Questions tagged [self-similarity]

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Fractal dimension of a self-similar tree

Consider a binary tree constructed as the following. Given a node with a some value $x$, I construct two children nodes each having value $l(x)$ and $r(x)$ respectively. I repeat the same on the ...
CWC's user avatar
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Ramp and Cliff Solutions to the Viscous Burgers Equation: Explicit Formula?

I read an article in which the authors describe an observed phenomenon as being related to the "classical ramp and cliff Burgers solutions''. Those are described as Burgers solutions that behave ...
Gateau au fromage's user avatar
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On self-similar methods of transforming the momentum equation to an ode

I have used the steam functions $u = \psi_{y}$ and $v = -\psi_{x}$ to transform the momentum equations to the following form $$\rho\left(\psi_{y}\psi_{xy} - \psi_{x}\psi_{yy}\right)=-p_{x}+\mu\left(\...
Spoilt Milk's user avatar
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Edgeweight-Conditions for "Statistically Self-similar" Complete Weighted Graphs

Given a complete symmetric weighted graph with $n$ vertices, for such a graph there always exists a minimum spanning tree and, under the assumption of the uniqueness of that tree, the vertex degrees ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Selfsimilar lattices in $\mathbb R^d$

Let $\Lambda\subset \mathbb R^d$ a discrete subgroup, up to diminishing $d$ we assume it is of the form $A\mathbb Z^d$ with $A\in GL(d)$. Up to dilation we assume that the shortest vector in $\Lambda\...
Mircea's user avatar
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Covering lemmas in Hochman's ''On self-similar sets with overlaps and inverse theorems for entropy''

I am confused about the covering lemmas in the captioned work and really hope to get some ideas here. Firstly it is lemma 3.7. (Image of Lemma 3.7) (for convenience here is the lemma of this lemma (...
ericc's user avatar
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Has this self-similar sequence the ratio $(\sqrt2+1)^2$?

This is inspired by a math.SE question, where an infinite sequence of pairwise distinct natural numbers $a_1=1, a_2, a_3, ...$ has been defined as follows: $a_n$ is the smallest number such that $s_n:=...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Why do weak and L metric topology for measures coincide?

Let $(X,d)$ be a complete metric space, $$M^1 := \{\mu: \mu \mbox{ is a Borel regular measures having bounded support and } \mu(X) = 1\},$$ and $$BC(X) := \{f : f:X\rightarrow \mathbb{R} \mbox{ is ...
ericc's user avatar
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Is the Mandelbrot set weakly self-similar?

A subset $F$ of an Euclidean space $E$ will be called weakly self-similar if for all $x \in F$ there is $\epsilon_x>0$ such that for all positive $\epsilon \le \epsilon_x$ there are $y \in F$, $\...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Relationship between the Hurst exponent and the alpha parameter

I have a question about the relationship between the Hurst exponent $H$ and the $\alpha$ parameter in the autocorrelation function when long memory is present. As we know in this case the decay of the ...
ggajardo's user avatar
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Critical set of a self similar structure

A self similar structure is a triple $L=(K, S, \{F_i\})$ where $K$ is a compact metric space, $S$ is a finite set and for every $i\in S$ the functions $F_i:K\rightarrow K $ are injective and ...
YTS's user avatar
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Fundamental system of neighborhoods. Self similar set

I have been reading the text Analysis on Fractals of Jun Kigami. There is a theorem about the fundamental system of neighborhoods of a point in a self similar set. It is stated as follows Let $\...
YTS's user avatar
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Sizes and shapes of Dedekind cuts

My geometric intuition has failed to tell me that there are different sizes and shapes of Dedekind cuts. I realized it in the course of writing this answer only by doing algebra. If we define a ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar