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Questions tagged [ring-spectra]

For questions about ring spectra (in homotopy theory).

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6 votes
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State of knowledge on the Commutative W-spaces which appear in "Model Categories of Diagram Spectra"

This is a follow-up question to another question I asked last month. In MMSS's "Model Categories of Diagram Spectra," the authors consider many different models for spectra and prove monoidal Quillen ...
David White's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Orientation of complex bordism spectrum

I have the following question: If $E$ is a ring spectrum, then a complex orientation of $E$ is an element of $E^2(\mathbb{C}P^{\infty})$ that is mapped to $1$ in $E^2(\mathbb{C}P^{1})$. I have read ...
philipp's user avatar
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