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8 votes
1 answer

Function $\phi$ such that $f(\phi(x,y)) = f(x) + f(y)$

I have a continuous function $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$, and I am looking for a continuous (or at least measurable) function $\phi:\mathbb{R}^{2n}\to\mathbb{R}^n$ such that $f(\phi(x,y))=f(x)+f(y)$....
gmvh's user avatar
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True or false? Every left or right cancellative, duo semigroup is cancellative

A semigroup $S$ is duo if $aS = Sa$ for all $a \in S$, where $aS := \{ax: x \in S\}$ and similarly for $Sa$; for instance, every commutative semigroup is duo, and so is every group. On the other hand, ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

If a semigroup embeds into a group, then is it a subdirect product of groups?

The title has it all: Q. If a semigroup $S$ embeds into a group, then is $S$ (isomorphic to) a subdirect product of groups? If yes, then $S$ is a subdirect product of subdirectly irreducible groups,...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
7 votes
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Is every cancellative semigroup a subdirect product of subdirectly irreducible cancellative semigroups?

By a classical result of Birkhoff (that is, Theorem 2 in [G. Birkhoff, Subdirect unions in universal algebra, Bull. AMS, 1944]) and the trivial fact that the class of semigroups is closed under the ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
8 votes
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Does every cancellative duo semigroup embed into a group?

Prompted by the comments to a recent answer by YCor to a related question (here), I'd like to ask the following: Q. Does every cancellative duo semigroup embed into a group? A (multiplicatively ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
3 votes
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Ordering the elements of a semigroup by $a \le b$ iff $a=b$ or $b=ab=ba$

Let $S$ be a semigroup, written multiplicatively. The binary relation $\le$ on (the underlying set of) $S$, whose graph consists of all pairs $(a,b) \in S \times S$ such that $a = b$ or $b = ab = ba$, ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
1 vote
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Reference about cancellation property for semigroups

Have the semigroups with the following cancellation property been studied? Property: Let $S$ be a semigroup and $x,y\in S$ such that $xz=yz,$ for all $z\in S,$ then $x=y$.
Hector Pinedo's user avatar
3 votes
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Every homomorphism between (rational) Puiseux monoids is multiplication by a non-negative rational

Let a (rational) Puiseux monoid be a non-trivial submonoid of the non-negative rational numbers under (the usual operation of) addition. It is not difficult to show that, if $f \colon H \to K$ is a (...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
2 votes
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A recursive description of the smallest divisor-closed subsemigroup containing a set

Let $S$ be a semigroup and $\widehat{S}$ be its unitization, i.e., the monoid obtained from $S$ by adjoining an identity element if necessary (so that $\widehat{S} = S$ when $S$ is already a monoid). ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
4 votes
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When is semigroup algebra local?

Let $G$ be a finite semigroup (or monoid if that helps) and $K$ a field. Question: When is the semigroup algebra $KG$ local? Here local means that there is a unique maximal right (or left) ideal. ...
Mare's user avatar
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6 votes
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A name for semigroups in which left and right principal ideals coincide

Is there any standard name for semigroups $S$ in which $xS=Sx$ for all $x\in S$? Examples of such semigroups are commutative semigroups and Clifford inverse semigroups.
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Semigroup algebras with one dimensional center

Let $S$ be a finite semigroup and $K$ a field of characteristic 0 (we can assume the complex numbers for simplicity). Question: Is there a characterization when the center of the semigroup algebra $...
Mare's user avatar
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7 votes
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Which monoids have a faithful irreducible representation?

Let $*$ be a binary operation on a set $M$, with an identity element $e\in M$. A monoid representation of $(M,*,e)$ is a map $\delta:M\to (S\to S)$ for some set $S$, such that $\delta(e)=\mathrm{id}_S$...
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
2 votes
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Reference request: a cousin to the log semiring

Let $f$ be strictly increasing on $\mathbb{R}$. Then $x \oplus y := f^{-1}(f(x)+f(y))$ gives rise to a strict symmetric monoidal ($\Rightarrow$ commutative monoid) structure on $(\mathbb{R},\ge)$ with ...
Steve Huntsman's user avatar
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A minimal semigroup generating subset of the additive reals

I asked this on MSE, but I was told to ask it here because it is a difficult question. Consider the additive magma of the real numbers, $(\mathbb{R};+)$. Does there exist a subset $S$ of the reals ...
user107952's user avatar
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Algebraic proof that the monoid ring of a torsion-free monoid is reduced

In what follows, I say that a monoid $M$ is torsion-free if the $n$-th power map is injective for all $n \geq 1$. I have a proof of the following result: Claim: if $M$ is a torsion-free commutative ...
Moinsdeuxcat's user avatar
18 votes
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Are there any "simple" monoids with intermediate growth?

The discovery of the Grigorchuk group which has intermediate growth caused a number of other such groups to be found, but they are all fairly complicated, and as far as I know none of them are ...
saolof's user avatar
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Is the monoid of all cancellative finitely generated commutative monoids cancellative?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Mon{Mon}\DeclareMathOperator\Grp{Grp}$Let $\Mon'$ be the set of isomorphism classes of (small) commutative, unital, cancellative ($a + t = b + t$ implies $a = b$) monoids. It is ...
Leo Herr's user avatar
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Embedding a monoid into a group via its monoid ring

Suppose I have a monoid $(M,\, \cdot,\, e)$ equipped with a monoid homomorphism $\textrm{length} : M \rightarrow \mathbb{N}_+$ into the monoid of natural numbers under addition where $e$ is the only ...
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6 votes
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Automorphisms of special egg-box diagrams

By a egg-box diagram I will simply mean a (possibly infinite) rectangular array of holes, with some of the holes containing an egg (denoted by a filled-in circle) and the rest of the holes are empty (...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
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On skew monoid rings and skew ordered series rings

To my knowledge (see, e.g., H.H. Brungs and G. Törner's Skew Power Series Rings and Derivations [J. Algebra 87 (1984), 368-379]), skew polynomial rings were first introduced by Ø. Ore in 1933: Given ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
8 votes
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Functions over monoids which factor in two different ways

This is a follow-up question to this MO question, which was asked by Richard Stanley in a comment to my answer there. Let $S$ be a commutative monoid and $f(x_1, \dots, x_n)$ be a function from $S^n$ ...
Tony Huynh's user avatar
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Matrix decompositions as monoid isomorphisms. Ever considered before?

I've noticed some correspondences between some matrix decompositions and monoid isomorphisms (always to some free commutative monoid), in addition to the one I asked about in a previous question: ...
wlad's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What are some examples of non-commutative $\mathbb{Q}$-monoids and/or $\mathbb{R}$-monoids?

Definition 0. Let $R$ denote a commutative semiring with $0$ and $1$. By an $R$-monoid, I mean a monoid $M$ equipped with an action $R \times M \rightarrow M$ denoted $r,m \mapsto m^r$, satisfying the ...
goblin GONE's user avatar
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Ternary associative multiplication

In this answer Brian M. Scott describes the following generalization of a binary associative multiplication to a ternary one: it is a function $$[\cdot,\cdot,\cdot] : G\times G \times G \to G$$ such ...
Anton Fetisov's user avatar
5 votes
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Questions on weakly symmetric algebras

A finite dimensional algebra $A$ over a field $K$ is called weakly symmetric in case $soc(P)=top(P)$ for every indecomposable projective module $P$ and it is called symmetric in case $D(A) \cong A$ as ...
Mare's user avatar
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Semigroup ideals of a ring or an algebra

Let $R$ be a ring or an algebra. Suppose $B\subseteq R$ satisfies the property $BR \subseteq B$ and $RB\subseteq B$. Is there a general theory of subsets with this property in a ring (resp. algebra) ...
Onur Oktay's user avatar
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Motivation and reference for Brauer algebras

I am looking for a good reference and motivation for Brauer monoid and Brauer algebras. Kindly help me with some suggestions. Thanks.
Learner's user avatar
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Values attained by the coheight of $(H \setminus H^\times)^k$ as a function of $H$ and $k$

Edit (Apr 24, 2017). I'm updating this post in the light of the latest developments of a related thread. Let $H$ be a multiplicatively written, commutative monoid, and set $M := H \setminus H^\times$,...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
2 votes
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Terminology for a ring where every right cancellable element is cancellable

Is there any standard terminology for a ring in which every right cancellable element is cancellable (or equivalently, every left zero divisor is a zero divisor)? I'm aware of some people going for ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
4 votes
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Is the group ring of an amenable group, viewed as multiplicative monoid, amenable?

Motivated by this question, it seems natural to ask the following: Question 1: Is there a [finitely generated discrete] torsion-free virtually Abelian (but not Abelian) group $G$ so that the ...
ARG's user avatar
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Has this theorem on cancellative monoid actions been discovered and published?

Does a statement equivalent to Theorem 3 below appear in the literature? If it does, what is the earliest published reference? Theorem 1. Let $W$ be a non-trivial cancellative invertible-free [1] ...
David Pokorny's user avatar
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More vocabulary for periodic elements in monoids

Let $M$ be a monoid, and let $x\in M$. One says that $x$ is periodic if $$x^{i+j}=x^j$$ for some integers $i\geq 1$ and $j\geq 0$. An easy division algorithm argument shows that if $m$ is the ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
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Is every invertible-free cancellative monoid action represented by "shifting" certain maps?

[Note: This question is closed. It's current content reflects a draft of a potential new question, modified from the original by adding conditions to the premises; see comments] Let $W,X$ be ...
David Pokorny's user avatar
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Do you know rings without involutions, auto-anti-isomorphics? In that case, what is the minimal example?

Do you know rings without involutions, but auto-anti-isomorphic (isomorphic to their opposite)? In that case, what is the minimal example? If a ring has an involution f, then f is an anti-automorphism;...
José María Grau Ribas's user avatar
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Free monoids on posets

I've suddenly found myself working with some free monoids $F(S)$ in which the set $S$ is a poset, and the order extends to an order $F(S)$, satisfying if (but not only if) $s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_r, t_1, ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

On the notion of partial semigroup

A partial binary operation on a set $X$ is just a (partial) function $\varphi: X \times X \rightharpoonup X$ (I'm using \rightharpoonup for partial maps), and a partial magma is a pair $\mathbb M = (M,...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
1 vote
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First isomorphism theorem for inverse semigroups together with v-prehomomorphisms?

In this old paper D. B. McAlister has introduced another class of morphisms for inverse semigroups, called v-prehomomorphisms. For such a morphism $\theta : S \to T,$ instead of preserving the ...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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21 votes
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Extending $\Bbb N$ to a semiring with isomorphic additive and multiplicative structure

Seen $(\Bbb N,+,\cdot)$ as a semiring, is it possible to extend it to a semiring $(R,+,\cdot)$ so that the additive and multiplicative monoids become isomorphic? This means there is some monoid-...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Classification of associative polynomial functions

What is known about a classification of associative (binary) polynomial functions? First of all, it is interesting in two cases: over Integral domain (or even over field) and over ring of integers ...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar
7 votes
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Pushouts of injective monoid homomorphisms

Given a pushout square in the category of monoids $$\begin{array}{ccc}A & \rightarrow & M \\ \downarrow && \downarrow \\ N & \rightarrow & P\end{array}$$such that $A \to M$ and ...
HeinrichD's user avatar
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Quotient of monoids and monoid algebras

Let $ X $ be a monoid and $ R $ be a (two-sided) congruence relation on $ X $ which is generated by some relations $ u_i \equiv_R v_i $ for any $ i $ in some index set $ J $. Let $ K $ be a field, $ K[...
diddy's user avatar
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3 answers

Examples of cancellative normal semigroups

I've got a couple of things to test against normality in cancellative semigroups. A normal semigroup $S$ is one in which for any $x\in S$ we have $xS=Sx.$ This implies the Ore condition $$x,y\in S\...
guest's user avatar
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6 votes
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Realizing a monoid as $\mathrm{End}(G)$ for some graph $G$

This question relates to Realizing groups as automorphism groups of graphs. Given a monoid $M$, is there a graph $G$ such that the endomorphism monoid $\textrm{End}(G)$ is isomorphic to $M$?
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Is every cyclic right action of a cancellative invertible-free monoid on a set isomorphic to the set of shifts of some homography?

The terms are defined in a related question. [1] Conjecture 1. Let $A$ be a set, $W$ a cancellative invertible-free monoid, and $\cdot\colon A\times W\rightarrow A$ a cyclic right $W$-action generated ...
David Pokorny's user avatar
16 votes
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Does every commutative variety of algebras have a cogenerator?

By a commutative variety $\mathcal{V}$ I mean a classical variety of algebras for some $(\Sigma,E)$, such that each pair of operations in $\Sigma$ commutes. Equivalently (i) every interpretation of ...
Rob Myers's user avatar
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Is the class of inverse semigroups globally determined?

This question is a follow-up to this one I asked on math.stackexchange. I've decided to ask here because I believe this is a research-level question. I'm sorry if I'm wrong -- I'm not a researcher ...
Michał Masny's user avatar
5 votes
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Subsets of $\mathbb{R}^+$ closed under addition

No one's answered the question cumulant problem so here's a simpler question: Has anyone described or catalogued all sets of non-negative real numbers that are closed under addition? In particular, ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
10 votes
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A flatness result of Fiedorwicz for amalgamated free products of monoids in connection with classifying spaces of monoids

In Lemma 5.2(a) of Z. Fiedorowicz, Classifying Spaces of Topological Monoids and Categories American Journal of Mathematics Vol. 106, No. 2 (Apr., 1984), pp. 301-350 the author proves the following. ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
2 votes
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Has the "semidirect monoid of a semiring" been considered anywhere?

Given a semiring $S$, we get a monoid $M(S)$ as follows: The underlying set of $S$ is $S^2$ The identity element is $(0,1)$ The law of composition is given by $$(a,A)(b,B) = (Ba+b,AB),$$ where $a,A,b$...
goblin GONE's user avatar
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