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The properties of almost all directed graphs

A mathematician on the forum previously requested a reference on human brains modelled as directed graphs. This makes sense as neurons are mostly unidirectional and I have been thinking about similar ...
Aidan Rocke's user avatar
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Another betweenness centrality measure: neighbourhood centrality

Among the many centrality measures that I have heard of, I miss the following (but maybe I'm just blind). Consider a graph $G$ with $k$ connected components $G_i$ of size $|G_i|$. The number of node ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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counting k-cliques not also (k+1) on random graphs

consider the set of graphs with $n$ vertices and exactly half of all $\binom n 2$ possible edges. looking for a formula that counts the number of these graphs that have a $k$-clique but not a $(k+...
vzn's user avatar
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Maximum Independent set of sparse graphs with few triangles

Notations used $\alpha(G) = $ Max sized independent set of graph $G$. $n(G) = $ Number of vertex in graph $G$. Theorem (by Ajtai et al.): For a triangle-free graph $G$ and max degree being $\Delta$,...
Vivek Bagaria's user avatar