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4 answers

Digraph intermediate connectivity

What's the name for a digraph such that for each pair of vertices $u,v$, there is either a path from $u$ to $v$ or a path from $v$ to $u$? I'd call it just connected, since this is an intermediate ...
Ale De Luca's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Can every finite graph be represented by an arithmetic sequence of natural numbers?

(This is a follow-up to my previous questions Natural models of graphs?.) Erdös in The Representation of a Graph by Set Intersections (1966) states: Theorem. Let $G$ be an arbitrary graph. Then there ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Describe a tree by junctions

I have n sectors, enumerated 0 to n-1 counterclockwise. The boundaries between these sectors are infinite branches (n of them). These branches meet at certain points (junctions). Each junction is ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar

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