Questions tagged [reference-request]

This tag is used if a reference is needed in a paper or textbook on a specific result.

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How to write BRST-BV for dg-Lie?

The usual BRST-BV implements a Lie algebra and its module in terms of ghosts, etc. Where is there written a corresponding formula incorporating the differential of a dg Lie algebra and module?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Compact radial Sobolev embedding $H^1_{rad}\hookrightarrow L^p$

I want to show: Let $N\geq 2$ and $2< q <2^\ast$. Then the embedding \begin{align} H^1_{\text{rad}}(\mathbb{R}^N)\hookrightarrow L^q(\mathbb{R}^N) \end{align} is compact. I was able to show ...
Peter's user avatar
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Stirling numbers of the second kind with maximum part size

The stirling number of the second kind $S(n,k)$ counts the number of partitions of the set $[n]$ into $k$ non-empty parts. I found a definition for the numbers called the $r$-associated stirling ...
Gorka's user avatar
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Kwantitatieve Methoden [closed]

I'm looking for one article (Eilers P. H. C., 1987, Asymmetric least squares: New faces of a scatterplot. Kwantitatieve methoden 8, 45-64) and since I was not able to find it for some time, I'm asking ...
Joe's user avatar
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Alternate proof of Morley's theorem?

I'm trying to understand the result given in the first box at slide 45 of this talk. Specifically: 1) What is the source cited? I have not been able to find any article by Keisler, Chudnovsky and/or ...
Andrei Sipoș's user avatar
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Improvements of the Reidemeister-Schreier index formula for particular classes of groups

I have a couple of questions regarding possible improvements of the Reidemeister-Schreier index formula: let $G$ be a $d$-generated group and let $H$ be a subgroup of $G$, then $$d(H) \le (d-1) \...
Matteo Vannacci's user avatar
7 votes
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Primitive recursive arithmetic via universal algebra

From the Wikipedia article on Primitive recursive arithmetic: "Primitive recursive arithmetic, or PRA, is a quantifier-free formalization of the natural numbers. It was first proposed by Skolem[1] ...
Rex Butler's user avatar
7 votes
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Survey of Engineering Problems for Mathematicians [closed]

I am looking for survey-books on open math (esp. probability) problems from engineering fields but phrased in mathematical language. There are hundreds of specialized math-engineering books out there,...
TKM's user avatar
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Fractional Poincare inequality on closed manifold

Let $u \in H^{\frac 12}(M)$ on a compact closed Riemannian manifold. Can someone refer me to a source where the inequality $$\lVert u - \bar u \rVert_{L^{2^*}} \leq C|u|_{H^{\frac 12}}$$ is proved, or ...
Recreate's user avatar
4 votes
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Explicit bounds for transfer results in algebraic geometry

Assume you have an ideal $I\subseteq\mathbb{Z}[X_1,\ldots,X_n]$ of the polynomial ring in $n$ variables over the integers. For any field $\Bbbk$, I can consider the ideal $I(\Bbbk):=I\otimes_{\mathbb{...
Jesko Hüttenhain's user avatar
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Examples of Geometric Constructions in Higher Dimensions

The classical problem of geometric construction seems to be restricted to planar Euclidean Geometry with straight edge and compass as the only admissible "construction-tools". I would like to know,...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Hodge structure of relative cohomology groups

I need a hint or a good reference for definition of mixed Hodge structure on the relative cohomology groups ($\mathrm{H}^*(X,Y)$, $Y\subset X$ a closed subvariety of a comolex quasiprojective variety $...
Mostafa's user avatar
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On a tower of strongly normal extensions

Where I could see the following statement? Let $K\subset L\subset M$ be a tower of the strongly normal extensions of differential fields. If $M$ is weakly normal over $K$, then $M$ is strongly ...
Jim's user avatar
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Was $\Sigma x$ used as quantifier?

Kurt Gödel in 1931 used $x\Pi a$ where we in contemporary notation would use $(\forall x) A$ or $(x)A$, and $Ex a$ where we would use $(\exists x) A$. I believe that I remember that $\Sigma xA$ has ...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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Uniqueness of analytic center manifold

In a book, i have read a remark which says that the center manifold of an equilibrium point of a differential equation is not unique in general but is unique in the class of analytic manifold. The ...
aristote's user avatar
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Summing a function at integer points

For a real function $f$ defined on the reals, and real $y$, define the 2-way infinite sum $$ F_f(y) = \sum_{i\in\mathbb Z} f(y+i). $$ If $F_f(y)$ is defined for all $y$, it is periodic of period 1. ...
Brendan McKay's user avatar
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Is this approach to the combinatorics of knots well known?

I am teaching a course on knots for the first time, and this led me to play with an approach which I have not seen in the literature. I would be surprised if no one had used it before, so I am ...
Neil Strickland's user avatar
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Boundary energy estimate of wave equations

Let $D$ be the unit disk in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$, we consider the $n$ dimension wave equation defined on $D$, $$\square u=F$$ where $\square=\partial_{t}^{2}-\triangle$ is the standard wave operator in $\...
Yun K's user avatar
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Line bundles over Kähler–Hodge manifolds

A Kähler–Hodge manifold $M$ can be defined as a Kähler manifold whose Kähler form $\omega$ is integral, namely $\omega\in H^{2}(M,\mathbb{Z})$. It is known then that there always exists a Hermitian ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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Reference Request: Category of explicit maps between primitive recursive sets?

[Edited] Let $\mathsf{PR}$ be the category defined as follows: Choose a specific presentation of Primitive Recursive Arithmetic, that is, with a specific set of terms for primitive recursive ...
Rex Butler's user avatar
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References for symmetric α-stable process (SSP) for $a>2$

Many properties of Brownian motion have been extended to SSP's for $0\leq \alpha\leq 2$ and so it is quite easy to find literature on them. However, I am currently studying the SSP for $\alpha>2$ ...
TKM's user avatar
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Wong-Zakai smooth approximation in probabilty for stochastic differential equations

I'm looking for a result of the form: Let $B_\epsilon$ denote a "natural" smooth $\epsilon$-approximation to an $n$-dimensional Brownian motion $B$ (e.g. by mollification or simply piecewise linear) ...
Tyr Curtis's user avatar
11 votes
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Pairing of cohomology and homology Künneth formulas

Let $k$ be a field, and let $X$ and $Y$ be CW-complexes of finite type (although the question makes sense for $k$ a ring and for more general chain complexes of finitely generated free abelian groups)....
Mark Grant's user avatar
3 votes
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orbits of linear algebraic group $G({\Bbb Q}_p)$ acting on subgroups of ${\Bbb Q}_p^n$

Let $G\subseteq GL(n)$ be a linear algebraic group, and let $G({\Bbb Q}_p)\subseteq GL(V)$ act on a ${\Bbb Q}_p$-vector space V of finite dimension. Consider the action of $G$ on abelian subgroups $L\...
mmm 's user avatar
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Upper bounds on the edge clique cover number on special graph classes

An edge clique cover of an undirected graph $G$ is a set of cliques of $G$ such that every edge of $G$ is an edge in at least one clique in the set. The edge clique cover number $\theta(G)$ is the ...
Juho's user avatar
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Concise mathematical definition of the fusion product on the Verlinde ring?

The Verlinde ring of a (let us say) simply connected simple compact Lie group has as underlying additive group the Grothendieck group of representations of the central extension $\widehat{LG}$ of the ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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fake $S^{2k}\times S^{2k}$

Let $X$ be a fixed closed manifold,$S(X)$ the structure set and $Aut(X)$ the group of self homotopy equivalence of $X$. surgery theory tells us that $\mathcal{M}(X):=S(X)/Aut(X)$ is in bijection ...
user2015's user avatar
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Property theories

Property theory is, as I have understood it, first of all characterized by an attempt to approach naive comprehension type-freely and without committing to extensionality. There is e.g. the work of ...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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What is the fractional derivative smoothness of functions from the Zygmund class?

Let $\Lambda([0,1])$ be the Zygmund class of continuous on $[0,1]$ functions for which $$\sup h^{-1}|f(x+2h)-2f(x+h)+f(x)|<\infty.$$ What would be the exact smoothness class for the fractional ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Explicit deformations of pseudo representations

Let $G$ be a group (which I will be glad to consider to be the absolute Galois group of a $p$-adic field, and so satisfies Mazur's finiteness condition which appears in his paper Deforming Galois ...
user58392's user avatar
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Quotient groups of "Abelian-times-compact", what are they called?

In what I am doing now this class of groups appears all the way: (Hausdorff) quotient groups of $A\times K$, where $A$ are locally compact abelian groups, and $K$ compact groups. I wonder, if this ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
9 votes
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Need examples of homotopy orbit and fixed points

I am no expert in equivariant homotopy theory. Let's say, I am planing to give a talk on homotopy fixed points and orbits. My audience will be graduate students who are doing algebraic topology or ...
Prasit's user avatar
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Symmetric L-groups of integral group ring of finite cyclic groups

Where can i find the results about $L^{\ast}(\mathbb{Z}\pi)$ for $\pi$ a finite cyclic group?
user2015's user avatar
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Cubic fourfold and K3 surface: geometric constructions of Hodge isometry

Hodge structure on K3 surface (the middle line of Hodge diamond is 1 20 1) is similar to the Hodge structure of cubic fourfold (the middle line of Hodge diamond of primitive cohomology is 0 1 20 1 0). ...
IBazhov's user avatar
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Equivalent of Lauricella $F_D$ on an elliptic curve?

Lauricella's hypergeometric function $F_D$ is related to (weighted) configurations of points on $\mathbb{P}^1$. I am looking for generalizations to weighted point configurations on an elliptic curve. ...
WimC's user avatar
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What are some good references on the Galois theory, factorization, or minimality of differential equations?

Let $\lambda$ be a nonzero complex number and let $u(x)$ be some smooth function $\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{C}$, not identically zero. I want to prove that if $u$ satisfies $$u'' + \lambda u'+ \lambda^2 u =...
Douglas Weathers's user avatar
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Localization principle in supersymmetry

In $\S$ 9.3 of the book "Mirror symmetry" (Vafa, Zaslow eds.) the authors formulate the following general localization principle for computation of integrals with respect to both even and odd ...
asv's user avatar
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explicit matrices for Weil ($p^2$ dimensional) representation of $Sp(4,\mathbb{F}_p)$, $p>3$

I am looking for more-or-less explicit matrices for the $p^2$ dimensional Weil representation of $Sp(4,\mathbb{F}_p)$, suitable for computer implementation. Ideally, I would like the images of the ...
Eric Rowell's user avatar
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Structure of symplectic group over finite fields

We are working over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_{q}$ of odd prime characteristic $p$ and of cardinality $q$ some power of $p$. We recall the symplectic group $Sp(4,\mathbb{F}_{q})$ as the group of ...
Silam's user avatar
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The groupoid of algebraic expressions and proofs

Fix a set of variables $V$, and suppose we're given a presentation of a monosorted algebraic theory, with variable symbols taken from $V$. For the sake of example, suppose the presentation consists of ...
goblin GONE's user avatar
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Reference: Continuity of Eigenvectors [closed]

I am looking for an appropriate reference for the following fact. I already posted on math.stackexchange, but got no answer. For each $X \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}_{\text{sym}}$ (symmetric matrix),...
gerw's user avatar
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Positive definiteness of infinite tridiagonal matrices

I am interested in the following problem: I have an infinite symmetric tridiagonal matrix $$ A= \begin{bmatrix} a_1 & b_1 & & & \\ b_1 & a_2 & b_2 & & \...
Giuseppe Negro's user avatar
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Accuracy of the formulas for angles between almost colinear vectors

Assume $x$ and $y$ are two vectors in $\mathbb{R}^3$ and we want to compute the acute angle $\alpha\in(0,\pi/2]$ between these two (noncolinear) vectors. There are (at least) two possibilities: In ...
Algebraic Pavel's user avatar
11 votes
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Banach-Zarecki theorem - who was Zarecki?

I'm writing a paper for real analysis seminar, a paper about Banach-Zarecki theorem and I need some information about the authors. Stefan Banach - there is no problem to find information about him. ...
frank's user avatar
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Fractal dimension of scaling limits of discrete structures

Let $S$ be the set of positive integers whose base-three expansion contains only the digits 0 and 2. The discrete set $S$ in a sense has (negative) fractal dimension $(\log 1/2)/(\log 3)$, since if ...
James Propp's user avatar
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Reference request: Research done on whether the Euler prime can be the largest factor of an odd perfect number

(Note: This was cross-posted from MSE.) I posted the following reference request in MSE three (3) days ago, but was unable to elicit any responses. I am cross-posting it to MO, hoping that it is ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris's user avatar
8 votes
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Weisinger's thesis

I am currently reading Atkin and Li's paper on Twists of newforms and Atkin-Lehner pseudo eigenvalues and one of the references there is to Weisinger's thesis: Weisinger J., Some results on classical ...
MichalisN's user avatar
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Occupancy problem with limited capacity and two types of balls [closed]

I am considering the following problem that I suspect to be standard. One has a set of $N$ balls composed of a fraction $\alpha$ of red balls and $(1-\alpha)$ of black balls (we assume $\alpha N$ is ...
user66945's user avatar
10 votes
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A result attributed to Whitney

One of the basic results of real analysis says that any closed subset of a smooth ($C^\infty$) manifold $M$ is the set of zeros of some map $\lambda\in C^\infty(M;[0,1])$. This result (or some ...
Nautilus's user avatar
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What is known about the boundary between Richardson's theorem and the Tarski-Seidenberg theorem?

Tarski proved that equalities and inequalities in can be decided over $\mathbb{R}[x].$ Richardson proved that adding composition with the sine and exponential functions caused the problem to become ...
Charles's user avatar
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