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6 answers

The purpose of connections in differential geometry [closed]

I am currently reading through differential geometry as a mathematics graduate. Can somebody give me a brief explainer on the purpose of connections? I could also use explainers on differential forms. ...
2 votes
1 answer

Vector field along an immersion whose covariant derivative is the differential

Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannnian manifold and let $f:\Sigma\to M$ be a smooth immersion. Then the vector bundle $f^\ast TM\to\Sigma$ has a natural bundle metric and metric-compatible connection. Can one ...
Quarto Bendir's user avatar
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3 answers

Special connection of vector bundle over real manifold

Let $E \rightarrow M$ be a vector bundle over a smooth manifold $M$ and let $g$ be a bundle metric. Does there exists a conection (maybe unique) $\nabla$ which is compatible with $g$. By this I mean: ...
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