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Regarding rigid graphs in the plane

Quoting from the book (page 272) Graphs and Geometry by Lovasz, we have the following theorems regarding the characterization of rigid graphs in the pane. Theorem 1: A graph $G$ is rigid in the plane ...
Pritam Majumder's user avatar
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Forbidden minors of a graph with treewidth at most 4

I am interested in the graphs with treewidth 5 because of their relationship with the realization dimension of a graph (see here). In this PhD thesis, 75 minimal forbidden minors of graphs with ...
Ryoshun Oba's user avatar
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Is a rigid cycle a chordal graph?

There are two relevant questions: (1) We know an edge set $C$ is a rigid cycle in $\mathcal{G}_2(n)$ if and only if $|E(C)|=2|V(C)|−2$ and $|F|≤2|V(F)|−3$ for every proper subset $F$ of $E(C)$. Thus, ...
Mark's user avatar
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Does there exist a 3-connected, chordal graph which is not globally rigid?

The question is in the title! I know that a globally rigid graph is 3-connected and redundantly rigid, so my question could be rephrased as: "does there exist a graph which is 3-connected and chordal ...
MrB's user avatar
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4 votes
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Isostatic graphs and the Henneberg conjecture

I have been reading "Combinatorial Rigidity" by Graver, Servatius and Servatius and I am interested in their chapter on rigidity in dimension $\geq$ 3. I have two questions. What is the current ...
James Cruickshank's user avatar
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Is the following two-dimensional graph likely to be globally rigid?

Consider the two-dimensional non-planar graph $G$, with known topology and edge lengths $(r_1, r_2, ... r_N) \in R$, but unknown vertex coordinates. We further specify that: All vertices within a ...
user14324's user avatar
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