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Invariants for $SO_n \backslash \mathfrak{gl}_n / SO_n$

Is there a nice theorem about the algebra of invariants $\mathbb{C}[\mathfrak{gl}_n]^{SO_n \times SO_n}$, where the action is by left and right multiplication? I'm hoping for something along the lines ...
user44191's user avatar
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how to view homology of affine Grassmannian as a subring of symmetric function

Let $G=SL_n$, it is proven that $R:=H_*(Gr_G)\cong \mathbb{C}[\sigma_1,...,\sigma_{n-1}]$ where $\sigma_i$ are of degree $2i$ as a polynomial ring generated by $n-1$ variables and the ring structure ...
Ben's user avatar
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Integral of product of Schur functions

Schur functions are irreducible characters of the unitary group $\mathcal{U}(N)$. This implies the integration formulae $$ \int_{\mathcal{U}(N)}s_\lambda(AUA^\dagger U^\dagger)dU=\frac{|s_\lambda(A)|^...
Marcel's user avatar
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Lagrangian Grassmannian from an Involution

I don't know if this is already answered somewhere in MO. The dynkin involution of $SL_{2n}$ that is $\alpha_i \mapsto \alpha_{2n-i}$ gives an outer automorphism of $SL_{2n}$ and then the maximal ...
Mark's user avatar
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Derivation of Blattner's conjecture in the Beilinson-Bernstein picture

On the last page of Schmid's article "Discrete Series", he says "In the Beilinson-Bernstein picture, discrete series modules are attached to closed $K$-orbits in $X$... the $K_{\mathbb ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
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Third homology of simply connected Chevalley–Demazure group schemes

I’ve been studying the group of $\mathbb{Z}$-points of the simply connected Chevalley–Demazure group scheme of type $E_7$, denoted $G_{\text{sc}}(E_7,\mathbb{Z})$; see Vavilov and Plotkin - Chevalley ...
Noah B's user avatar
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Each simple real Lie algebra as a representation of its maximal compact subalgebra

I am interested in a detailed description of the Cartan decomposition of each type of simple, real, finite-dimensional Lie algebra. (This is essentially a question about the classification of simple, ...
Greg Kuperberg's user avatar
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Fake degrees: why coinvariant algebra and classical groups over finite fields?

Apologies if this is not research level math (in that it concerns well-known stuff), but I am having trouble tracking down sources that explain the following. References would be very appreciated. ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Representation rings of exceptional Lie groups

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group and let $R(G)$ denote its complex representation ring. If $G$ is simply connected, such as $G_2$, $F_4$ or $E_8$, then it is known that $R(G)$ is a polynomial ring [F. ...
Rasmus's user avatar
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Lattices in $SL(n,\mathbb R)$

If $\Gamma\subseteq SL(n,\mathbb{R})$ is a lattice (i.e. discrete and finite covolume), does $\Gamma$ necessarily contain some $\mathbb{R}$-diagonalizable copy of $\mathbb{Z}^{n-1}$? I know that the ...
ALB's user avatar
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Reference Request: Structure constants for G2

Let $G$ be a split semisimple real Lie group in characteristic zero, and let $B=TU$ be a Borel subgroup with unipotent radical $U$ and Levi $T$. Fix an ordering on the roots $\Phi^+$ of $T$ in $U$, ...
D_S's user avatar
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Meaning of the coadjoint representation and its orbits

Given a Lie group $G$ there is a natural representation of $G$ on the dual of its Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}^*$ given by the coadjoint representation. This representation is obtained by differentiating ...
Jannik Pitt's user avatar
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Fundamental representations and weight space dimension

For the Lie algebra $\frak{sl}_n$, its fundamental representations can be realised as the exterior powers of the first fundamental representation. From this we can see that their weight spaces are all ...
Pierre Dubois's user avatar
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$C^\infty$-vectors in general representations of Lie groups on locally convex spaces

This question is related to this one. Let $G$ be a real Lie group (I should emphasize I only care about ordinary Lie groups, not Lie groups modeled on locally convex spaces or anything like that). In ...
Keenan Kidwell's user avatar
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Is the group of integer points of a simple real linear algebraic group a maximal closed subgroup?

Let $ G $ be a simple linear algebraic group. Let $ G_\mathbb{R} $ be the real points of $ G $. Let $ G_\mathbb{Z} $ be the integer points of $ G $. Is $ G_\mathbb{Z} $ a maximal closed subgroup? In ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Multiplication in Peter-Weyl theorem

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$It is known that the coordinate algebra $\mathcal O(\SL_n(\mathbb C))$ decomposes as direct sum of $V \otimes V^*$ for $V$ finite-dimensional irreducible representations ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Polynomial invariants for simple algebraic groups

Let $G$ be a simple complex algebraic group. Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional algebraic representation of $G$. Thus, we can write $V=V_1\oplus \cdots \oplus V_n$ where $V_i$'s are irreducible ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Extension of the Weyl dimension formula

Let $G$ be a compact semisimple group and let $\Gamma$ be a finite subgroup of $G$. I am interested, for $(\pi,V)\in \widehat G$ (irred rep of $G$), in a formula for $\mathrm{dim} V^\Gamma$, the ...
emiliocba's user avatar
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Closures of torus orbits in flag varieties

Consider the Lie group $G=SL_n(\mathbb C)$ with Borel subgroup $B$ and maximal torus $T\subset B$. I'm interested in the (Zariski) closures of $T$-orbits in the flag variety $F=G/B$. Now, as far as I ...
Igor Makhlin's user avatar
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Learning representation theory of real reductive lie groups

I am interested in any sources that can be helpful for learning the representation theory of real reductive groups. I am currently reading Wallach book, but I feel that I don't understand the subject ...
9 votes
2 answers

Signed permutations in $ \operatorname{SO}(n) $ and normalizing an extraspecial group

$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}\DeclareMathOperator\O{O}\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}\DeclareMathOperator\Lift{Lift}$The subgroup of $ \SO(n) $ of signed permutations has order $ n!2^{n-1} $. I will call ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Characters of irreducible unitary representations of the Poincaré group

Consider Poincare group $\mathrm{ISO}(1,d-1)$, given by $\mathbb R^{1,d-1}\rtimes SO(1,d-1)$ in signature $(1,d-1)$, for some odd $d \geq 3$. Denote the universal cover of the component connected to ...
jj_p's user avatar
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Algorithmically handling the Spin groups in larg(ish) dimensions

Question: Is there a reasonably efficient algorithmic representation of $\mathit{Spin}_n$? By this I mean, a way to store its elements and operate on them (multiply, inverse, maybe compute ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Young tableaux for exceptional Lie algebras

Irreducible representations for the $A$-series Lie algebras are labelled Young diagrams, with a basis of each given by Young tableaux. Moreover, analogues exist for the $B,C$, and $D$ series. Does ...
Nadia SUSY's user avatar
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Triple product formula on $K = \mathrm{SU}(2)$

Let $K = \mathrm{SU}(2) = \{ k[\alpha ,\beta] \mid \alpha ,\beta \in \mathbb{C}, |\alpha |^2 + |\beta |^2 = 1 \} $ with $$ k [ \alpha , \beta ] = \begin{pmatrix} \alpha & \beta \\ - \...
Misaka 16559's user avatar
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Relationship between Harish-Chandra Schwartz space and more generic Schwartz spaces

If $G$ is a connected semisimple Lie group with finite center, Harish-Chandra defined a Schwartz space of rapidly decreasing functions on $G$ as the space of $\mathrm{C}^\infty$ functions defined by ...
Cameron Zwarich's user avatar
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Intertwiners and Clebsch-Gordan coefficients

Consider two unitary irreducible representations on vector spaces $V_1$ and $V_2$ of a Lie group $G$. For $G$ is compact and $V_1$ and $V_2$ finite dimensional there is a unique decomposition of $V_1 \...
fanfare's user avatar
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Mappings of the sphere (to itself) defined by homogeneous polynomials

Preamble $\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$Let $\mathbb{S}^m\subset \mathbb{R}^{m+1}$ be the standard unit sphere. An observation of Do Carmo and Wallach states that If $G$ is a subgroup of $\SO(m+1)$ ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
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Non-algebraic representations of $\text{SL}_n(\mathbb{R})$

My question is easily stated: are all continuous finite-dimensional real representations of $\text{SL}_n(\mathbb{R})$ algebraic representations? This is false if you drop the word "continuous" (e.g. ...
Tina's user avatar
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Can semisimple orbits be written $\exp(\mathfrak{g})\cdot x$?

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a complex semisimple Lie algebra and let $G$ be its adjoint group. If $x\in\mathfrak{g}^{rs}$ is a regular semisimple element, is its orbit $$G\cdot x=\{\mathrm{Ad}_gx:g\in G\}$$ ...
Simon Parker's user avatar
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Branching rules for compact Lie groups

Let $G$ be a compact connected Lie group, and let $H\subset G$ be a closed subgroup. For an irreducible representation $\pi:G\to\mathrm{End}_\mathbb{C}(V)$ of $G$ ($\dim\pi<\infty$) I want to know ...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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4 answers

"Why" is every polynomial representation of SL(2) selfdual?

Given a field $K$ of characteristic $0$. It seems to me that every finite-dimensional polynomial representation of $\mathrm{SL}_2\left(K\right)$ is self-dual (i. e., isomorphic to its dual). In fact, ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
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Lie algebras to classify Lie groups

What does the classification of Complex Semi-simple Lie algebras buy us in terms of classifying Lie groups? Certainly it classifies complex semi-simple lie groups but can we get any better? I know we ...
Travis 's user avatar
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Complex Lie group without faithful real representations?

Does there exist a complex analytic Lie group which doesn't have faithful representations in $GL(N,\mathbb R)$, viewed as a real Lie group? There are examples of complex Lie groups which do not allow ...
mathreader's user avatar
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reference containing the list of irreducible finite dimensional representation of real general linear group

It seems that it is not easy to find a reference containing a classification and construction of finite dimensional irreducible representations of $GL_n(\mathbb{R})$. One way to look at it is via $(\...
user1832's user avatar
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Does $SU(N)$ have pseudo-real representation?

For $N\ge 2$, does $SU(N)$ have a non-real pseudo-real irreducible representation? (The adjoint representation of $SU(N)$ is real). A (complex, finite-dimensional) representation $R:SU(N)\to GL_n(\...
Learner's user avatar
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Representation theory of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{Z})$

I want to understand the (complex) representation theory of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{Z})$, the general linear group of the integers. I have gone through several representation theory texts but all of ...
Kenji's user avatar
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number of irreducible representations over general fields

For a finite group, there are finitely many irreducible representations of complex numbers. What if the field is changed to some other fields? Like real numbers, p-adic field, finite field? In ...
natura's user avatar
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Multiplicity one theorem

I am reading Dorian Goldfeld's book Automorphic forms and L functions for the groups GL(n,R) (
Wiener Schmidt's user avatar
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Reference request: Models of cuspidal representations of GL(n,k) where k is a finite field

Let $k=\mathbb{F}_q$ where $q$ is a prime power of odd cardinality. Where could I find explicit models of all irreducible cuspidal (complex) representations of $GL_n(k)$ for $n\ge 3$? I understand ...
Q-Zh's user avatar
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Splitting of a Short-Exact Sequence of Lie Groups

Let $G$ be a Lie group (possibly disconnected). Consider the natural short-exact sequence $$1\rightarrow G_0\rightarrow G\rightarrow\pi_0(G)\rightarrow 1,$$ where $G_0$ is the identity component of $G$...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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Which Lie groups have adjoint representations that are bounded away from zero?

Studying stability of certain non-autonomous dynamical systems on Lie groups I have come across the following question: Exactly which finite-dimensional, real Lie groups have adjoint representations ...
Jochen Trumpf's user avatar
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Invariant ring of $\textrm{Sym}^2(\wedge^2\mathbb{R}^4)$ under $\textrm{SO}(4)$

Consider the representation of $\textrm{SO}(4)$ on $\textrm{Sym}^2(\wedge^2\mathbb{R}^4)$ induced by the standard representation of $\textrm{SO}(4)$ on $\mathbb{R}^4$. I am interested in the ring of ...
Hans's user avatar
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Infinite Krull-Schmidt categories?

In a Krull--Schmidt category, if $$ X_{1}\oplus X_{2}\oplus \cdots \oplus X_{r}\cong Y_{1}\oplus Y_{2}\oplus \cdots \oplus Y_{s}, $$ where the $X_{i}$ and $Y_j$ are all indecomposable, then $r = s$, ...
Pierre Dubois's user avatar
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The Quotients $SO(n)/SO(n-1)$, $O(n)/O(n-1)$ and $SO(n)/O(n−1)$

The branching laws for the restricted representation of $SO(n)$ with respect to the subgroup $SO(n-1)$ are discussed in this Wikipedia article. Am I correct in reading from this that any given ...
Lars Pettersen's user avatar
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Weingarten function for unitary group

Studying integration over unitary group I came across this function, the Weingarten function Wg, such that $$ \int_{\mathcal{U}(N)} \prod_{k=1}^{n} U_{i_kj_k} U^*_{m_k r_k} dU=\sum_{\tau,\sigma\in S_n}...
thedude's user avatar
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Is the GL(2,R)-representation of smooth, odd and 0-homogeneous functions on the punctured plane irreducible?

Let me preface this by saying that I have next to no background in representation theory. I come from geometry but the following representations showed up naturally in my work. We let $ V = C^\infty \...
JaSch's user avatar
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Parabolics and simple roots for a special unitary group: reference request

I am looking for a reference where the relative root system, the relative system of simple roots, and parabolic $\Bbb R$-subgroups for the real algebraic group ${\rm SU}(p,q)$ are explicitly computed. ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Relationship between $q$-Weyl dimension formula and $q$-analog of weight multiplicity?

$\DeclareMathOperator\dim{dim}$For a dominant (integral) weight $\lambda$ and any (integral) weight $\mu$ of a simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, Lusztig's $q$-analog of weight multiplicty $K_{\lambda,...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Central extensions of loop groups

Let $LG=\operatorname{Maps}(S^1,G)$ be the loop group of a compact Lie group $G$. I should add some adjectives to $G$, but for sake of simplicity let's just take $G=SU(2)$. There is a central ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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