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generators for derived category

Let $G$ be a algabraic group $G$ over a field $k$. We denote by $D^b(\mathrm{Repr}(G))$ the derived category of finite dimensional representations. Under what kind of assmumptions one has a generating ...
Aleksa's user avatar
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2 - Calabi Yau algebras and bimodule coherence

Let $\Pi:=\Pi(Q)$ be the preprojective algebra of a connected non-Dynkin quiver over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. In H. Minamoto "Ampleness of two-sided tilting complexes", ...
Francesco Vaccarino's user avatar
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Criteria for a finite-dimensional $k$-Algebra to be basic and elementary

I have the following question: Suppose, I have a finite dimensional $k$-Algebra $A$ over an arbitrary field $k$ and a finite dimensional module $M$ that is a generator-cogenerator of mod-$A$. I'm ...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
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Is this a pure monomorphism?

Let $M$ be a representation of a quiver $Q=(V, E)$ by $R$-modules. By $M^{+}$ we mean a representation of $Q^{op}$ with $M^{+}(v)=\mathrm{Hom}(M(v), \frac{Q}{Z})$. One can easily see that there is ...
HHH's user avatar
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"as close to being semisimple as it can possibly be."

I had originally asked this question on math stack exchange but I think maybe it's more appropriate to ask it here. In the paper of Beilinson, Ginzburg and Soergel entitled "Koszul Duality Patterns......
Anette's user avatar
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When is Ext*(M,N) finitely generated as a Ext*(M,M) module?

Let A be a finite dimensional algebra over a field k and M,N a finitely generated A-module. Im searching for examples where the module $ Ext^{o} (M,N) $ is a finitely generated $ Ext^{o}(M,M) $ -...
trew's user avatar
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When does Ext^2 vanish in a category of group representations.

Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group over field $k$ of characteristic zero. It is well known that the category of finite dimensional $k$--linear representations of $G$ is abelian, and that it is ...
Xandi Tuni's user avatar
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Homology in the $A_\infty$ World

This question is turning out to be a little long so let me start off with the headline. Given a differential graded algebra $A$, we can recover $A$ from its homology $HA$ if we know "the" $A_\infty$-...
Steve's user avatar
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Why is the representation dimension of an Artin algebra never equal to 1?

Hi, in 1971 M.Auslander showed that the representation dimension of $A$ is $\neq 1$ for every Artin algebra $A$. Does anybody have a reference paper or book proving this? Is the proof easy and / or ...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
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Proving indecomposability of special modules

I'm reading the following paper: On page 795 and 796 there are the definitions (in a diagrammatical way) of some $A_n$ modules, whereupon $A_n:=k[x,...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
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Question about an exact sequence

Hello, I would be glad, if someone could answer a question concerning the following: On page 5 they show (3)=>(1). The last step is ...
Rolf Schwarz's user avatar
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Representation dimension of a special algebra

Hi, I'm reading the following paper: I've come across a piece of information, which I don't understand, and wanted to ask, if I ...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
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Reference/ elementary proof of a result about projective dimension in group rings

Hello- I've had to use a result that sounds like it should be well-known, but I couldn't find any references, and my proof is rather unsatisfactory. I was hoping someone here could help! The problem ...
user26223's user avatar
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Endomorphismrings of maximal submodules.

The question I am interested in answering is the following: Suppose that for a pair of $d$-dimensional modules $M$ and $N$ over a $k$-algebra ($k$ a field) $R$ we have that $\dim_k \rm{Hom}_R(X,M)\...
Tore Forbregd's user avatar
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Whitehead lemmas in Lie algebra cohomology for non-algebraically closed fields

I read in Weibel's homological algebra that Whitehead's first and second lemmas are true for any characteristic 0 field. I mean the following: Whitehead Lemma(s): Let g be a semisimple Lie algebra ...
user14211's user avatar
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Generators of the derived category

For a ring $R$, which is a finite-dimensional algebra over a field, the category of finite-dimensional, projective, right $R$-modules, $\mathcal{P}_R$ is generated by the indecomposable projective ...
Eitan Chatav's user avatar
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Generalizing Representation Theory of Finite Groups to Module Theory

My question is essentially this: which parts of the representation theory of finite groups are really just applications of module theory, and which are not? Here is an example of each case. Induction ...
lwassink's user avatar
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Can the 'linkages' between equivalent extensions of modules of an algebraic group be taken to have bounded length?

I have a conjecture concerning how "tightly" two equivalent $n$-fold extensions of modules over an algebraic group over a field might be "linked". I suspect that the question has been already ...
Mike Crumley's user avatar
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How to recognize a finite dimensional algebra is Koszul or quadratic?

I have a family of finite dimensional algebras that are directed quasihereditary. I think they might be Koszul algebras and I am wondering what approaches there are to check Koszulness or even ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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An example where finitistic dimension does not equal right global dimension?

The (right) big finitistic dimension of a ring is Findim$(R) =$ sup{proj.dim(M) | $M$ a right $R$-module of finite projective dimension}. The (right) little finitistic dimension findim$(R)$ is the sup ...
David White's user avatar
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Describing the kernel of the exponential map as a homology group

I am reading Deligne: Hodge III, and am puzzled by a certain statement in section 10. If anyone could give a reference or a hint for how to prove this, I would be grateful. Maybe it is obvious and I ...
Andreas Holmstrom's user avatar
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Is there a "correct" general setting for the principle: "tensoring any object with a projective object yields another projective"?

Apparently this principle was first formulated for left modules over the group algebra $A=kG$ of a finite group, where $k$ is a field of characteristic $p>0$ dividing $|G|$. (See Exercise 2 on p. ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
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In which non-gorenstein algebras, are all maximal ideals Gorenstein injective modules?

In which non-gorenstein algebras, are all maximal ideals Gorenstein injective modules? or Are the Gorenstein injective dimensions of all maximal ideals finite?
Luo Rong's user avatar
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Koszul duality and modules over the Chevalley complex

Let $g$ be a Lie algebra over $\mathbb{C}$. Then the equivalence between the derived category of modules over $U(g)$ and the coderived category of co-modules over it's Chevalley complex $C_*(g)$ in ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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Strange boundary-like map on tensor algebra: what is its kernel?

Let $k$ be a commutative ring and $L$ a $k$-module. The tensor algebra $\otimes L$ is $\mathbb{Z}$-graded and $\mathbb{Z}_2$-graded (an element of $L^{\otimes n}$ has degree $n$ and $\mathbb{Z}_2$-...
darij grinberg's user avatar
6 votes
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Best exposition of the Proof of the Hilbert Syzygy Theorem by Eilenberg-Cartan

Where can I find a comprehensive treatment of this important result at the level of a very advanced undergraduate/beginning graduate student? What works develop the relevant material in a cohesive and ...
lambdafunctor's user avatar
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What is a "block" in an abelian category?

In the literature and in some posts here, there has been variation in the undefined use of the term "block" for a category of modules over a ring, or more abstractly an abelian category (all of which ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
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Question about Ext

I heard that $Ext(M,N)$ is naturally isomorphic to $Ext(M^*\otimes N,1)$ where 1 is the trivial representation and $M,N$ some representations of a group $G$. Can anyone explain why? Is there an ...
Adam Gal's user avatar
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Complexes of representations with complementary central charges

This is another question asking for references. There is an important phenomenon of correspondence between (complexes of) representations of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras with the complementary ...
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
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What are tame and wild hereditary algebras?

What are tame and wild hereditary algebras? Are they related to hereditary rings? (Those are rings for which every left (resp. right) ideal is projective, equivalently, for which every left (resp. ...
Jose Brox's user avatar
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Beilinson-Bernstein and Koszul duality

For geometric representation theorists down here. Consider the Beilinson-Bernstein theorem: Functor of global sections establishes the correspondence between twisted D-modules with fixed ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar

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