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Valuation theory on semisimple algebras used in the paper of Cohen-Martinet: reference request

I'm currently reading the paper of Henri Cohen & Jacques Martinet "Etude heuristique des groupes de classes des corps de nombres" On the 2nd section, they recall some facts on valuations, ...
17 votes
1 answer

Principal ideal domains with finitely many units

Question: What are the (in characteristic 0 if needed) principal ideal domains that have finitely many units? Can such rings be classified? (This is a more specialised version of the question in ...
2 votes
0 answers

Examples of almost Dedekind domains that are not Dedekind

All I know about almost Dedekind domains (which I have come to learn about only recently) is that they are integral domains whose localization at every prime is a discrete valuation ring. In other ...
5 votes
1 answer

Rings of $S$-integers are finitely generated as rings

Let $K$ be a global field (number field or algebraic function field over a finite field), $\mathcal{V}$ the set of $\mathbb{Z}$-valuations on $K$, $S \subseteq \mathcal{V}$ a finite set. The ring of $...
24 votes
3 answers

Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic _number theory_

Someone asked me this today, and I don't know what the standard answer is: Is there an analogue of David Eisenbud's rather amazing Commutative Algebra With a View Toward Algebraic Geometry but with a ...
1 vote
1 answer

Lattice Sieving

What are some good references for Lattice Sieving in Number Field Sieve? Could someone suggest some research papers in this area?(Theoretical and Computational Perspective)
5 votes
1 answer

Generalizing Dedekind's Factorization Theorem

A classical theorem due to Dedekind states the following: Let $O_{K}$ be the ring of integers of a number field $K$, and assume $K$ is generated by adjoining the algebraic integer $\alpha$ to $...
6 votes
2 answers

Decomposition of finite algebras over finite fields

Let $K$ be a number field, $Z_K$ its ring of integers, and $p$ a rational prime number. Then $A_p = Z_K/(p)$ is a finite ${\mathbb F}_p$-algebra. Using ideal arithmetic in $Z_K$ and the Chinese ...
6 votes
1 answer

The Jacobian ideal generates the socle of a complete intersection

This is with reference to theorem 5.20 in Vasconcelos book linked (google books) here: I shall restate the theorem here for easy reference: "If $A=k[[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]]/I$ ...