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Is the tangent bundle to the algebraic loop group of $GL_n$ ample?

I am trying to understand the tangent bundle to algebraic loop groups, particularly for $G=GL_n$, over arbitrary characteristic. Can anyone point me to existing literature related to this? In ...
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On the class of Shimura data of Hodge type that cover a given Shimura datum of abelian type

A Shimura datum $(G,X)$ is of Hodge type if there exists an injective morphism of Shimura data $(G,X) \hookrightarrow (\mathrm{GSp}_{2g}, \mathfrak{H}^{\pm})$, for some integer $g$. Let $(G',X')$ be ...
user105976's user avatar
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Are there methods to compute the induced action of Frobenius map on the Neron-Severi group of a supersingular abelian surface over a finite field?

Let $A$ be a supersingular abelian surface over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$. In that case the Neron-Severi group $NS(A\otimes\overline{\mathbb{F}_q})$ is the lattice of rank $6$. Are there methods ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Equivariant sheaves over affine schemes

Let $k$ be a field, let $G$ be a linear algebraic group over $k$ and let $A$ be a commutative $k$-algebra which is acted on by $G$. We say that an $A$-module $M$ is a $(G,A)$-module if it satisfies ...
gustav101's user avatar
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Fibers of torus equivariant moment maps

Given a closed (possibly singular) projective variety $V$ with a symplectic structure and a torus action, there is a moment map $\mu: V \rightarrow Lie(T)^*$. Note that the dimension of $T$ could be ...
Qiao's user avatar
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Euler characteristic, character of group representation and Riemann Roch theorem

I am considering the following set up:Let $G$ be a finite group,let $Rep(G)$ denote the category of finite dimensional representations over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $V,W$ be representations of $G$ in $Rep(G)$...
user41650's user avatar
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Linear independence of points under projection of Veronese re-embedding

Let $V$ be a complex vector space. Let $x_1,...,x_k\in PV$. Let $v_d: PV\rightarrow PS^dV$ be the Veronese. Then $v_d(x_1),...,v_d(x_k)$ are in general linear position as long as $k\leq d-1$. Now let $...
JM Landsberg's user avatar
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Reference request: Beilinson-Bernstein for finite-dimensional reps and category O

I think I’ve once been told that under the Beilinson-Bernstein correspondence, finite-dimensional representations of a semisimple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ correspond to (twisted) D-modules on $G/B$ ...
Frano Aleksi's user avatar
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Scaling-Invariant Orbits of Semisimple Group Representations

Let $G$ be a connected, simply-connected complex semisimple linear algebraic group, and let $V$ be a finite-dimensional complex $G$-module. Note that if $V$ is the adjoint representation of $G$, then ...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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Is there an arithmetic analogue of Drinfeld's count of a number of 2d irreps of fundamental group of a curve ?

There is a paper by V. Drinfeld 1981, which title is "Number of two-dimensional irreducible representations of the fundamental group of a curve over a finite field". It gives a formula for this ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Reference request for character formula between tensor products of Weyl modules.

So it is well known that when you tensor together two induced modules for an algebraic group $\nabla(\lambda) \otimes \nabla(\mu)$ that the result has a filtration by other induced modules, (I.e. it ...
A Parker's user avatar
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Equivariant version of a spectral sequence in Beilinson-Ginzburg-Soergel

In Beilinson, Ginzburg, and Soergel, "Koszul Duality Patterns in Representation Theory" (comment 3.4), the authors outline a spectral sequence as follows: Given a filtered complex algebraic variety $...
Daniel Moseley's user avatar
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On a resolution of sections of line bundles on the cotangent bundle of a flag variety

Background Let $G$ be a semisimple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic 0. Let $B \subseteq G$ be a Borel subgroup and let $U \subseteq B$ be its unipotent radical....
Chuck Hague's user avatar
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ind schemes and formally smoothness

In Beilinson-Drinfeld (Hitchin System, lemma (362)) they show that if f:X->Y is a morphism between formally smooth ind-schemes of ind-finite type such that the differential is surjective then f is ...
alexis's user avatar
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İs the deligne lusztig variety corresponding to group of type G(2) computed?

I know that the deligne kusztig varieties corresponding to Suzuki group, Ree group and PGU-_2'(q) are explictly computed. Are there any result for the group G(2). Here 'result' means equation of ...
gauss's user avatar
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Covers of nilpotent orbits as degenerations of semisimple orbits

Let $G$ be a complex semisimple group, $P$ a parabolic subgroup, $\mathfrak{p}$ its Lie algebra, $\mathfrak{l}$, $\mathfrak{n}$ its Levi part and the nil radical, respectively. Let $\mathfrak{k}$ the ...
Yuji Tachikawa's user avatar
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What is the pro-algebraic completion of the free semigroup on one generator?

This question is motivated by an attempt to understand what is going on in Tom's post from a certain point of view. Let $\mathbb N^+$ be the free semigroup on one generator (so the positive natural ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Representations with small dual

I want to construct an irreducible representation $V$ of any group $G$ such that there exist a mapping of form $\sum_{i=1}^{100} a_i g_i, a_i \in C, g_i \in G$ with kernel of dimension $dim V-1$. In ...
Alexey's user avatar
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Etale cohomology analogue for the semistable reduction theorem

Let $K$ be a field, $X/K$ a smooth projective variety, $l\neq char(K)$ a prime number and $q\ge 0$. Then we define $\overline{X}:=X_{K_{sep}}$ and denote by $\rho_{X, l}^{(q)}$ the representation of $...
Sebastian Petersen's user avatar
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Hitchin fibration outside of type A

I've been learning a bit about the Hitchin fibration, and I wanted to ask about how it works outside of type A. Background: In type A, the Hitchin fibration is reviewed on pg 14 of this paper of ...
Puraṭci Vinnani's user avatar
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Indexing the Line Bundles of a Flag Manifold

Following on from this question link text, how are the line bundles of a complex flag variety indexed? Are they still labeled by the integers? If so, why? A representation theory explanition in terms ...
Jean Delinez's user avatar
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Quotients of Grassmannians

Let $G=SL_n(\mathbb C)$ and $T$ be a maximal torus. Then the Grassmannians $Gr(r,n)$ and $G(n-r,n)$ are isomorphic. Now for the left action of the torus on each of them can we say that the GIT ...
icmes imrf's user avatar
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Rational Characters of a reductive group have the same rank as split component

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group defined over a perfect field $F$. The split component $A$ of $G$ is the unique maximal $F$-split subtorus of the radical of $G$. For an algebraic group $H$ ...
D_S's user avatar
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Is D-module on flag variety of Lie algebra a scheme?

This question was motivated by the answers in D-module as quasi coherent sheaves on deRham stack. What I am interested in is the case of D-module on flag variety of Lie algebra. So,in this case, if we ...
Shizhuo Zhang's user avatar
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Completely reducible subgroups over local field in terms of closed orbits

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Let $ \overline{\mathbb{Q}}_{p} $ be an algebraic closure of $ p $-adic numbers $ \mathbb{Q}_{p} $. A closed subgroup $ H $ of a general linear group $ \GL_{n}(\overline{\...
stupid boy's user avatar
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Cohomology of Springer resolution

This question is elementary. Let $G$ be a simple algebraic group over $\mathbb{C}$, and let $B$ be a choice of Borel subgroup, with unipotent radical $U$ with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{n}$. Then the ...
user1594's user avatar
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$k$ structures on $K$ vector spaces

The following statement is made in Borel's Linear Algebraic groups, section 11 on $k$ structures. Let $V$ and $W$ be $K$ vector spaces with $k$ structures. If $f:V\to W$ is $K$ linear, then $f$ is ...
Rex's user avatar
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Pairs of quadratic forms and $\mathbf{A}^8/\mathrm{SL}_2^{\times 3}$

$\newcommand{\std}{\mathrm{std}}\newcommand{\SL}{\mathrm{SL}}\newcommand{\mmod}{/\!\!/}$Fix the base field to be the complex numbers $\mathbf{C}$. Let $\std = \mathbf{A}^2$ denote the standard ...
skd's user avatar
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Varieties in the $\mathit{GL}(V)$-module $S_{\lambda}V$

It is known that, given a complex vector space $V$ of dimension $\mathit{dim}(V)=n+1$, all irreducible representations for the group $\mathit{GL}(V)$ are parametrized by Young tableaux $\lambda$. For ...
gigi's user avatar
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Maximal Coset representative for the Weyl group of a Parabolic

Let $G=SL_n$ and let $P_i$ be a maximal parabolic corresponding to a simple root say $\alpha_i$. Let $W_{P_i}$ be the Weyl group of $P_i$. Is there an efficient way to compute the longest coset ...
Jack's user avatar
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Description of the algebra of $G$-invariant polynomials by generators and relations

Fix $n > 1$ and let $\zeta \in \mathbb{C}$ be a primitive $n$-th root of unity. Let $G \subset \text{SL}_2(\mathbb{C})$ be a cyclic subgroup of order $n$ generated by the diagonal matrix $g = \text{...
user295794's user avatar
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counting points on nilpotent Springer fiber

Computing $p$-adic orbital integral I come to the following question. My ground field $k$ is the residue field of a non-arch local field, i.e. a finite field. I am happy to put any assumption on $\...
Cheng-Chiang Tsai's user avatar
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Cohen-Macaulay Representations

I came across the book "Cohen-Macaulay Representations" by Graham J. Leuschke and Roger Wiegand, and now I'm wondering if this is an active area of research. If yes, then what are some of ...
It'sMe's user avatar
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Is base affine space a trivial fibration?

I am very confused about the base affine space. Let $G$ be a complex reductive algebraic group and $H=B/U$ the abstract torus. If I understand it correctly (Edit: which turns out not to be the case! ...
Jan Weidner's user avatar
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Vanishing cohomology of line bundles on the Springer resolution

My question is regarding Broer's paper "Line bundles on the cotangent bundle of the flag variety" (see Given the Springer resolution, and its ...
Puraṭci Vinnani's user avatar
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Homogeneous vector bundles with zero chern classes

We know that a line bundle $L$ on the complex flag variety $G/P$ is trivial iff $c_1(E) = 0$. But if we have a homogeneous vector bundle $E$ of higher rank, then is it true that $c_i(E) = 0$ $ \...
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Dimension of the zero weight space in $V_{2\rho}$

Let $\rho$ be the half sum of the positive roots (also the sum of fundmental weights) for $SL_n(\mathbb C)$. Then $2ρ$ is in the root lattice. Then what is the dimension of the zero weight space for ...
Jack's user avatar
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How to embed $S^2\mathbb{C}^2$ into $S^2S^3\mathbb{C}^2$ and get the ideal of the twisted cubic?

Let $X:=x^3$, $Y:=x^2y$, $Z:=xy^2$ and $W:=y^3$ be the 4 independent generators of $S^3\mathbb{C}^2$, and observe that the kernel of the natural epimorphism (total symmetrisation) $$ p:S^2S^3\mathbb{C}...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar
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Closure relations between Bruhat cells on the flag variety

Given a Lie group $G$ over $\mathbb{C}$ and a Borel subgroup $B$. There is this famous Bruhat decomposition of the flag variety $G/B$. How do we prove the closure relations between the cells, which ...
Qiao's user avatar
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Why is the semisimple quotient of a reductive group with semisimple rank 1 equal to PGL2?

Lets work over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $G$ be a reductive group with semisimple rank 1 (this means that a maximal torus in $G / R(G)$ has dimension 1). In section 25 of Humphreys book "linear algebraic ...
Daniel Barter's user avatar
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Is Mazur's deformation ring R integral?

Consider the absolutely irreducible Galois representation $\overline{\rho} \colon G_{\Bbb Q} \to {\mathrm{GL}}_2({\Bbb F}_p)$. We apply the Mazur's deformation theory on the lift ${\rho} \colon G_{\...
user44230's user avatar
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Action of Non-Split Torus in Deligne-Lustzig induction

Recently I have been trying to understand Deigne-Lustzig induction in the case of $G = \text{Sl}(2,\mathbb{F}_p).$ In this case the appropriate Deligne Lustzig variety is given by $X:xy^q-y^qx = 1,$ ...
Lalit Jain's user avatar
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About decomposition theorem BBD with respect to some stratification

I want to follow up a question from here (how to deduce version 1.a. from version 1). I know a version of decomposition theorem BBD: Version 1. Let $f:X\to Y$ be a (surjective) proper map of complex ...
Toan's user avatar
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What is the minimum possible k-rank of a quasi-split reductive group over a field?

It is not possible for a quasi-split reductive group $G$ over a field $k$ to be anisotropic (unless it is solvable, hence its connected component is a torus). Indeed, there exists a proper $k$-...
C.D.'s user avatar
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Algebraic representations and vector bundles

This might seem like a silly question considering my relatively elementary knowledge of representation theory. The question is regarding Eugen Hellman 's paper titled "On the derived category of ...
Coherent Sheaf's user avatar
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Moduli stack of quiver representations

Let $Q$ be a finite quiver. As far as I know there's a great amount of work concerning the so-called quiver varieties one can associate to it. Loosely speaking, these are obtained by taking GIT ...
Tommaso Scognamiglio's user avatar
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What is the geometric quotient of the abelian threefold?

Consider a finite field $\mathbb{F}_p$ such that $p \equiv 1 \ (\mathrm{mod} \ 3)$ and its element $\zeta \neq 1$, $\zeta^3 = 1$. Also, let $E\!: y^2 = x^3 + b$ be an elliptic curve of $j$-invariant ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Who are the compact generators in the derived category of $\mathcal{D}_X$-modules?

Let $X$ be a smooth affine variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and let $\mathcal{D}_X$ be its algebra of differential operators. Consider $\mathcal{C}=\mathcal{D}_X$-$\text{mod}$, the stable $\infty$ category ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Tensor and symmetric invariants of Symmetric group

For the action of $S_n$ on $\mathbb C^n$ the elementary symmetric polynomials generate the ring of polynomial invariants. What are the generators for the action of $S_n$ on $\mathbb C^n \otimes \...
Mathew's user avatar
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A fact about $t/W$ and the centralizer bundle on $\mathfrak{g}^{\text{reg}}$

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a simple Lie algebra; let $R = \mathfrak{g}^{*, reg}$ denote the regular locus in the dual Lie algebra. Consider the vector bundle $\mathfrak{z}$ over $R$, whose fiber over a ...
Puraṭci Vinnani's user avatar

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