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Revising the proof of CFSG

This is an oft-quoted excerpt from John Thompson's article "Finite Non-Solvable Groups": “... the classification of finite simple groups is an exercise in taxonomy. This is obvious to the ...
semisimpleton's user avatar
20 votes
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Which classes in $\mathrm{H}^4(B\mathrm{Exceptional}; \mathbb{Z})$ are classical characteristic classes?

Let $G$ be a compact connected Lie group. Recall that $\mathrm{H}^4(\mathrm{B}G;\mathbb{Z})$ is then a free abelian group of finite rank. Let us say that a class $c \in \mathrm{H}^4(\mathrm{B}G;\...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
18 votes
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A cohomology class associated with a complex representation of a group

$\newcommand\CC{\mathbb C}\newcommand\ZZ{\mathbb Z}\newcommand\ad{\mathsf{ad}}\newcommand\Ext{\operatorname{Ext}}$ Suppose that $G$ is a finite group and that it acts on a finite dimensional complex ...
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez's user avatar
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Representation categories and homology

Let $G$ be a finite group. Let $\mathcal{C}=Rep-G$ be the rigid $\mathbb{C}$-linear symmetric monoidal category of finite dimensional complex representations of $G$. Can we recover some homological ...
Ehud Meir's user avatar
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Group homology $\mathrm{SL}_2$ acting on $\mathrm{Sym}^g$

Let $k$ be a field. We write $\mathrm{Sym}^g(k^2)$ for the $g$-th symmetric power of the (a?) standard representation of $\mathrm{GL}_2(k)$ ($g\geq 0$ an integer). Here I consider $\mathrm{Sym}^g(k^2)$...
tkr's user avatar
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A conjecture of Adams on the mod p cohomology of classifying spaces of Lie groups

In the paper On the mod p cohomology of BPU(p), the authors say that there is a conjecture of J. F. Adams as follows: Conjecture (J. F. Adams) Let $G$ be a compact connected Lie group, and let $p$ be ...
Xing Gu's user avatar
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Colimit of continuous cohomology over subgroups

Suppose $G$ is a profinite group, in fact in the applications I'm interested in it would be a $p$-adic analytic group similar to $GL_{n}(\mathbb{Z}_{p})$. Say $M$ is a profinite $G$-representation, ...
Piotr Pstrągowski's user avatar
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Relation between group representations and elements of group cohomology groups

Having already seen group cohomology, I was just introduced to the formula $U \otimes Ind W = Ind(Res(U) \otimes W)$ from representation theory. This seems oddly like the formula $\mathrm{Cor}(u) \cup ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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What's the name of the cohomology class associated to a projective representation?

Suppose $\rho : G \to PGL_n(k)$ is a projective representation of a group $G$ over a field $k$. It's classical that the obstruction to lifting this to a linear representation $G \to GL_n(k)$ is a ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
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vanishing of Lie algebra cohomology with coefficients in an infinite-dimensional module

Let $G$ be a real semisimple Lie group, $K$ its maximal compact subgroup, $\mathfrak g, \mathfrak k$ the corresponding Lie algebras. Let $V$ be a locally convex, Hausdorff vector space, which is a $G$-...
Dima's user avatar
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Group cohomology of $\mathbb{Z}$ vs $\mathbb{Z}_p$

Let $M$ be a continuous representation of $\mathbb{Z}_p$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$, likely infinite-dimensional. There is the inflation map of group cohomology $H^*_{\text{cts}}(\mathbb{Z}_p, M) \rightarrow ...
user125639's user avatar
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Restricting projective representations of Lie groups to lattices

Let $G$ be a simple Lie group with trivial center, and let $\Gamma$ be a lattice in $G$. Is it true that an infinite-dimensional projective representation of $G$ restricted to $\Gamma$ can be de-...
L.C. Ruth's user avatar
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Is there a composite-order generalization of the homomorphism on Rep(Z/p) giving total dimension of Tate cohomology?

Let $p$ be a prime, let $\mathbb{Z}_p$ be the ring of $p$-adic integers, and let $G$ be a cyclic group of order $p$. It is rather well-known that finite rank $\mathbb{Z}_p$-free representations of $G$...
S. Carnahan's user avatar
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Generalization of a 1D unitary representation

Probably a very naive question, but I'd be grateful for any input. Consider 1D representations of finite group $G$: $\chi(g) \chi(h) = \chi(g h)$ with $\chi(g)\in \text{U}(1)$, and $\chi(1)=1$. The ...
Curt's user avatar
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Group cohomology in dimension $-1$

This may seem like a pie-in-the-sky speculation question, but I have good reasons for asking this. Is there any sense in which $H^{-1}(G;M)$ is defined for a group $G$ and a $G$-module $M$? The ...
Jim Conant's user avatar
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Is there a cohomological interpretation of the bilinear form arising from Clifford theory?

For this question all groups are finite, and representations are over $\mathbb{C}$. The setup is that we have $N$ a normal subgroup of $G$, with abelian quotient $A$, and an irrep $V$ of $N$ that is ...
Chris H's user avatar
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Extended double 2-cocycle conditions: Mathematical structure behind?

Note: For experts, to save your time, you can just read the highlighted texts and Eqs directly. The ordinary group 2-cocycle condition: Let us remind the usual so-called homogeneous group 2-cocycle $...
wonderich's user avatar
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Minimal rank of a permutation resolution of a $G$-lattice

Let $G$ be a finite group. By a $G$-lattice I mean a finitely generated free abelian group $L$ with an action of $G$. One says that $L$ is a permutation lattice if $L$ has a $\mathbb{Z}$-basis ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Rational cohomology of $S$-arithmetic groups over function fields and Gauss-Bonnet

I have a question on the ranks of rational cohomology groups of $S$-arithmetic groups over function fields. To fix the situation, $G$ is a simple Chevalley group of rank $r$, $k=\mathbb{F}_q$ a finite ...
Matthias Wendt's user avatar
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Galois cohomology and Levi subgroups

Let $F$ a field and $G$ a smooth connected reductive group with a Levi subgroup $M$. Under what assumptions is $H^1(F, M) \to H^1(F, G)$ injective? In the case $F$ is nonarchimedean local I believe ...
C.D.'s user avatar
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Standard terminology for "observable" subgroups of discrete groups

I've encountered in Bass, Lubotzky, Magid, and Mozes - The proalgebraic completion of rigid groups (Remark 1. p. 7) the following terminology: A normal subgroup $N$ of $G$ is observable if every $N$-...
Patrick Elliott's user avatar
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Mackey Obstruction Class with Integral Coefficients

Consider an exact sequence of groups \begin{equation} 1\rightarrow H\rightarrow K\rightarrow G \rightarrow1~. \end{equation} Mackey theory enables us to understand representations of $K$ in terms of ...
Clay Cordova's user avatar
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Classifications of projective representations of $SO(N)$ and $SO(N)\times Z_2^T$

This question is motivated by some physics questions: what are the classifications of projective representations of groups $SO(N)$ and $SO(N)\times Z_2^T$? This is equivalent to asking what are $H^2(...
Mr. Gentleman's user avatar
2 votes
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Cohomologically trivial modules over finite $p$-groups

Let $A$ be a finitely generated $\mathbb{Z}_pG$-module, where $G$ is a finite $p$-group and $\mathbb{Z}_p$ is the ring of $p$-adic integers; assume moreover that $A$ is cohomologically trivial, that ...
Yassine Guerboussa's user avatar
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Regular conjugacy classes and irreducible representations in the infinite, projective case

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field and $G$ a (not necessarily finite) group. Let $\alpha\colon G\times G\to k^*$ be a multiplier, meaning that $\alpha(s,t)\alpha(st,r)=\alpha(s,tr)\alpha(t,r)$ ...
geometricK's user avatar
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Are Zariski-dense representations of a cocompact complex hyperbolic lattice non-obstructed?

Question Suppose that $\Gamma < \text{SU}(n,1)$ is a cocompact lattice, and let $\rho \colon \Gamma \to G$ be a representation to a non-compact simple Lie group (most interesting case for me: $G = \...
Marco Spinaci's user avatar
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A local-global question on group representations

Let $G$ be a group, and let $V$ be a finite dimensional $\mathbb Q$-linear representation of $G.$ By extension of scalars we obtain the $\mathbb Q_l$-linear representation $V_l=V\otimes\mathbb Q_l.$ ...
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