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6 votes
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Half integral weight Hecke operators

I would like to find a source giving the exact formula for the product of two Hecke operators $T_{\kappa}(n^2)$ and $T_\kappa(m^2)$ of half integral weight. That is, $\kappa \in \frac 12 \mathbb{Z} - \...
Eren Mehmet Kiral's user avatar
5 votes
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Request: Kato's article "Lectures on the approach to Iwasawa theory for Hasse-Weil L-functions." Part II

The question (similar to MO.96531) is about the article by Professor Kazuya Kato in this book. In this article, Professor Kato indicates the contents of the second part. MathSciNet does not list it, ...
SGP's user avatar
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The mod 3 reduction of some powers of delta

Let f in Z/3[[x]] be the mod 3 reduction of the Fourier expansion of the normalized weight 12 cusp form delta for the full modular group. The exponents appearing in f are all 1 mod 3. Fix k>0 and ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Intersection of Hilbert class fields of imaginary quadratic fields

In this question Hilbert class field of Quadratic fields it is mentioned that if $d\equiv 1 \mod 4$ then the Hilbert class field of $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-d})$ contains $\mathbb{Q}(i,\sqrt{d})$. Could ...
Adam Harris's user avatar
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Place stabilizers for the absolute Galois Group

Fix an algebraic closure, $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$ for the rationals and consider the set, $B_p$, of all places of $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$ over a fixed (possibly infinite) prime, $p$, of $\mathbb{Q}$. ...
Adam Hughes's user avatar
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Large gaps between P2s

Gaps between consecutive primes are $O(n^{\theta+\varepsilon})$ for $\theta=0.525$ and any $\varepsilon>0.$ I was wondering if a better result is known for gaps between numbers with at most two ...
Charles's user avatar
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11 votes
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The Class Number One Problem for Real Quadratic Fields

An approach to the Gauß class number one problem for imaginary quadratic fields is to determine the integral points on the modular curve $Y_{nonsplit}(n)$ for a suitable $n$. Here follows a quick ...
10 votes
3 answers

Last term of repeating continued fraction expansion

Once again, working with stable vector bundles on $\mathbb{P}^2$ I have run into a question that is really out of my area. (Thanks to everybody who helped out with my last question!) Let $D>9$ be ...
Jack Huizenga's user avatar
6 votes
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Must the $j$-invariant of an elliptic curve with an isogeny be integral?

Let $K$ be a quadratic field, and $E/K$ a non-CM elliptic curve with a $K$-rational $p$-isogeny, for $p$ a prime. I would like to say the following: For large enough $p$, the $j$-invariant $j(E)$ ...
Barinder Banwait's user avatar
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Erdős-Straus with 4 terms

The Erdős-Straus conjecture states that any fraction of the form $\frac{4}{n}$ can be decomposed as an Egyptian fraction with just 3 terms. In related research, I've recently come across conditions on ...
Aeryk's user avatar
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Extending an assignment property from Q to R (or C)

Property of any odd number of nonnegative integers: Given $x_1 \leq \cdots \leq x_{2n + 1}$ with each $x_i \in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$, suppose that for any $x_i$ we remove, the remaining numbers can be ...
Benjamin Dickman's user avatar
4 votes
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Empty lattice simplex or White's theorem

White has proved (White, G. K. Lattice tetrahedra -- Canad. J. Math. 16 1964 389–396.) the following theorem: If $T$ is a closed tetrahedron and $\Lambda$ is a lattice which contains the vertices of $...
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
4 votes
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Number of divisors of a sum / ABC conjecture equivalent statement

I have two related questions that I can't seem to find any literature on: 1) What can be said about $\tau(a+b)$ knowing $\tau(a)$ and $\tau(b)$ (where $\tau(n)$ is the number of positive divisors of $...
Aeryk's user avatar
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Construction of RM abelian variety from eigenform

Let $f$ be a normalized eigenform of weight $2$ level $N$. If the Fourier coefficients of $f$ generate a totally real field $F$, then we associate to $f$ a system of $\ell$-adic Galois representations ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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6 votes
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Lattice-cube minimal blocking sets

Let $C_d(n)$ be the lattice cube consisting of the $n^d$ points with each of its $d$ coorindates in $\lbrace 1,2,\ldots,n \rbrace$. Define a blocking set for a lattice cube to be a set of points in ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
9 votes
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Modern Proof of the Theorem of the Base

I am looking for a modern proof of the so-called "Theorem of the Base"--that the Neron-Severi rank of a smooth projective variety is finite. One can prove this for varieties over $\mathbb{C}$ easily ...
Daniel Litt's user avatar
9 votes
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Number Fields Arising from Newforms

It is well-known that, given a normalized eigenform $f=\sum a_n q^n$, its coefficients $a_n$ generate a number field $K_f$. In their 1995 paper "Fermat's Last Theorem", Darmon, Diamond, and Taylor ...
Jeff H's user avatar
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congruences for Fourier coefficients of modular forms

Are there other good articles on congruences for Fourier coefficients of modular forms beside Swinnerton-Dyer's article in "Modular Functions of One Variable III"? I am looking for generalisations ...
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7 votes
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Prescribed values for the uniform density

Strauch & Tóth [1] Georges Grekos [3][4] showed that for any choice of upper and lower density, there is some subset of $\mathbb{N}$ with the chosen densities, provided the lower is no more than ...
Charles's user avatar
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Lacunary sequence

Is there a standard definition for a lacunary sequence? Suppose $0 < a_1 < a_2 < \cdots.$ I've read two papers using the term recently. One requires $$ \liminf_n\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}>1 $$ ...
Charles's user avatar
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4 votes
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Reference request for an identity for tangent numbers

The tangent numbers $(T_{2n+1})=(1,2,16,272,7936,...)$ (cf. OEIS: A000182) satisfy many recurrences. I would be interested to find references for the following which I think must be very old: $T_3 -...
Johann Cigler's user avatar
3 votes
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Limit connected with a periodic function

I am posting the following question from Math.Stackexchange: Let $f$ be a $1$-periodic function, i.e., $f(x+1)=f(x)$, defined on the interval $(0, 1)$ by the formula $$ f(x)=2x-1. $$ For a real ...
kap44's user avatar
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questions on Néron-Tate canonical height

I have three questions regarding height pairings: In [Serre, Lectures on the Mordell-Weil theorem], p. 85 f., it is stated that the following function is a local height function: "Let $V/R$ be a ...
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15 votes
1 answer

Funktorialität in der Theorie der automorphen Formen

In 2010 Langlands wrote an article with the title Funktorialität in der Theorie der automorphen Formen: Ihre Entdeckung und ihre Ziele. On the IAS website, he says that This note ... was written ...
Chandan Singh Dalawat's user avatar
5 votes
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Effective way of finding generators on the curve and the rank conjecture

Hello everyone, I have never heard of a polynomial time running algorithm that finds the generators of elliptic curves efficiently. I do know that Nagell-Lutz theorem is useful in computing the ...
Shanmukha_Srinivasan's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why should I believe in the Siegel's and Hasse's rationale ?

Hello everyone, I was deeply attracted by the Hasse and Siegel's theorems while studying $p$-adic analysis. While reading a paper B.J. Birch and H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer - Notes on elliptic curves. I, ...
Shanmukha_Srinivasan's user avatar
5 votes
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Where can I read about exponential sums corresponding to Jones Polynomial?

I remember reading that a number theoretic analogue of Witten's path integral formula for the Jones polynomial: $$\text{Jones}_K(e^{2\pi i/(k+2)})=\int_{\text{$SU(2)$ connections on $\mathbb S^3$}/\...
John Pardon's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Fourier decay rate of Cantor measures

For $0<\theta<\frac{1}{2}$, denote by $C_\theta$ the Cantor set with dissection ratio $\theta$, i.e. the Cantor set obtained from dissection parttern $(\theta, 1-2\theta,\theta)$. It is known ...
Syang Chen's user avatar
6 votes
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Number of integers coprime to l

A long time ago I've seen a paper considering, given $\ell$ fixed, estimates for $$ \sum_{n \leq x, (n, \ell) = 1} 1 $$ Of course, this is easy to estimate with a trivial error term of $O(\varphi(l))...
kolik's user avatar
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Reference for Rank Distribution Conjecture.

I am currently writing my master's thesis and I was wondering if the rank distribution conjecture was ever formally written down. Recall that it says that: Half of all elliptic curves have rank $0$, ...
Eugene's user avatar
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22 votes
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A recommended roadmap to Fermat's Last Theorem

I was inspired to undertake math as a career after watching a documentary on the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. As such it's been a small goal of mine to understand Wiles et al's proof. In a ...
Eugene's user avatar
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Minor Arc Estimates for an Exponential Sum for a Quadratic Polynomial Over the Primes

Let $f$ be a quadratic polynomial with leading coefficient $\alpha$, and suppose $\alpha$ is in a "minor arc" in the sense that $\alpha$ is not within $\frac{(\log N)^A}{q N^2}$ of any rational number ...
Rob F's user avatar
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5 answers

Nonlinear equations in integers

Linear patterns in subset of the integers (for example, primes) such as arithmetical progressions is a hot topic in mathematics. Recently, much progress has been made in this area. For example, the ...
Siming Tu's user avatar
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Asymptotic equivalence for functions with zeros

I am considering the relative asymptotic behavior of a pair of real functions on the positive real axis, say $f$ and $g$. There is no $x_0$ such that $f$ and $g$ are non-zero for all $x>x_0$. ...
Kevin Smith's user avatar
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Gauss sums over multiplicative subgroups

Hello, Is anyone here aware of a well-motivated exposition of the Bourgain-Glibichuk-Konyagin estimate for exponential sums (or Gauss sums) over multiplicative subgroups? If any of you has a write-up ...
José Hdz. Stgo.'s user avatar
13 votes
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Reference for: CM Hilbert Modular forms arise from Hecke characters

For classical modular forms, the correspondence between the form having CM by an imaginary quadratic field $K$ and it being induced from a Hecke character on $K$ is well-known. (Ribet's paper is a ...
unramified's user avatar
34 votes
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Shimura-Taniyama-Weil VS Grothendieck's dessins

When listening to the beautiful lectures by Gilles Schaeffer at the SLC68, the following (perhaps crazy) question occurred to me: did anyone attempt (succeed?) to combinatorially prove modularity of ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
7 votes
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Tamagawa Number of Elliptic Curves over $\mathbb{Q}$

I am currently reading a paper by De Weger and one theorem in it proves a bound for the Tamagawa number of any elliptic curve defined over $\mathbb{Q}$. I was wondering if anyone has any good ...
Eugene's user avatar
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Elliptic subfields of a function field

Let $C$ be a curve and $K(C)$ be its function field of genus 2, where $K$ = $\mathbb{C}$. The number of essential elliptic subfields of $K(C)$ is 0 or 2 or $\infty$. Edit: I am looking for a proof. ...
Srilakshmi's user avatar
11 votes
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Finiteness of Tate-Shafarevich

Does anyone happen to know who conjectured the finiteness of the Tate-Shafarevich group? We recall the conjecture. Let $E/K$ be an elliptic curve where $K$ is a number field. Then $Ш(E/K)$ is finite.
Eugene's user avatar
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Proto-Euclidean algorithm

Consider the Euclidean algorithm (EA) as a way to measure the relative length $b/a$ of a shorter stick $b$ compared to a longer one $a$ by recursively determining $$q_i = \left\lfloor \frac{r_i}{r_{...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
26 votes
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Questions about the Bernstein center of a $p$-adic reductive group

Dear all, The "Bernstein center" of a $p$-adic reductive group appears frequently in the literature of automorphic forms, often without a precise definition. For example, in page 233 of Moeglin-...
user4245's user avatar
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A question about partial Euler products

Let $K/{\mathbb Q}$ be an extension of degree $d$. Let $S$ be the set of primes $p$ which split completely in $K$. What can one say about the analytic properties of $$ \zeta_{K, S}(s) : = \prod_{p \...
Ramin's user avatar
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Source for embedding multiplicative group of an algebraic closure of a finite field?

It's easy to embed the (cyclic) multiplicative group of a finite field into the multiplicative group of $\mathbb{C}$ (or other algebraically closed field of characteristic 0): assign to a generator of ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
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A theorem of Stickelberger on the number of prime ideals in a decomposition

Suppose that $p$ is unramified in a number field $K$ of degree $n$. Apparently, Stickelberger proved that $\big( \frac{Disc(K)}{p}\big) = (-1)^{n - g}$, where $g$ is the number of prime ideal factors ...
Frank Thorne's user avatar
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Generalization of Hilbert 94 and capitulation

Let $L/K$ be a finite, cyclic extension of number fields, say with $\mathrm{Gal}(L/K)=G$. In my context $G$ is actually of order $p$, an odd prime number, but let me state my question for every cyclic ...
Filippo Alberto Edoardo's user avatar
7 votes
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Inverse map for partition transform

Let $(a_n)$, $n\in\mathbb{N}$, be a sequence of complex numbers, then formally one has (1) $$\prod_{1}^{\infty}\left(1-a_nx^n\right)^{-1}=1+\sum_{1}^{\infty}\left(\sum_{j_1+2j_2+\cdots +nj_n=n}a_1^{...
Kevin Smith's user avatar
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For an approach to the Hadamard-matrix-problem: is there a proof, that the iterative plane-wise orthogonal rotations (Quartimax/Varimax) converge to global maximum?

I've asked this question at stat-exchange and at the "Semnet"-mailing list of professionals in statistics. The reference to some articles in Psychometrica (for instance ten Berge 1995, Jennrich 2001) ...
Gottfried Helms's user avatar
5 votes
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Kronecker theorems on linear forms.

Dickson's History of the Theory of Numbers, vol II p. 94 refers to some theorems of Kronecker on linear forms: ...find integers $w$ and $w^\prime$ such that $aw+a^\prime w^\prime$ takes a value ...
Stopple's user avatar
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Reference request: Dickman, On the frequency of numbers containing prime factors

I've been trying without success to find the paper Dickman, Karl, "On the frequency of numbers containing prime factors of a certain relative magnitude." Ark Mal., Astronomi och Physik, 22A (10), ...
Tom Dickens's user avatar
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