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Group Representations and Holomorphic Vectors Bundles over Homogeneous Spaces (extending Borel--Weil)

For a flag manifold $F$ of a group $G$, the Borel--Weil theorem deals with representations of $G$ on the holomorphic sections of the line bundles over $F$. Let us consider a general framework than ...
Jean Delinez's user avatar
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Spaces of matrices with same eigenvalue/Great circles in O(n)-orbits

Let $Sym^2(V)$ be the set of symmetric matrices of a real $n$-dimensional vector space $V$. Given an element $\underline{\lambda}=[\lambda_1,\ldots \lambda_n]\in \mathbb{RP}^n$, where $\lambda_1\leq\...
CuriousUser's user avatar
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classifying space and cohomology of integer general linear group

I have obtained that the classifying space $$ BGL(\mathbb{R}^n)=BO(\mathbb{R}^n)=G_n(\mathbb{R}^\infty) $$ is the Grassmannian. I have also obtained that the mod 2 cohomology is the polynomial ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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Complete classification of six dimensional non-semi simple Lie algebra

I would aim to know the complete classification of 6 dimensional non-semi simple Lie algebra (here the dimension stands for the generators; or the dimension $\leq 6$). In this paper, in page 7, it ...
cycles's user avatar
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Infinite dimensional unitary representations of SU(2) for non-half-integer j?

The finite dimensional irreducible unitary representations of $SU(2)$ are labelled by $j$ which needs to be half-integer, the dimension of the representation is $2j+1$. This is well-known, all is good....
Daniel's user avatar
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Question on irreducible representation of tensor products

Question: Suppose that $V_1$ and $V_2$ are two finite dimensional representations of lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ generated by highest weight vectors $v_1^*$ and $v_2^*$ of weights $\mu_1$ and $\mu_2$ ...
James's user avatar
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"geometric" description of the algebra of central functions on a Lie group

I am looking for a a description of the algebra of continuous central functions on a group, say a compact simple Lie group $G$, as the algebra of all continuous functions on a "nice" compact Hausdorff ...
Uwe Franz's user avatar
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Weyl's Branching Rule for $SU(N)$-Setting

On the Wikipedia page for restricted representations there is presented a number of explicit "branching rules". In particular, there is the ...
Nadia SUSY's user avatar
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Reg the motivation behind Lusztig-Vogan bijection

Let $G$ be an algebraic group. Choose a Borel subgroup $B$ and a maximal Torus $T \subset B$. Let $\Lambda$ be the set of weights wrt $T$ and let $\mathfrak{g}$ be the lie algebra of $G$. Now, ...
Aswin's user avatar
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Relationship between parabolic subgroups and parabolic subalgebras over non-algebraically-closed fields

Let $\mathbb{K}$ be an arbitrary field, and $G$ an algebraic group (or group variety?) over this field. A Borel subgroup of $G$ is a connected solvable subgroup variety $B$ of $G$ such that $G/B$ is ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Orbit structure of linear representations of complex Lie groups

Let $G$ be a semisimple complex Lie group (or perhaps a reductive algebraic group over $\mathbb{C}$) and $V$ an irreducible finite-dimensional representation of $G$, determined by its highest weight. ...
Jake Smith's user avatar
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Equivariant Cohomology of a Complex Projective Variety

Suppose that I have a complex projective variety $X$ endowed with an algebraic action of a complex torus $T$. Suppose also that the set $X^T$ of fixed points is finite. I would like to relate the ...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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Non-standard partial orders on root systems

Let $\frak{g}$ be a semisimple complex Lie algebra and let $\Delta$ be its associated root system with $\{\alpha_1, \dotsc, \alpha_l\}$ a choice of positive roots. As we all know - $\Delta$ admits a ...
Didier de Montblazon's user avatar
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Density of matrix coefficients of unitary representations of a locally compact group

Let $G$ be a locally compact group, $C_0(G)$ the $C^*$-algebra of continuous functions on $G$ that vanish at infinity, $C_b(G)$ the $C^*$-algebra of bounded continuous functions on $G$. We know that $...
Rick Sternbach's user avatar
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Coordinate-free description of an alternating trilinear form on pure octonions

Let $O$ denote the division algebra of octonions over $\Bbb R$, and write $V$ for the 7-dimensional quotient space $O/{\Bbb R}$. The compact group $G_2:={\rm Aut}(O)$ naturally acts on $V$, and ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Ideal of the boundary of $G/U \subset \overline{G/U}$

Let $G$ be a semi simple algebraic group, $B \subset G$ is a Borel subgroup and $U \subset B$ is the unipotent radical of $B$. We can consider the variety $G/U$. Let us also denote $\overline{G/U}:=\...
Vas's user avatar
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If $N_G(S)/Z_G(S)$ is a reflection group, is it a Weyl group?

Let $G$ be a compact, connected Lie group and $S$ a torus in $G$ not assumed maximal. Then conjugation in $G$ induces a faithful representation of $N = N_G(S)/Z_G(S)$ in the Lie algebra $\mathfrak s$ ...
jdc's user avatar
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Borel–Weil theorem - reference request

I am asking about good references (both books and papers) for the well-known Borel–Weil theorem. Thank you very much!
314159.'s user avatar
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Dimensions of Jordan blocks associated to representations

Given a linear representation $\rho$ of $SL_n(\mathbb C)$ of finite dimension $m$, the image $\rho(U)$ of a maximal unipotent Jordan block $U\in SL_n$ decomposes into generally several Jordan blocks ...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
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Analogue of the special orthogonal group for singular quadratic forms

The special orthogonal group $SO(n)$ is the subgroup of the special linear group $SL(n)$ of $n\times n$ matrices with determinant one that preserve a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form. If such a ...
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Fell's trick for Lie groups

Let $\Gamma$ be a countable discrete group and $\lambda$ the left regular representation of $\Gamma$ on $l^2(\Gamma)$. Let $\rho:\Gamma\rightarrow U(H)$ be a unitary representation of $\Gamma$ on some ...
geometricK's user avatar
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Does there always exist an irreducible representation occurring with multiplicity one when inducing from a closed subgroup to a compact Lie group?

Edit 2: Please note the new, more specific version of the question: Does there always exist an irreducible representation occurring with multiplicity one when inducing from $M=Z_K(A)$ to $K$? Let $K$ ...
B K's user avatar
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Kostant's $G$-invariant part in the sym power ring of adjoint representation?

Let $g$ be a Lie algebra, say $sl_n(\mathbb C)$. It is considered as the adjoint representation of $G=SL_n(\mathbb C)$. A famous theorem of Kostant from "Lie Group Representations on Polynomial ...
7-adic's user avatar
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References on standard monomial theory

I am interested in learning about standard monomial theory and Seshadri's program. I find the topic interesting, but I could not yet find a resource which kind of "dumbs it down" enough (a ...
Malkoun's user avatar
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Table of products for Lie algebra inner product of roots and weights

For a simple Lie algebra $\frak{g}$, it is usual to scale the inner product so that the shortest simple root has length $2$. With this conventions, where can I find a table (online) of the following ...
Max Schattman's user avatar
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Irreducible representations of Sp(2)

I am looking for an explicit description of the finite dimensional irreducible representations of the classical Lie group $\text{Sp}(2) = \{A\in M_2(\mathbb{H})\,|\,A\overline{A}^T = I\}$. I can ...
fretty's user avatar
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Intersections of $B$ and $B^-$ orbits in the flag variety $G/B$

Let $G = SL_n(\mathbb{C})$, $B$ be a Borel subgroup, and $B^-$ be the opposite Borel. Both the $B$ and $B^-$ orbits on the flag variety $G/B$ are indexed by the Weyl group $W$. Let $S_{w_1}$ and $S^-...
Qiao's user avatar
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Measurable representations of semi simple Lie groups

Let $G$ be a semi simple Lie group. I'm particularly interested in $SL(n,\mathbb{R})$. It is proved in I. E. Segal and J. von Neumann, A theorem on unitary representations of semisimple Lie groups, ...
Sean's user avatar
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"Plucker" embedding of G/N, for reductive group G, affinization of quasiaffine varieties

I'll use "affinization" to describe the natural map of schemes $X \rightarrow \text{Spec}(\Gamma(X, \mathcal{O}_X))$. For quasi-affine varieties $X$ this is an open embedding. Let $G$ be a reductive ...
math no more's user avatar
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Stabilizers for nilpotent adjoint orbits of semisimple groups

Let $G$ be a connected, simply-connected, complex, semisimple Lie group with Lie algebra $\frak{g}$. Suppose that $X\in\frak{g}$ is a nilpotent element (i.e. that $ad_X:\frak{g}\rightarrow\frak{g}$ is ...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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Nilpotent Lie Algebras

Let $\frak{g}$ be a finite-dimensional complex nilpotent Lie algebra. Given $\xi\in\frak{g}$, what is known about the intersection of $im(ad_{\xi})$ (the image of $ad_{\xi}:\frak{g}\rightarrow\frak{g}$...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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Explicit Jacquet-Langlands correspondence for real reductive groups

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over $\mathbb R$. Let $G'$ over $\mathbb R$ be an inner form of $G$ with ${}^LG={}^LG'$. By local Langlands correspondence over $\mathbb R$, if a $L$-packet of $...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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What are the maximal closed subgroups of $ \operatorname{SU}_3 $?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$What are the maximal closed subgroups of $ \SU_3 $? This question is inspired by Lie subgroups of SU(3). Interesting partial answers to that ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Special linear groups contained in symplectic groups

Let $q$ be a power of prime $p$, and $n, m, k$ positive integers such that $mk=2n$ and $2\leq m<2n$. Let $\mathrm{Sp}(2n,q)$ be the symplectic group of dimension $2n$ over $\mathrm{GF}(q)$ and $\...
Huangjun Zhu's user avatar
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Other than SU(3), SO(4), SU(2)xU(1), are there compact semisimple Lie groups which exactly two 3-dimensional representations that are dual to each other?

In my original question, I asked which compact Lie groups $G$ have a certain property. Jim and Dan showed that this property is equivalent to $G$ having exactly two irreducible 3-dimensional ...
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Finite dimensional homogeneous spaces of $Diff(S^1)$

This question is a refined version of Representations of infinite dimensional Lie algebras as vector fields on manifolds I'm interested in the finite dimensional homogeneous spaces of $Diff(S^1)$. ...
H. Arponen's user avatar
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Tensoring irreducible $B$-series representations/ Type B Littlewood-Richardson

When tensoring finite dimensional representations of the Lie algebra ${\frak sl}_n$, we have an explicit algorithm given in terms of Young diagrams. See Section 4 of this paper. Do there exist ...
Pierre Dubois's user avatar
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Clebsch–Gordan decomposition for $\mathrm{SU}(2)$, in indices

Let $\pi_m$, $m \geq 0$, be the unitary irreps of $\mathrm{SU}(2)$. The Clebsch–Gordan decomposition then gives that $$ \pi_m \otimes \pi_n = \bigoplus_{k=0}^{\min(m,n)}\pi_{m+n-2k}.$$ But suppose I ...
onamoonlessnight's user avatar
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Principal series representations of $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$: introductory textbooks [duplicate]

I am interested in introductory books/papers/reports about the (unitary) representation theory of $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$, with particular emphasis on the principal series representations. My background: I ...
EM90's user avatar
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Irreducible representations containing simple actions of $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{C})$

Let $G$ be a complex semisimple Lie group and let $\rho: G \longrightarrow \mathrm{SL}(n,\mathbb{C})$ be a faithful irreducible representation of $G$ with $n \geq 3$. Suppose that $G$ contains a copy ...
Selim G's user avatar
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Closed form for 3j-symbol ratios

I am working on the spherical harmonic decomposition of cosmic microwave background maps, therefore I often deal with functions that are proportional to Wigner 3J symbols/Clebsch–Gordan ...
coccoinomane's user avatar
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Equivariant $K$-theory, singular vectors, and flag manifolds

For a homogeneous space $M = G/B$, with $G$ a (complex) semi-simple Lie group, it is very well-known that equivariant vector bundles $E$ over $M$ correspond to representations $(V_{\lambda},\lambda)$ ...
Jean Delinez's user avatar
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classification for coadjoint orbits of lower or upper triangular matrices

Is there any classification for coadjoint orbits of lower or upper triangular matrices in general case $n\times n$. Is there any reference?
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Finite order automorpisms of affine Kac-Moody Lie algebras

It is known that for a finite order automorphism $\phi$ of a complex semisimple Lie algebra $L$, the fixed point subalgebra $L^{\phi}$ is a reductive Lie algebra and the centralizer of a Cartan ...
jack lingre's user avatar
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What is the name of the real form corresponding to the quaternionic symmetric space?

Let $G$ be a compact simple Lie group. Choose a system of positive roots, and let $\mathrm{SU}(2) \subset G$ correspond to the highest root, and $\mathbb{Z}/2 \subset \mathrm{SU}(2)$ the centre. The ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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canonical action of symmetric groups on orthogonal groups

There is a canonical faithful orthogonal representation of the symmetric group $S_{n+1}$, for $n\geq 1$: $$ S_{n+1}\to O(n) $$ given as follows. (1). I regard $O(n)$ as the isometry group of the unit ...
Shi Q.'s user avatar
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Can we prove that there are countably many isomorphism classes of compact Lie groups without the classification of simple Lie algebras?

This is an old math.SE question of mine that was never answered: It is a nontrivial fact that there are only countably many isomorphism classes of compact Lie groups. One can prove this by a series ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
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Finite maximal closed subgroups of Lie groups

Cross-posted from MSE $\newcommand{\G}{\mathcal{G}} \newcommand{\K}{\mathcal{K}} \DeclareMathOperator\SU{...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Definition of a Dirac operator

So it seems that a Dirac operator acting on spinors on $\psi=\psi(\mathfrak{su}(2),\mathbb{C}^2)$ can be written in this case simply as: $D=\sum_{i,j} E_{ij}\otimes e_{ji}$, where $E_{ij}$ are ...
CristinaSardon's user avatar
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Regular functions on nilpotent orbits and their covers

Let $G$ be a complex semisimple algebraic group with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. In 1989 McGovern described the structure (as $G$-module) of the ring of regular functions on a finite cover of the ...
quantum's user avatar
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