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Consistency strength of Sy Friedman's result about admissibility spectrum

A result by Sy Friedman in his book "fine structure and class forcing", is that, assume $0^\sharp$ exists, there exists a real number R such that the ordinals admissible in R (called $\...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
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Inaccessible cardinals and the perfect set property for coanalytic sets

I am wondering who proved the following fact: ($\ast$) If $\omega_1$ is not inaccessible in $L$, then there is an uncountable coanalytic set of reals without a perfect subset. I have been unable to ...
Trevor Wilson's user avatar
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At which large cardinal property this second order ordinal arithmetic stops?

Language: Second order logic, with as usual predicates written in upper case, and objects in lower case. Let $<$ be a primitive constant binary relation symbol. Equality between objects is ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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When do wide initial segments ruin admissibility?

Suppose $\alpha$ is admissible and $\beta<\alpha$. We know that $L_\alpha$ is an admissible set (by definition), but adding subsets of $\beta$ to $L_\alpha$ might break admissibility: while set ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar