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Why is the equivariant Euler class a character ?

Let us first precise the question : let $T$ be a torus, $\alpha : T \to \mathbb{C}$ be an irreducible character. I am interested in the $T$-equivariant Euler class of the ($T$-equivariant) bundle $\...
Samuel Tinguely's user avatar
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Representations of Finite Subgroups on Homology

Suppose that $G$ is a connected, simply-connected, complex, semisimple Lie group, and that $H$ is finite subgroup. Consider the left-multiplicative action of $H$ on $G$, and the resulting ...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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FI-homology of a spectral sequence of rational FI-modules

Let $(E^r_{p,q})$ be a spectral sequence of rational $\mathsf{FI}$-modules. Call $H^{\mathsf{FI}}$ the $\mathsf{FI}$-homology (see here) and $t_k X= \deg H^{\text{FI}}_k X$ the $k$-th generation ...
Nicolas Guès's user avatar
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Equivariant complex $K$-theory of a real representation sphere

Consider the one-point compactification of a $U(n)$-representation $V$, denoted by $S^V$. I want to caclulate $\tilde{K}_\ast^{U(n)}(S^V)$. When $V$ is a complex $U(n)$-representation, we can use the ...
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Cohomology of Projective Classical Lie Groups

Let $G$ be a compact, connected, simply-connected Lie group with centre $Z(G)$, and consider the Lie group $G/Z(G)$. I believe that for $G$ a classical group, the Lie group $G/Z(G)$ is sometimes ...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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Restriction map for Lie algebra/Lie group cohomology associated to a complex semisimple Lie algebra and a semisimple Lie-subalgebra

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a finite-dimensional complex semisimple Lie algebra (or the corresponding Lie group). For definiteness, I'll take $\mathfrak{g}$ to be of type $A_n$, that is, $\mathfrak{g} = \...
Christopher Drupieski's user avatar
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Decomposition of $\Gamma$-modules into simple objects

Let $\Gamma$ be the category of finite pointed sets. The abelian category $\mathrm{Mod-}\Gamma$ is the category of functors $\Gamma^{\mathrm{op}} \to \mathrm{Vect}_k$, where $k$ is a field (see ...
HeinrichD's user avatar
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Semidirect product of torus with cyclic group: representations/cohomology?

Let $p$ be prime and let $T^p$ be the $p$-torus and $\mathbb{Z}/p$ the cyclic group of order $p$ generated by $(12\ldots p)$. Consider the semidirect product $T^p\rtimes\mathbb{Z}/p$ with the natural ...
Maxim Stykow's user avatar
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U(1) vs. BZ and representations of 2-groups

$U(1)$ seems to lead a dual life. On one hand it is the group we know and love, and on the other, it is the classifying space of the integers. Thinking about $n$-groups says that we should also think ...
Ryan Thorngren's user avatar
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Maurer-Cartan elements of the extension of an $L_{\infty}$-algebra

Let $g$ be a nilpotent $L_{\infty}$-algebra. For every commutative differential graded algebra $A$, one can form the extension $g\otimes A$ and endow it with a nilpotent $L_{\infty}$-algebra structure....
Sinan Yalin's user avatar
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Bott periodicity homeomorphisms for spaces of Clifford extensions

I am trying to prove the following statement of real Bott periodicity, on the level of actual spaces of Clifford module extensions (i.e., not equivalence classes of modules). Let $W = \mathbb{R}^{\...
Matt C's user avatar
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Real Representation ring of $U(n)$ and the adjoint representation

I have two questions: It is well known that the complex representation ring $R(U(n))=\mathbb{Z}[\lambda_1,\cdots,\lambda_n,\lambda_n^{-1}]$, where $\lambda_1$ is the natural representation of $U(n)$ ...
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Specify the embedding of special unitary group in a Spin group via their representation map

How do we specify the embedding of a Lie group $G_1$ as a subgroup into a larger Lie group $G_2$, with $G_1 \subset G_2$ that agree with a constraint on the mapping between their representations? By ...
wonderich's user avatar
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How much vanishing of odd K-groups implies the vanishing of odd equivariant K-groups?

The main quetion is For a compact Lie group $G$, and a $G$-space $X$ with $K^1(X)=0$. How much can we say about the vanishing of $K_G^1(X)$? Moreover, how much $K^0_G(X)=K^0(X)\times R(G)$? Here $...
Cubic Bear's user avatar
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Extended double 2-cocycle conditions: Mathematical structure behind?

Note: For experts, to save your time, you can just read the highlighted texts and Eqs directly. The ordinary group 2-cocycle condition: Let us remind the usual so-called homogeneous group 2-cocycle $...
wonderich's user avatar
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'Noether normalization' for finite group schemes

Throughout let $p$ be a prime, and let $k$ be a field of characteristic $p$. Let $G$ be a compact Lie group. Such a $G$ can always be embedded as a closed subgroup of $SU(n)$ for some $n$. This ...
Drew Heard's user avatar
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Exotic 2-adic lifts of mod $2$ Steinberg idempotent

Denote $B_n$ the Borel subgroup of $Gl_n(Z/2)$, i.e., the subgroup of upper triangular matrices, $\Sigma _n$ the subgroup of permutation matrices. The (conjugate) Steinberg idempotent is defined to be ...
user43326's user avatar
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Steenrod operations on classifying spaces

Steenrod operations can be defined for all finite characteristics $p$. The simplest one, when $p=2$, is the Steenrod square. I wonder if the computation for classifying spaces for classical Lie groups ...
UVIR's user avatar
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Closure relations between Bruhat cells on the flag variety

Given a Lie group $G$ over $\mathbb{C}$ and a Borel subgroup $B$. There is this famous Bruhat decomposition of the flag variety $G/B$. How do we prove the closure relations between the cells, which ...
Qiao's user avatar
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About decomposition theorem BBD with respect to some stratification

I want to follow up a question from here (how to deduce version 1.a. from version 1). I know a version of decomposition theorem BBD: Version 1. Let $f:X\to Y$ be a (surjective) proper map of complex ...
Toan's user avatar
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symmetric group of regular polyhedrons

Let $\Delta^n$ be the regular $n$-simplex spanned by $(n+1)$ vertices, equipped with an Riemannian metric such that all the edges are of equal length. For example, $\Delta^2$: $\Delta^3$: Let $c:=c(...
Shi Q.'s user avatar
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Projective representation of diffeomorphism group of $S^2$ [closed]

We know that the projective representation of a group $G$ is classified by $H_{grp}^2(G,R/Z) = H^3(BG,Z)$, where $H^*_{grp}$ is the group-cohomology class. Then do we have a classification of the ...
Xiao-Gang Wen's user avatar
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Grothendieck schemes and the Sheffer differential op calculus (Rota, Roman, et al. finite operator calculus)

In "Left differential operators on non-commutative algebras" on p. 4, Michiel Hazewinkel displays "precisely the right definition of differential operator" as $$D\; X^n = F(\tfrac{...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Aut/Inn/Out Automorphism Groups of the unitary group $𝑈(𝑁)$

Given a group $G$, we denote the center Z$(G)$, we like to know the automorphism group Aut($G$), the outer automorphism Out($G$) and the inner automorphism Inn($G$). They form short exact sequences: $$...
wonderich's user avatar
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Obstruction to delooping

Let $G$ be a finite group. It can be think of as a $1$-category with one object and $|G|$ many morphisms. If $A$ happens to be abelian, then one can think of it to an $n$-category. Conversly, this ...
Student's user avatar
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Integral Homology of GIT Quotients

Is there any example of GIT quotients of linear actions on a Euclidean space ${\mathbb C}^n$ that satisfy the following conditions? The quotient is compact and smooth. The homology of the quotient ...
Guangbo Xu's user avatar
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Representations and K-theory of a finite group

This question is motivated by the calculation of the higher algebraic $K$-groups of a finite field. Let $G$ be a finite group, the case I am most interested in is $G = \text{Gl}_n(\mathbb F_q)$, but ...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
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Why "non-linear similarity" is the same as equivalence of representations for connected Lie groups?

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group and $V$ a finite-dimensional orthogonal $G$-representation. Write $S^V$ for the quotient $D(V)/S(V)$, where $D(V)$ and $S(V)$ are the unit disk and sphere in $V$, ...
a grad student's user avatar
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Homotopy classes of homeomorphism vs. Homotopy classes of a biholomorphism

This is a more detailed question about my first question Representation theory and topology of Teichmüller space, I asked there how to understand: $$T_{g}\hookrightarrow Hom(\pi_{1}({S}),PSL_{2}(\...
Kenny S's user avatar
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cohomology of orthogonal (or general linear) group over finite fields

Let $\mathbb{Z}_2=\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$. Let $$ O(\mathbb{Z}_2^{\oplus k})=\{A\mid A \text{ is a } k\times k \text{ - matrix with entries } 0,1, det(A)=\pm 1\} $$ What is $$ H^*(BO(\mathbb{Z}_2^{\...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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connectedness of fibers of torus-equivariant moment maps

Given a possibly singular, connected, symplectic algebraic variety with a torus action, every fiber of the moment map admits a torus action. Is each fiber of this moment map connected? Any examples or ...
Qiao's user avatar
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Derived Push-Forward of Morphism of Perverse Sheaves and Translation Functors

I hope this question is not too vague. Let $G$ be a complex reductive group, $B$ a Borel subgroup of $G$, and $P$ a parabolic containing $B$. Denote by $\pi:G/B\to G/P$ the canonical map. Consider ...
Oliver Straser's user avatar
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How a circle $S^1$ acts on the Cayley plane $OP^2$ with exactly three fixed points?

The complex projective $CP^2$, the quaternionic projective space $HP^2$, and the octonionic projective space $OP^2$ each admit a circle action with $3$ fixed points. The circle action on $HP^2$ can be ...
hao dong's user avatar
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The dimension of the representation ring

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group. I am trying to characterize the algebraic properties of the representation ring $R(G)$ of $G$. In the case of the $n$-torus, the representation ring $R(T)$ is ...
Markuss Schmuckler's user avatar
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k-theory of $\mathbb{Z}$

I have a doubt. Borel computed the rank of the higher algebraic k-theory of $\mathbb{Z}$: $rank(K_n)(\mathbb{Z})= 1$ if $n\equiv1 mod4$, otherwise this rank is equal to 0. On the other hand Bjorn ...
Luis Jorge's user avatar
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cohomology of orthogonal group of integers

Let $$ O(\mathbb{Z}^{\oplus k})=GL(\mathbb{Z}^{\oplus k})\cap O(k). $$ What is $$ H^*(BO(\mathbb{Z}^{\oplus k});\mathbb{Z})? $$ If it cannot be computed out, can we get $$ H^*(O(\mathbb{Z}^{\oplus ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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Topology of a Compact Space with Fixed-Point-Free Torus Action

Let $X$ be a compact connected smooth manifold and $T$ a compact torus acting smoothly on $X$ without fixed points. What, in general, can be said about the topology of $X$ (ex. rational (co-)homology)?...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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Categories associated to digraphs

Let's take a directed graph, or a digraph, $G=(V,E)$ given by a finite set of vertices $V$ and a finite set of edges $E$. We can assume that pairs of vertices can have parallel edges between them and ...
Henri Riihimäki's user avatar
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How are representations of SU(2) identified with non-intersecting curves in a disk? (Rumer-Teller-Weyl)

Apparently (e.g. see bottom left of first column on p3 of this manuscript) the representations of $SU(2)$ can be identified with diagrams of non-intersecting curves (unoriented embedded $1$-manifolds) ...
Ruben Verresen's user avatar
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Computing $\text{Tor}_*^{R_G} (\mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Z}) $ for a compact Lie group $G$

Let $R_G$ be the representation ring of $G$ a connected, simply connected Lie group, $I_G$ the augmentation ideal and $\mathbb{Z}=R_G/I_G$. $R_G$ acts on $\mathbb{Z}$ via $V \cdot n = (\dim V ) n$. I ...
Sven Cattell's user avatar
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Reference request for equivariant cohomology of G [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What is the equivariant cohomology of a group acting on itself by conjugation? Let $G$ be a compact Lie group. Where can one read about the equivariant cohomology $H_G^*(G)$, ...
Lost's user avatar
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no classification of nilpotent lie groups

there is no classification of (simply connected) nilpotent lie groups, but I am tempted to try to generalize the construction of the Heisenberg group. For an upper triangular matrix: $$ \left( \...
john mangual's user avatar
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