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Reference Request: Irreducibles of the regular representation of the permutation group is absolutely irreducible

I am writing a paper(physics) where I am using the fact that the irreducible's of the regular representations of the permutation group are absolutely irreducible in the following sense. If $V$ is an ...
vishmay's user avatar
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Is the Veronese variety "enough" to describe all the $SL(V)$-orbits in $\mathbb{P}(\textrm{Sym}^dV)$?

I apologise in advance if the question will look ridicolous to experienced eyes: in this case a good reference will be enough to clarify my doubts. Let $V$ be a complex vector space of dimension $n$, ...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar
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Alternating elements in free graded-commutative algebras

It is classical that every alternating polynomial is (uniquely) the product of a symmetric polynomial with the Vandermonde polynomial, in particular the alternating polynomials are a free rank-one ...
Matthias Wendt's user avatar
12 votes
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Growth of dimension of fixed spaces in $GL_n(\mathbb{Q}_p)$-representations

Let $\pi$ be a generic irreducible admissible representation of $GL_n(L)$, where $L$ is a $p$-adic field, $R$ is its ring of integers, and $\mathfrak{p}$ is its prime ideal. The conductor of $\pi$ ...
John Binder's user avatar
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Why is every l-adic Galois representation conjugate to one over the l-adic integers? [closed]

Why is every l-adic Galois representation $$G_{\mathbb{Q}_p}\rightarrow GL_n(\mathbb{Q}_{l})$$ conjugate to one over the l-adic integers? $$G_{\mathbb{Q}_p}\rightarrow GL_n(\mathbb{Z}_{l})$$
The Thin Whistler's user avatar
10 votes
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Operads and the Stable Module Category

I am seeking references to places where operads and their algebras have been studied for the stable module category. Colored operads are fine too. Let $k$ be a field and $R$ a $k$-algebra. The stable ...
David White's user avatar
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Structure of Deligne-Lusztig representations $R_{T,\theta}$ for ministropic $T$ and cuspidal representations

Let $G$ be a reductive group over a finite field $k$, let $F$ be a Frobenius morphism on $G$. I'll start with a somewhat vague question and make my question more specific further down: How do ...
John Binder's user avatar
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The Irreducible Representations of the Sekine Quantum Groups

Here Y. Sekine introduces a one-parameter family of finite quantum groups of dimension $2n^2$. Let $n\geq 3$ be fixed and $\zeta=e^{2\pi i/n}$. Set $$\mathcal{B}_n=\mathbb{Z}_n\times\mathbb{Z}_n=\{(i,...
JP McCarthy's user avatar
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Is the restricted root system of a simple real Lie group irreducible?

As the title asks, is the restricted root system of a simple real Lie group irreducible? I believe this is true but I need a reference to cite.
IamAGuest's user avatar
7 votes
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Characters of cuspidal representations

Let $\pi$ be an irreducible cuspidal representation of a semi-simple $p$-adic group $G$. It is well-known that the character of $\pi$ is concentrated in the set of compact elements in $G$. What is ...
Alexander Braverman's user avatar
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Relative invariants of $P\oplus P^*$

Let $P$ be a $\mathrm{GL}(V)$-module, and assume that the decomposition of $P$ into irreducible submodules is known. By a relative invariant of the module $P\oplus P^*$, I mean a homogeneous nonzero ...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar
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Graded category O for for rational Cherednik algebras, but at t=0

The paper [1] introduced the category $\mathcal{O}$ for rational Cherednik algebras $H_{t,c}(W)$. This construction is tailored for the $t=1$ case (equivalently, the $t\neq 0$ case). The general setup ...
Zahlendreher's user avatar
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A natural Lascoux-Schützenberger involutions on plane partitions

The Lascoux-Schützenberger involutions, $s_i$, that permute the weight of semi-standard Young tableaux are fairly known. They satisfy some nice Coxeter relations, for example, if $v$ and $w$ are ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
14 votes
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actions of the hyperoctahedral group

I am looking for actions (i.e., permutation representations) of the hyperoctahedral group $H_n$ (also known as the group of signed permutations) studied in the literature, i.e., homomorphisms from $...
Martin Rubey's user avatar
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Any representation is a subrepresentation of a direct sum of the regular representation

I need a reference for the following statement: Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group over algebraically closed field $k.$ Let $V$ be a finite dimensional $G$-module. Then $V$ is subrepresentation of $...
Anupam Singh's user avatar
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Classification of Automorphism set of a Regular graph

Let $A$ be the adjacency matrix of an $r$-regular graph $G$ with $n$ vertices (Not complete or cycle graph) . Also, let $Aut(G)$ be the set of all its automorphisms (i.e. set of permutation matrices)....
Michael's user avatar
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Examples of Rankin-Selberg L-functions from Eisenstein series

I've been digging for awhile to not much success, so I figure I would try here: I am looking for some references which compute explicitly examples of Rankin-Selberg L-functions from the constant ...
Tian An's user avatar
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reference request: direct product of WOT-continuous unitary representations

In an article I'm revising, I spend some time giving a self-contained proof of the following result Let $G$ be a (Hausdorff) topological group and let $(\pi_i)$ be a family of unitary ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Reference request: proofs of the theorems in the paper "On the representation of the group GL(n, K) where K is a local field"

In the paper On the representation of the group $GL(n, K)$ where $K$ is a local field by Gelfand and Kazhdan, it is said that the proofs of the theorems in the paper are published in some other papers....
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Infinite-dimensional admissible representations of SL(2,C)

I'm working in my research with the infinite dimensional (admissible) irreducible representations of $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{C})$ introduced by Harish-Chandra in his paper "Infinite Irreducible ...
Giuseppe Sellaroli's user avatar
2 votes
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Irreducible unitary representations of semidirect groups of a discrete abelian group by a discrete group

Recently in a paper we get the following result: Let a discrete group $\Gamma$ act on a discrete abelian group $G$ by group automorphisms. Every irreducible unitary representation $\pi$ of $G\rtimes\...
Huichi Huang's user avatar
35 votes
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Why there is a relation among the second-order minors of a symmetric $4\times 4$ matrix?

A $4\times 4$ symmetric matrix $$ \left( \begin{array}{cccc} a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} & a_{14} \\ a_{12} & a_{22} & a_{23} & a_{24} \\ a_{13} & a_{23} & a_{33} & ...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar
9 votes
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Catalan numbers as sums of squares of numbers in the rows of the Catalan triangle - is there a combinatorial explanation?

This question arose from an answer to my recent question How many traces are there on Temperley-Lieb, Fuss-Catalan, Iwahori-Hecke, Birman-Wenzl-Murakami-Kauffman, ... algebras? What I need from that ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Localized at $p$ integral representations of finite elementary $p$-groups

Let $C_p$ be a cyclic group of prime order $p$. Let $F=C_p^n=C_p\times\dots\times C_p$ ($n$ times). I would like to to classify finite dimensional representations of $F$ over ${\mathbb{Z}}$. However, ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Extension of the Hilbert-Mumford Criterion

Let $X$ be a smooth variety, $L$ a line bundle on $X$ and $G$ a reductive group actin on $X$ with a linearization of the action to $L$. Say we are over the complex numbers. Both the concept of GIT ...
Giulio's user avatar
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A table for irreducible integral representation of finite cyclic groups

Is there such a table where the irreducible integral representations of finite cyclic groups are listed? Edited: Thanks for Todd Leason's comment.Acutally,i want to know all inequivalent ...
user2015's user avatar
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Generalization of Schur polynomials

EDIT (2018-11-05) I am slowly making a list of symmetric functions, and generalizations available online here. PDFs with overviews are available there for download. I am making a list of ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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Is anything known about the eigenspectrum of the regular representation of the permutation group?

I am looking for information like upper bounds on how many times any eigenvalue can occur or something like how many eigenvalues can be there in some given range. Is anything like this known? The ...
user6818's user avatar
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Help finding paper: De Concini, Kac - Quantum Groups at roots of 1

I am looking for a specific paper, that I have found very difficult to trace. C. De Concini, V. Kac - Quantum Groups at roots of 1 Specifically, the paper is cited as follows (on De Concini's ...
Tim Weelinck's user avatar
6 votes
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Reference request about the representations of the group $PSL_2(\mathbb{F}_q)$

Is there a review/exposition of the representation theory of $PSL_2(\mathbb{F}_q)$ ? Like an enumeration of its irreducible representations and their dimensions as a function of $q$?
user6818's user avatar
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When is a $2$-Calabi–Yau triangulated category the cluster category of a QP?

Keller–Reiten's main theorem in Acyclic Calabi–Yau categories implies that if $\mathcal{C}$ is a $2$-Calabi–Yau (algebraic) triangulated category admitting a cluster-tilting object $T$ such that the ...
Matthew Pressland's user avatar
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Unitary representation of finite-dimensional unitary group

the question is the following. Let n,m be integers, $U(n)$ be the unitary group of $M_n(\mathbb C)$, and $\phi\colon U(n)\to U(m)$ be a continuous group homomorphism, that is moreover irreducible as a ...
Alessandro Vignati's user avatar
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Is there any good survey on the hook length formula and related topics?

I am recently doing some research related to the hook length formula. The hook formula counts the number of Young tableaux of certain type. I find there are plenty of research already been done and ...
WangYao's user avatar
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References for the bicategory of ring-bimodule pairs

One of the standard examples of a bicategory is the bicategory of rings (with bimodules as 1-morphisms), which is sometimes denoted $\operatorname{Bim}$ and in other sources $\operatorname{Ring}$ (or $...
Julian Kuelshammer's user avatar
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$\Gamma$ cohomology of principal series

Let $G$ be a noncompact connected real semisimple Lie group with finited center. Let $\Gamma$ be a cocompact discrete subgroup of $G$, and let $P$ be a parabolique subgroup with Langlands ...
shu's user avatar
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Why Jacobson, but not the left (right) maximals individually?

I firstly asked the following question on MathStackExchange a couple of months ago. I did not receive any answers, but a short comment. So, I decided to post it here, hoping to receive answers from ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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First Explicit Irreducible Representations

Although the classification of simple Lie Algebras and their representations is fully understood, I wonder whether there is some book with exhaustive tables describing explicit irreducible ...
Jjm's user avatar
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Reference that contains examples of absolutely indecomposable representations of quivers over a finite field

Is there a reference that lists/discusses examples of absolutely indecomposable representations of quivers over a finite field (absolutely indecomposable = does not decompose into a direct sum over ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Decomposing $(\mathbb C^n)^{\otimes m}$ as a representation of $S_n\times S_m$

$V=\mathbb C^n$ is a $\mathbb CS_n$-module, where $S_n$ is the symmetric group of degree $n$, via the representation sending a permutation to the corresponding permutation matrix. The tensor power $V^...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Galois correspondence subgroups/subsystems

In this paper (1998) by M. Izumi, R. Longo, S. Popa, there is the following result (page 49) on compact groups: Lemma 3.16. Let $G$ be a compact group and $Rep(G)$ the category of finite ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Unitary representation with fixed Casimir

Let $G$ be a connected reductive real Lie group with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. We denote by $\widehat{G}_u$ the unitary dual, that is the set of isomorphism classes of unitary reprensentation of $G$....
shu's user avatar
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How do small central extensions drop the dimension of a faithful representation?

Apologies in advance that this is a very soft question. I might be talking complete nonsense. But I hope I am talking about something that has even been studied... I am interested in the phenomenon ...
benblumsmith's user avatar
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Concise mathematical definition of the fusion product on the Verlinde ring?

The Verlinde ring of a (let us say) simply connected simple compact Lie group has as underlying additive group the Grothendieck group of representations of the central extension $\widehat{LG}$ of the ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Explicit deformations of pseudo representations

Let $G$ be a group (which I will be glad to consider to be the absolute Galois group of a $p$-adic field, and so satisfies Mazur's finiteness condition which appears in his paper Deforming Galois ...
user58392's user avatar
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explicit matrices for Weil ($p^2$ dimensional) representation of $Sp(4,\mathbb{F}_p)$, $p>3$

I am looking for more-or-less explicit matrices for the $p^2$ dimensional Weil representation of $Sp(4,\mathbb{F}_p)$, suitable for computer implementation. Ideally, I would like the images of the ...
Eric Rowell's user avatar
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Euler Subgroups and Automorphic L-functions

Recently, I have read about the Whittaker expansion for $\mathrm{GL}_n$ and was struck by the utility of the mirabolic subgroup, $\mathrm{P}_n\subset \mathrm{GL}_n$ of matrices with bottom row $(0\; 0 ...
Spencer Leslie's user avatar
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Is a matrix element of a norm continuous representation always a trigonometric polynomial?

I asked a similar question for the case of compact groups not long ago in math.stackexchange. Now I understand that the answer was "yes", and I want to modify that question. This is also related to my ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
7 votes
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Trigonometric polynomials on non-compact and non-abelian groups

I asked this initially in math.stackexchange, but it disappeared almost immediately, so I hope it will be proper to aks this here. Hewitt and Ross define trigonometric polynomial on a locally compact ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
5 votes
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Embedding $G$ in a $Z(G)$ extension of $\operatorname{Aut}G$

This question follows up a question I asked on math.SE. This is a refinement and a reference request. For what groups $G$ does there exist a $Z(G)$-extension of $\operatorname{Aut}G$ (call it $\tilde ...
benblumsmith's user avatar
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Characterization of Frobenius complements

I have learned that Frobenius complements are characterized (among finite groups) by having a fixed point free complex representation. That is, a finite group $G$ is a Frobenius complement if and only ...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar

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