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Is there a version of 3-SAT that is NP-complete but grows like $2^n$ instead of $2^{n \choose 3}$?

If I have $n$ variables and I want to write down all 3-SAT problems, the number of problems is $2^{8{n \choose 3}}$, since each clause has 3 variables and each variable can be negated or not. But ...
Logan 's user avatar
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Lower bound on the number of solutions of 2SAT

To compute the number of solutions of a 2SAT is a hard problem. Is there some nontrivial lower or upper bound on this number in terms of a “coarse-grained” description of the Boolean formula, for ...
Alm's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Representing mathematical statements as SAT instances

The following problem (call it THEOREMS) belongs to class NP. Input: Mathematical statement $S$ (written in some formal system such as ZFC) and positive integer $n$ written in unary. Output: "Yes" if ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Generating 3SAT circuit for Integer factorization example

I read somewhere that 3SAT can be used to solve Integer Factorization. If that is true, could someone teach me a simple example of generating the 3SAT by using a small number? Let's say you are given ...
Jane's user avatar
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SAT and Arithmetic Geometry

This is an agglomeration of several questions, linked by a single observation: SAT is equivalent to determining the existence of roots for a system of polynomial equations over $\mathbb{F}_2$ (note ...
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