Questions tagged [reverse-math]

The general enterprise of calibrating the strength of classical mathematical theorems in terms of the axioms, typically of set existence, needed to prove them; originated in its modern form in the 1970s by H. Friedman and S. G. Simpson (see R.A. Shore, "Reverse Mathematics: The Playground of Logic", 2010).

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17 votes
2 answers

Reverse mathematics of Cousin's lemma

This paper by Normann and Sanders apparently caused a stir in the reverse mathematics community when it came out a couple years ago. It says that Cousin's lemma, which is an extension of the Heine-...
none's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How to understand the interface of the consistency strength hierarchy, reverse mathematics, and proof-theoretic ordinal analysis?

I am aware of three major "hierarchies" of mathematical theories, but I don't know how to relate these hierarchies to one another. Here are the hierarchies I have in mind: Consistency strength. My ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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2 votes
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Detecting comprehension topologically

This question basically follows this earlier question of mine but shifting from standard systems of nonstandard models of $PA$ to $\omega$-models of $RCA_0$. For $X$ a Turing ideal we get the map $c_X$...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Every complex number has a square root via LLPO without weak countable choice

Is it possible to prove that every complex number has a square root using analytic LLPO, but avoiding Weak Countable Choice or Excluded Middle? Unique Choice is allowed. (Analytic LLPO is the ...
wlad's user avatar
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The "higher topology" of countable Scott sets

Fix some computable bijection $b$ between $\omega$ and $2^{<\omega}$. For $r\in 2^\omega$, let $$[r]=\{f\in 2^\omega: \forall\sigma\prec f(b^{-1}(\sigma)\in r)\}$$ be the closed subset of Cantor ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
7 votes
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$0^\#$ in weak theories vs large cardinals in $L$

To better understand the transition from large cardinal axioms consistent with the constructible universe $L$ to large cardinal axioms transcending $L$, I am looking for natural equiconsistencies ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Uncountability of the real numbers from LLPO without countable choice

Does there exist a proof of the uncountability of the real numbers that uses analytic LLPO (the statement that any real number $x$ satisfies either $x \leq 0$ or $x \geq 0$) but avoids Excluded Middle ...
wlad's user avatar
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10 votes
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Examples of proofs using induction or recursion on a big recursive ordinal

There are many proofs use induction or recursion on $\omega$, or on an arbitary (may be uncountable) ordinal. Are there some good examples of proofs which use a big but computable ordinal? The ...
QiRenrui's user avatar
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An axiom that shows that the real numbers are weakly countable?

Is there a model of Intuitionistic Higher-Order Logic in which the following axiom is true? Covering Axiom: Any true statement of the form $\forall x \in A, \exists y \in B, \phi(x,y)$ gives rise to ...
wlad's user avatar
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BISH: If a function is pointwise positive, is its infimum positive?

Let $f:[0,1] \to \mathbb R$ be a uniformly continuous function such that each value of $f(x)$ is greater than zero. Is its infimum greater than zero in BISH? I believe that it is indeed the case if ...
wlad's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Why is weak Kőnig's lemma weaker than Kőnig's lemma?

Kőnig's lemma states that any finitely-branching tree with infinitely many nodes contains an infinite path. Weak Kőnig's lemma states the same thing about binary trees. It's known that these are not ...
Adam P. Goucher's user avatar
4 votes
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Proof theory and subsystems of second-order arithmetic: in particular the reverse mathematics of Godel's system $T$

While doing some research on reverse mathematics, I came across the following document under the address, Proof theory and Subsystems of ...
Thomas Benjamin's user avatar
20 votes
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Is it possible to constructively prove that every quaternion has a square root?

Is it possible to constructively prove that every $q \in \mathbb H$ has some $r$ such that $r^2 = q$? The difficulty here is that $q$ might be a negative scalar, in which case there might be "too many"...
wlad's user avatar
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8 votes
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Proof-theoretic ordinals: inevitable consistency?

There are various different notions of the proof-theoretic ordinal of a theory; most of these are "notation-dependent" in that they're only nontrivial once we restrict attention to a class of "natural"...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
5 votes
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Why restrict to $\Sigma_1^0$ formulas in $RCA_0$ induction?

I recently asked this question over on, warmly welcomed by crickets. I hope it's appropriate here. I'm reading Stillwell's Reverse Mathematics, and the induction axiom was just introduced. ...
luqui's user avatar
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Cases where multiple induction steps are provably required

I am looking for references for theorems of the form: 1) Any proof of theorem $X$ requires $n$ applications of induction axioms and especially 2) Any proof of theorem $X$ requires $n$ nested ...
manzana's user avatar
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14 votes
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Reverse Mathematics of Euclid's theorem

Euclid's theorem that there are infinitely many prime numbers has multiple proofs, ranging from Euclid's original theorem that constructs a new prime from a finite list of such, to Euler's proof that ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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9 votes
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van der Waerden's theorem in Reverse Mathematics

What is known about weak systems of axiomata that allow one to prove van der Waerden's theorem? van der Waerden's theorem can be used to show that there are infinitely many primes (see below). Is ...
Plautus Pi's user avatar
13 votes
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reverse mathematics of the Lebesgue measurability of analytic sets

Can the fact that all analytic sets are Lebesgue measurable be proven in $Z_2$, or in some weak subsystem such as $\Pi^1_1\text{-CA}_0$? Conversely, can certain set existence axioms be derived from ...
Alex Mennen's user avatar
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4 answers

How can you formalize the metamathematics conventionally used to state Godel’s theorem?

Gödel’s incompleteness theorem states that for any sufficiently strong formal system $T$ there exists a statement $G$ such that if $T$ is consistent, then $G$ is true but not provable in $T$. But I’m ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Does comprehension for formulas in the analytical hierarchy imply comprehension for all formulas in second-order arithmetic?

The proof that all formulas of second-order arithmetic are $\Pi^1_n$ for some $n$ (i.e. can be written with a bloc of second-order quantifiers followed by an arithmetical formula) uses the axiom of ...
Alex Mennen's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Are all generalized Scott sets realized as generalized standard systems?

Below, I've focused on PA when lots of other theories would do. If replacing PA with a different theory leads to a more answerable question, feel free to do so. The standard system of a nonstandard ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
6 votes
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Am I counting quantifiers correctly?

I think this is right but I want to check. The theory $\mathsf{WKL}^*_0$ is conservative over EFA for $\Pi^0_2$ sentences. And the first order part of $\mathsf{WKL}^*_0$ is axiomatized by EFA plus ...
Colin McLarty's user avatar
3 votes
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Are there amenable groups without explicit Folner sets?

This is essentially a follow-up to this previous discussion on how, in the absence of choice, the "invariant mean" and "Folner set" characterizations of amenability are no longer equivalent. Recently ...
pseudocydonia's user avatar
3 votes
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If one adds an inductive subset to a model of $ACA_0$, do we always get a new model of $ACA_0$?

Suppose $(M, \mathcal X) \models ACA_0$. Recall that a subset $A \subseteq M$ is $inductive$ over $M$ if $M$ satisfies all instances of induction in the expanded language with a predicate for $A$. ...
Corey Bacal Switzer's user avatar
17 votes
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What is known about the relationship between Fermat's last theorem and Peano Arithmetic?

As far as I know, whether Fermat's Last Theorem is provable in Peano Arithmetic is an open problem. What is known about this problem? In particular, what is known about the arithmetic systems $PA + \...
Christopher King's user avatar
4 votes
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A forcing which can build weird models of $\neg$ADS

There is a class of forcing notions I've been playing around with recently. They have a couple nice properties, and all have the same theme, but I've found them difficult to analyze beyond the basics. ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
60 votes
8 answers

What does it mean to suspect that two conjectures are logically equivalent?

Here's a familiar conversation: Me: Do you think Conjecture A and Conjecture B are equivalent? Friend: Yes, because I think they're both true. Me: [eye roll] You know what I mean... Does there ...
Dustin G. Mixon's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a connection between the subsystems of second-order arithmetic and computational complexity?

The "big five subsystems of second-order arithmetic" in reverse arithmetic reveal the stratification of the structure of mathematics. What if any is the connection of these strata with complexity ...
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5 votes
1 answer

A game with boldface strength

This is a problem which has been bothering me for a while now; it doesn't seem inherently too hard, but I haven't been able to make any real headway, so I'm putting it out in the open since at this ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
3 votes
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Is any Cauchy sequence for completion of rational semicomputable?

For the definition of a semicomputable real, see An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and its Applications by Li and Vitanyi (1997). In fact, it is not true that every Cauchy sequence for ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
6 votes
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Bounded-width Konig's lemma in reverse math

We define $\mathsf{BWKL}$ as follows: Every infinite binary tree of bounded width has an infinite path. This obviously follows from $\mathsf{WKL}$. Is this principle true in $\mathsf{RCA}_0$? If not, ...
Eric Astor's user avatar
7 votes
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Axiomatizations of arithmetical parts of theories

For common theories that talk about something more general than first-order arithmetic (e.g. set theories and subsystems of second-order arithmetic), are there nice axiomatizations of their arithmetic ...
Alex Mennen's user avatar
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How does $RCA_0$ achieve weak completeness?

Few days ago I asked about $WKL_0$ and the role of binary trees to provide for completeness for first order theories, and the question was nicely answered by Joel David Hamkins: Does $WKL_0$ plus CON(...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
2 votes
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Does $WKL_0$ plus CON(PA+X) give a binary tree model of PA+X?

In the context of reverse mathematics $WKL_0$ is considered equivalent to Gödel's completeness theorem over $RCA_0$. Does this mean that e.g. $WKL_0$ plus the consistency statement CON(PA+X) gives a ...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
3 votes
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Forcing in Second-Order Arithmetic

If I understand correctly, Stephen Simpson, in his book Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic, deems second-order arithmetic as a two-sorted first-order theory. If this is correct, then it seems ...
Thomas Benjamin's user avatar
95 votes
5 answers

Is there a database for tracking the dependencies of mathematical theorems?

Given a proof for a result, one could denote the proof as a node on a graph, and then draw arrows to the node from axioms and previous results that the proof uses, and then draw arrows from the node ...
Chill2Macht's user avatar
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Is there a model of ZF+ACC where transfer fails for the definable hyperreals?

In 2003 Kanovei and Shelah constructed a definable hyperreal field. The ultrapower used exploits a fairly large index set so that it is clear that the usual proof of Los and transfer does not go ...
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
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Circular reasoning in proof of bounded comprehension

Theorems II.3.7 and II.3.9 in Simpson's Subsystems of Second-Order Arithmetic appear to be circular. Specifically, theorem II.3.7 seems to make implicit use of theorem II.3.9. [Theorem II.3.9 is the ...
A.C.'s user avatar
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Transfer with minimal choice

Let FUF postulate the existence of a Free UltraFilter on $\mathbb{N}$ and ACC the axiom of countable choice. Consider the superstructure on $\mathbb{R}$ and its inclusion in the bounded ultrapower. ...
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
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12 votes
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Can noncomputable sets be distinguishable in $RCA_0$?

Say that a set $X\subseteq\omega$ is distinguishable if there is some Turing machine $\Phi_e$ which, when given two sets exactly one of which is $X$, can determine which set is $X$. Formally, $X$ is ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
38 votes
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Why is this new result such a big deal?

This popular article reports a recent result in reverse mathematics, showing that a certain theorem in Ramsey theory is provable from RCA$_0$, the base theory in SOSOA. Then there are a bunch of ...
none's user avatar
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5 votes
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Constructive compactness for countable models?

The compactness theorem for countable (Tarski?) models is equivalent to the weak König's lemma by a result of H. Friedman and others as noted here, in the context of classical logic. The weak König's ...
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
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Compactness for countable models?

How and where is it proved that WKL$_0$ proves the compactness theorem for countable models? (This is a follow-up to a comment of F. Dorais.)
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
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Are there first order theories of interest to an algebraist or at least a model theorist of large cardinal consistency strength?

I am wondering if there are some first order theories of algebraic structures or structures of interest to model theorists of large cardinal consistency strength or at least unexpectedly high ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
4 votes
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Proving moduli of uniform continuity in RCA_0

Simpson's Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic (pp. 134ff.) uses RCA$_0$ to prove various theorems of analysis for all continuous functions with a suitable modulus of uniform continuity. And he ...
Colin McLarty's user avatar
9 votes
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Proof-theoretic ordinals after liberalizing induction to $RCA_0$

This is kind of a follow-up to this question. For a class $\Gamma$ of second-order formulas (here either $\Sigma_n^0$ or $\Sigma_n^1$), let $X\Gamma$ be a formal theory consisting of $RCA_0$ together ...
Wojowu's user avatar
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What can be achieved by liberalizing induction for $RCA_0$?

$RCA_0$ has $\Delta_0$-comprehension and $\Sigma_1$ induction. Let $X\Sigma_{n}$ be $RCA_0$ plus $\Sigma_n$-induction and let $X\Sigma_{\omega}$-induction be $RCA_0$ plus the full induction schema. ...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
6 votes
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Does $WKL_0$ provide more comprehension than $RCA_0$?

$WKL_0$ extends $RCA_0$ with the statement that any infinite subset of the infinite binary tree has an infinite branch. Does $WKL_0$ Prove that there are sets which are not proven to exist by the $\...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
5 votes
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What are key $\Sigma^0_2$ or $\Pi^0_3$ theorems?

I am researching a logical system that is limited to $\Pi^0_2$ sentences and I am busy to prove that FOL + PA is a conservative extension of that system. Meaning that with $\Sigma^0_n$ sentences (that ...
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