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Sums of multiplicative functions over residue classes

It was stated in this Shiu, P. work, page 169, Theorem 2, that $$\sum_{\substack{n\le x\\ n\equiv a\pmod k}}d_r^{\ell}(n)\ll\frac{x}{k}\left(\frac{\phi(k)}{k}\log x\right)^{r^{\ell}-1}.$$ Here, $d_r(n)...
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A Brun-Titchmarsh type result for divisor sums; asymptotic/improved bound

In Shiu's work ('A Brun-Titchmarsh theorem for multiplicative functions') he proved that if $r\le x$ is a natural number, we have $$\sum_{r<n\le x}d(n)d(n-r)\ll x\log^2x\sum_{d|r}\frac{1}{d}.$$ I ...
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Series with the smallest number whose square is divisible by $n$

I was looking into this sequence. And I'm particularly interested in the asymptotic behavior of the following series (which is stated on the site) $$\sum_{k=1}^n \frac{1}{a(k)} \sim \frac{3(\log n)^2}...
Denys Lohvynov's user avatar
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What is known about the average growth rate of the denominators of $n$ Egyptian fractions summing to one?

Motivation In the following question posted here on MO and over at MSE, user Noah Schweber asks about a weighted count on Egyptian fraction representations (EFRs). To that end, he defines the ...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
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Closeness of a rational approximation

What is $$p_*:=\inf\big\{p\in\mathbb R\colon\,\inf_{n\in\mathbb N}n^p\,\inf_{k\in\mathbb N} |2\sqrt{3n}-9\pi/4-k\pi|>0\big\},$$ where $\mathbb N:=\{1,2,\dots\}$? In other words, I would like to ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Asymptotic growth of ternary partitions of integers $3n$

Consider the binary partitions of $2n$ in powers of $2$, denoted by $b(2n)$, with the generating function $$\sum_{n\geq0}b(2n)\,x^n=\frac1{1-x}\prod_{k\geq0}\frac1{1-x^{2^n}}.$$ A result of De Bruijn ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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asymptotic growth of a sum involving partitions

Let $\lambda\vdash n$ denote the integer partition of $n$. Define the product $\mathcal{N}(\lambda)=\lambda_1\lambda_2\cdots\lambda_r$ when $\lambda=(\lambda_1\geq\lambda_2\geq\cdots\geq\lambda_r>0)...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
9 votes
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Being even or odd in the product expansion $\prod(1+x^k+x^{k+1})$

Consider the generating function of "partitions with distinct parts" $$\sum_nQ(n)x^n=\prod_k(1+x^k).$$ It's known that $$\left[\prod_k(1+x^k)\right] \mod 2=\prod_m(1-x^m)=\sum_{j\in\mathbb{Z}...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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On $(\prod_{\substack{1\leq s\leq X\\s\text{ semiprime}}}s)(\sum_{\substack{1\leq s\leq X\\s\text{ semiprime}}}\frac{1}{s})$ as $X\to\infty$

Few weeks ago an user from Mathematics Stack Exchange answered my question On an inequality that involves products and sums related to the sequence of semiprimes (asked May 26). It seems that for ...
user142929's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Can one show combinatorially how $\operatorname{lcm}(1, \dotsc, n)$ grows?

Let us write $M(n)$ for $\operatorname{lcm}(1,\dotsc,n)$ for $n$ a positive integer. Asymptotically $M(n)$ tends toward $e^n$. This result uses analytic number theory. (Lcm is least common multiple, ...
Gerhard Paseman's user avatar
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On the equation that involves the Dedekind psi function $\psi(x)=n$ with unique solution $x$, for a fixed integer $n\geq 1$

The Dedekind psi function is defined for a positive integer $m>1$ as $$\psi(m)=m\prod_{\substack{p\mid m\\p\text{ prime}}}\left(1+\frac{1}{p}\right)\tag{1}$$ with the definition $\psi(1)=1$. See ...
user142929's user avatar
3 votes
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Approximation of $\sum_{\rho}\frac{1}{|\rho|^2}$, over the non-trivial zeros of the Ramanujan's zeta function

I would like to know if it in the literature an approximation for $$\sum_{\rho}\frac{1}{|\rho|^2}\tag{1}$$ where the sum is over all of the non-trivial zeros of the Ramanujan's zeta function (also ...
user142929's user avatar
7 votes
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The Gauss Circle Problem asymptotic in dimension

The circle problem in $k$ dimensions: "For $n>0$, how many points $z\in \ \mathbb{Z}^k$ have $\|z\|^2\leq n$?" For large $n$, the answer is $\approx n^{k/2}\cdot \operatorname{Vol}(B^k(0,1))+\...
Christian Chapman's user avatar
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$f^{\lambda}$: asymptotics and analytic continuations

Let $\mathbb{Y}_n$ denote the set of all partitions of $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $\mathbb{Y}$ Young's lattice of all partitions. The partition function $g_0(n)=\sum_{\lambda\in\mathbb{Y}_n}1$ has an ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Asymptotics on the number of ways to pair off $\{1, 2, \dots, 2n\}$ into primes

Given $S = \{1, 2, \dots, 2n\}$, we can always pair off elements into $n$ pairs such that each sum to a prime. The proof of this fact is easy and follows from Bertrand's postulate. Now, let $\gamma(n)...
MT_'s user avatar
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Asymptotics of A261668

In Uniform Approach to Double Shuffle and Duality Relations of Various q-Analogs of Multiple Zeta Values via Rota-Baxter Algebras, Proposition 10.8, Jianqiang Zhao mentiones the sequence: $$a_n=\sum_{...
Moritz Firsching's user avatar
6 votes
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Large sets not containing arithmetic progressions of length 3 in intervals

Given a large enough natural number $N$, let $\Delta_N=\{A \subseteq [N, 2N]: A$ contains no arithmetic progressions of length $3 \},$ where for natural numbers $N<M$ we have $[N, M]=\{N, N+1, ..., ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
11 votes
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The maximum of the preimage of [1,x] through Euler's totient function

A friend of mine and I have shown the following: "For each $x \geq 1$ let $m := m(x)$ be the greatest positive integer such that $\varphi(m) \leq x$, where $\varphi$ is the Euler's totient function. ...
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Asymptotic formula for restricted partition function

Let $p(n)$ be the partition function. Hardy and Ramanujan - and Uspensky, independently proved the asymptotic formula $$(1) \quad p(n) \sim \frac1{4\sqrt{3}} \frac{e^{c_0\sqrt{n}}}{n} \text{ as } n \...
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21 votes
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Covering a set with geometric progressions

Consider the set $S_n=\{1,2,\cdots ,n\}$. What is the minimum number of distinct geometric progressions that cover $S_n$? Let us call this number $a_n$. I was wondering about this number after doing a ...
shadow10's user avatar
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Asymptotics for the number of partitions of $n$ into odd prime parts

Hello! I am interested in the asymptotic behavior of the function $p_o(n)$ defined as the number of partitions of $n$ into odd prime parts A099773 - . I couldn't find any ...
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