti's user avatar
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Two questions about universally measurable sets

I have two questions about universally measurable sets: (1) Is there a universally measurable set of reals which does not have the Baire property? (2) Is there a universally measurable set of reals ...
Ashutosh's user avatar
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Well-founded families of sets and topological convergence

Background/Motivation A space is scattered if every non-empty subset has an isolated point. A space is pseudoradial if every non-closed set contains a transfinite sequence (a well-ordered net) ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

BCT equivalent to DC

Do you know where I can find proof of equivalence Baire Category Theorem and DC (Axiom of Dependent Choice)? It is well known fact but I can't find appropriate literature with the proof.
Michael's user avatar
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Axiom of Choice and continuous functions

Do you know if the following statement is an equivalent form of the axiom of choice or not? If $X$ is a compact metric space, then every continuous function $f: X \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is ...
Ivan's user avatar
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4 answers

Are there $2^{\aleph_0}$ pairwise non-isomorphic Boolean algebra structures on $\omega$?

Is there a collection of $2^{\aleph_0}$ pairwise non-isomorphic countable Boolean algebras? Equivalently, are there $2^{\aleph_0}$ pairwise non-homeomorphic closed subsets in the Cantor space?
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
8 votes
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Does $\aleph_0$-density of regular open algebra entail existence of countable basis?

Suppose that the family $\mathrm{RO}(X)$ of regular open subsets of $(X,\mathscr{O})$ is a basis of $X$. Let the density of $\mathrm{RO}(X)$ (considered as Boolean algebra) be $\aleph_0$. Does $X$ ...
Rafał Gruszczyński's user avatar
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A compactness property for Borel sets

Is the following generalised compactness property of Borel sets in a Polish space consistent with ZFC? ($*$) Let $\mathcal{B}$ be a family of $\aleph_1$-many Borel sets. If $\bigcap \mathcal{B} = \...
Alex Simpson's user avatar
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VC dimension of standard topology on the reals

Can there be an uncountable set $S\subseteq\mathbb R$ such that for each subset $D\subseteq S$, there is an open set $U$ with $D=S\cap U$? I'm asking merely out of curiosity, but I'll mention that ...
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
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Where can I find the following S. Shelah's paper?

I've been trying to find the following article: "S. Shelah, Remarks on cardinal invariants in topology, General topology Appl. 7(3) (1977), 251-259". I tried to go directly to the journal ...
Peluso's user avatar
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Can totally inhomogeneous sets of reals coexist with determinacy?

A special case of a theorem of Brian Scott (from On the existence of totally inhomogeneous spaces) is that there is a size-continuum set $S\subset\mathbb{R}$ such that if $x,y\in S$ are distinct then $...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Ultracoproducts and Cartesian products

Let $X$ be a metrizable compact topological space, let $\mathcal U$ be an ultrafilter, and denote by $X^{\mathcal U}$ the ultracopower of $X$ with respect to $\mathcal U$. As a C$^*$-algebraist, I ...
Aaron Tikuisis's user avatar
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"Compactness length" of Baire space

Intuitively, my question is: how many times do we have to mod out by an closed equivalence relation with all classes compact in order to collapse Baire space $\omega^\omega$ to a singleton? In more ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
8 votes
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Spaces without maximal homogeneous subspaces

A homogeneous space $(X,\tau)$ is a topological space such that for all $x,y\in X$ there is a homeomorphism $\varphi:X\to X$ such that $\varphi(x)=y$. As a previous question implies, the union of an ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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A topological space for which having the ccc is independent of ZFC?

It is well known that a generalized Cantor space $2^A$ is separable if and only if $|A| \leq 2^{\aleph_0}$. This means that one cannot decide in $ZFC$ whether the space $2^{\omega_2}$ is separable or ...
Ramiro de la Vega's user avatar
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Are all monotonically normal manifolds of dimension at least two metrizable?

Alan Dow and Frank Tall recently proved the consistency of the statement Every hereditarily normal manifold of dimension at least two is metrizable. See: Dow, Alan; Tall, Franklin D., Hereditarily ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
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Translates of meager sets

Does there exist a meager set of reals M such that every meager set can be covered by countably many translates of M? This is the category analogue of the following.
Ashutosh's user avatar
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Is $\ell^\infty$ Polishable?

Consider $\ell^\infty$ as a subspace of the Polish space $\mathbb{R}^\omega$. It is easy to check that $\ell^\infty$ is not Polish in the subspace topology, as it is countable union of the compact ...
Iian Smythe's user avatar
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Is a cofinite topology for a set with cardinality between $\aleph_{0}$ and $2^{\aleph_{0}}$ path-connected?

It is easy to show that $\mathbb{N}$ with the cofinite topology is not path connected and that any set with cardinality $\geq 2^{\aleph_0}$ equipped with the cofinite topology is in fact path ...
Noam Zimhoni's user avatar
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Complexity of the set of closed subsets of an analytic set

Let $X$ be a compact Polish space and $K(X)$ the hyperspace of closed subspaces of $X$ with the Vietoris/Hausdorff metric topology. Question: If $A$ is an analytic subset of $X$, what is the ...
Iian Smythe's user avatar
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Covering compact Hausdorff spaces with closed $G_\delta$ sets

I'm thinking about results of the form: Under assumption $A$, if $X$ is a compact Hausdorff space and $C$ is a cover of $X$ by closed $G_\delta$ sets, then there is a subcover of cardinality $\leq\...
James E Hanson's user avatar
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A criterion for second countability

Let $(X,\tau)$ be a topological space. Assume for any arbitrary topological base $\mathcal{E}$ of $\tau$ we have that: the Borel sigma algebras coming form $\mathcal{E}$ and $\tau$ are the same. ...
ABB's user avatar
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A representation of $F_{\sigma\delta}$-ideals?

First some definitions. By $\mathcal P(\mathbb N)$ we denote the family of all subsets of $\mathbb N$ endowed with the metrizable separable topology generated by the countable base consisting of the ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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When does an "$\mathbb{R}$-generated" space have a short description?

The following is a more focused version of the original question; see the edit history if interested. In the original version of the question, five other variants of the "simplicity" ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Strong measure zero sets and selection principles

A set of reals $X$ is strong measure zero if for any sequence of positive real numbers $ ( \epsilon_n ) _{n \in \omega }$ there is a sequence of open intervals $ ( a_n ) _{n \in \omega }$ which ...
Student's user avatar
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Counting copies of a BA within a BA: arbitrarily many vs infinitely many

Informally, I am wondering if a Boolean algebra $\mathcal{B}$ contains infinitely many disjoint copies of a Boolean algebra $\mathcal{A}$ whenever it contains arbitrarily many disjoint copies of $\...
Asher M. Kach's user avatar
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Topological applications of $\mathfrak{p}=\mathfrak{t}$

I'm working on the Malliaris-Shelah's recent result of $\mathfrak{p}=\mathfrak{t}$, but I'm more interested in what possible topological applications can derivate from this equality. Searching in ...
Alexei0709's user avatar
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Universally meager spaces and large cardinals

Definition: (Todorcevic) A subset $A$ of a topological space $X$ is called universally meager if for every Baire space $Y$ and every continuous $f : Y \to X$ which is nowhere constant (not constant on ...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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When can we force two frames to be homeomorphic?

Recall that if $M,N$ are two structures of the same type, then $M$ is $\mathcal{L}_{\infty,\omega}$ elementarily equivalent to $N$ precisely when $M$ and $N$ are isomorphic in some forcing extension. ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
7 votes
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Images of $\{0,1\}^\kappa$

Is there a compact topological space $(X,\tau)$ such that for no cardinal $\kappa$ there is a surjective continuous map $e:\{0,1\}^\kappa \to X$? (We assume that $\{0,1\}$ is endowed with the ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

the example of ccc but not separable

I am interested in the relation between the property of countable chain condition (ccc) and the property of separable. Could someone recommend some papers or books about this to me? thanks in advance.
Paul's user avatar
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Consistency of a strange (choice-wise) set of reals

Consider a set $X\subseteq \mathbb{R}$ such that $X$ is not separable wrt its subspace topology For all $r\in\mathbb{R}$ there exists a sequence $(x_n)_{n\in\omega} \subset X$ converging to $r$ In a ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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A characterisation of well-ordering ?

It is easy to prove that if $E$ is well-ordered, and if $f$ is a strictly increasing map from $E$ to $E$, then, for all $x$ in $E$, $f(x) \ge x$ (just consider the sequence $x$, $f(x)$, $f(f(x))\dots$)...
Feldmann Denis's user avatar
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Totally bounded spaces and axiom of choice

Wikipedia article on totally bounded spaces states "... the completion of a totally bounded space might not be compact in the absence of choice." Where is the axiom of choice used, and do you need it ...
C. Eratosthene's user avatar
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What is an example of a meager space X such that X is concentrated on countable dense set?

A topological space $X$ is concentrated on a set $D$ iff for any open set $G$ if $D\subseteq G$, then $X\setminus G$ is countable. What is an example of a separable metrizable (uncountable) meager (...
Alexander Osipov's user avatar

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