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Lower bound for restricted sumset in ordered groups

Recently in The restricted sumsets in finite abelian groups it is proved that Suppose that $k \geq 2$ and $A$ is a non-empty subset of a finite abelian group $G$ with $|G| > 1$. Then the ...
navashree chanania's user avatar
4 votes
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Where to begin in Computational Group Theory?

I'm coding a small application that looks for periodic solutions to the gravitational n-body problem. I'm trying to better understanding the symmetries of solutions, which is made up of the product of ...
G. Fougeron's user avatar
9 votes
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About the normal subgroups of Burnside groups

I was reading "On periodic groups of odd period $n\ge 1003$" of V. S. Atabekyan. He found that the Burnside group $B_n$ with $n\ge 1003$ has uncountably many normal subgroups. However, I was ...
GroupKing's user avatar
9 votes
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Is the number of varieties of groups still unknown?

A variety of groups is a class of groups satisfying a specified set of equations. Equivalently, it is a class of groups that is closed under homomorphic images, subgroups, and direct products. A ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
12 votes
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Do linear groups over a commutative ring satisfy the Tits alternative?

A group $G$ is said to satisfy the Tits alternative if any finitely generated subgroup of $G$ is either virtually solvable or contains a nonabelian free subgroup. Tits proved this for linear groups ...
Nobody's user avatar
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8 votes
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If a semigroup embeds into a group, then is it a subdirect product of groups?

The title has it all: Q. If a semigroup $S$ embeds into a group, then is $S$ (isomorphic to) a subdirect product of groups? If yes, then $S$ is a subdirect product of subdirectly irreducible groups,...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
8 votes
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Does every cancellative duo semigroup embed into a group?

Prompted by the comments to a recent answer by YCor to a related question (here), I'd like to ask the following: Q. Does every cancellative duo semigroup embed into a group? A (multiplicatively ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
9 votes
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$p$-adic analytic pro-$p$ group satisfies a pro-$p$ identity?

Let $p$ be a prime. Let $w$ be an element of a free pro-$p$ group $F_r$ of finite rank $r\geq 2$. Then we say that a pro-$p$ group $G$ satisfies the pro-$p$ identity $w$ if for every homomorphism $ f:...
stupid boy's user avatar
2 votes
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Centralizer of PSL in PGL and of SL in GL: reference request

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}\DeclareMathOperator\PGL{PGL}\DeclareMathOperator\PSL{PSL}$Consider the general linear group $\GL(n,q)$ over a finite field with $q$ elements and ...
Nick Belane's user avatar
4 votes
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Characterization of Vilenkin group

It is shown in [1, Section 1] by C.W. Onneweer that every infinite compact, metrizable, zero-dimensional commutative group is a Vilenkin group. My question is does this implication also hold if we ...
John's user avatar
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Defining rank of an abelian subgroup using the second centralizer

I recently posted this on MSE, but didn't receive any feedback; so I'm posting it on MO. I recently came across this article which explored the maximal abelian subgroups of the symmetric group $S_n$. ...
dbossaller's user avatar
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The base group of a wreath product of an abelian group by $ {\mathbb{Z}}$ is a characterstic subgroup

I've copied over this question from what I asked on Mathematics Stack Exchange, in the hope that some experts here can direct me to some relevant results. Let $A$ be a finitely generated abelian group,...
ghc1997's user avatar
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3 answers

Conjectures in the representation theory of the symmetric group

Question: What are current open conjectures about the representation theory of the symmetric group? I am interested mostly in the characteristic 0 case, but conjectures for the modular case can also ...
Mare's user avatar
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Reference for surjectivity of the canonical map $R^{G_1} \otimes R^{G_2} \to R^{G_1 \cap G_2}$

Let $R$ be a commutative ring, $G$ a finite group with an action over $R$. Let $G_1, G_2 \subset G$ be two subgroups. Then the canonical map $R^{G_1} \otimes R^{G_2} \to R^{G_1 \cap G_2}$ is ...
Zheming Xu's user avatar
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A question about automorphism group of abelian group

Does anyone know any references that describe automorphism group $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb R^n\times \mathbb T^m)$? I searched for a long time but couldn't find it.
free's user avatar
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Generalized dimension property for rings

My question is very basic, I am looking for a characterization (and name) of rings $R$ satisfying the following property $\star$. For any $V, W$ two finitely generated $R$-modules such that $V\oplus W\...
GSM's user avatar
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11 votes
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Recognising the elements of the Grigorchuk group

The Grigorchuk group $\mathfrak{G}= \langle a,b,c,d \rangle$ is a group of automorphisms of the infinite rooted binary tree $\mathcal{T}_2$. Every element of $\mathfrak{G}$ can be represented by a ...
AGenevois's user avatar
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Isomorphism classes of finite $\mathbb{N}$-groups

Where can I find resources on isomorphism classes of finite $\mathbb{N}$-groups, i.e. groups acted on by the monoid $(\mathbb{N}, +)$? I edited this question to be more focused on what I'm interested ...
Keith's user avatar
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7 votes
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Generating set of permutation group such that generators do not "contain" other group elements

Let $(G, X)$ be a permutation group with domain $X$. Let $O=\{o_1,\dots,o_m\}$ be the set of orbits of $G$. I am interested in generating sets $S$ with the following property: Let $g\in S$ be a ...
Martin Rubey's user avatar
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Classification of visible actions for *reducible* representations?

Is there a classification of the pairs $(G,V)$ such that $G$ is reductive [and connected, if you like], and $G$ acts faithfully and visibly on $V$ - crucially, including all cases where $V$ is ...
Joshua Grochow's user avatar
2 votes
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Structure of elements of a finite group not contained in any conjugate of a proper subgroup

Let $G$ be a finite group and $H$ be a proper subgroup of $G$. It is elementary to prove that the union of all conjugates of $H$ under $G$, $$U:=\bigcup_{\sigma\in G}\sigma^{-1}H\sigma,$$ is properly ...
Nicolas Banks's user avatar
17 votes
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Explicit character tables of non-existent finite simple groups

In connection with the historical development of the classification of finite simple groups, I am interested in a particular aspect that seems to be less well-documented than the main narrative of ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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When the fundamental group of subgraph of groups embeds?

Given a connected graph of groups $\mathcal G$ (where edge maps are embeddings), by a subgraph we mean a graph of groups obtain by omitting some vertices, some edges, and replacing the remaining ...
tomasz's user avatar
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The existence of such homomorphism [closed]

Are there any papers or books that investigate/discuss the relationship between conjugacy classes and normality for the existence of non-trivial homomrphism f:G->H were H is some nontrivial ...
Naif's user avatar
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What are the finite-dimensional irreducible unitary representations of $E(3)$?

Let $E(3)$ be the Euclidean group of $\mathbb{R}^3$ defined, e.g., by $$E(3)=SO(3)\ltimes T(3)$$ where $T(3)$ is the translation group. I am looking for a reference classifying all the finite-...
PontyMython's user avatar
5 votes
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Non-monotileable amenable groups

This is crossposted from MSE. We say a subset $A$ of a group $G$ is a monotile for $G$ if $G$ is a disjoint union of right translates of $A$. In his article Monotileable Amenable Groups, B. Weiss ...
Saúl RM's user avatar
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Number of $k$-tuples of elements generating a cyclic group

Let $k$, $m$ be natural numbers, and $C_m:=\mathbb{Z}/ m \mathbb{Z}$ be the cyclic group of order $m$. Let $N_{k, \, m}$ be the cardinality of the following set: $$\{(a_1, \ldots, a_k) \in (C_m)^k \; ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
6 votes
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Equation in a nilpotent group

Let $G$ be a nilpotent group of class at most $r$ (that is, $\gamma^{r+1}G=1$). Let elements $g_1,\dotsc,g_n\in G$ be fixed. We are interested in the set $V\subseteq\mathbb Z^n$ of solutions $x=(x_1,\...
Semen Podkorytov's user avatar
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Amplification argument for hyperlinear groups

Let us define a group $G$ to be a hyperlinear group if it satisfies the conclusion of Theorem 3.6. in these notes by Vladimir Pestov. It is well-known that one can use the so-called amplification ...
Keivan Karai's user avatar
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Bourgain-Gamburd-like theorems in the non-algebraic case

For $\mu$ a Borel probability measure on the compact group $G=\operatorname{SU}(d)$, Bourgain-Gamburd prove that the spectral radius of the associated operator on $L^2(G)$ is strictly less than one, ...
John Rached's user avatar
15 votes
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Existence of a regular semisimple element over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$

This is probably old, a Chevalley level of old, but I'm not at all an expert in this field so I need help. Let $G$ be a simply connected (almost) simple linear algebraic group defined over $K=\mathbb{...
D. Dona's user avatar
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Is there a relationship between Broué's abelian defect group conjecture and Alperin's weight conjecture?

Let $G$ be a finite group, let $k$ be a large enough field of characteristic $p>0$. Let $p\mid |G|$. Broué's abelian defect group conjecture states the following: Let $B$ be a block of $kG$ with ...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
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Complex reflection groups: reference request

Suppose that $V$ is a finite-dimensional complex vector space, that $m\ge 2$ is an integer and that $G\subset \operatorname{GL}(V)$ is a finite subgroup such that $V$ is an irreducible ${\mathbb{C}}[G]...
inkspot's user avatar
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Alternating bihomomorphism is a skew 2-cocycle

It seems to be a well-known fact that every alternating bihomomorphism $G\times G\to\mathbb{C}^\times$ for a finite abelian group $G$ is the skew of some 2-cocycle (see for instance Symmetric analogue ...
Josep's user avatar
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Isomorphic quotients of a countably infinitely-generated free abelian group

Let $F$ denote the free abelian group on countably infinite generators. I am trying to understand the relationship between normal subgroups $A$ and $B$ of $F$ with isomorphic quotients. So is there a ...
medvjed's user avatar
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Finitely presentable groups are residually finite if and only if they are universally pseudofinite

Suppose $G$ is finitely presentable. Then residual finiteness of $G$ is equivalent to $G$ satisfying the universal theory of finite groups (equivalently, to every existential statement true in $G$ ...
tomasz's user avatar
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Where has this structure been observed?

$\newcommand{\M}{\mathcal{M}}$Let $M$ be a monoid. Consider the following structure: $R_X,R_Y:\mathbb{Z}^2 \to M$ satisfying the following "compatiblity-relation": $$R_X (x, y) \cdot R_Y (x +...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Transfer for the group of coinvariants: a reference request

Let $G$ be a group and $M$ be a $G$-module, that is, an abelian group written additively on which $G$ acts: $$ (g,m)\mapsto g m.$$ We consider the group of coinvariants $$ M_G:=G/\langle g m -m\ |\ g\...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
5 votes
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Virtual fibring of $\mathrm{Out}(F_2\times F_2)$

A finitely generated group $G$ is said to virtually fibre if there is a finite index subgroup $H\leq G$ and a non-trivial map $\varphi:H\to\mathbb{Z}$ with $\ker(\varphi)$ finitely generated. I want ...
Marcos's user avatar
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Examples of locally hyperbolic groups

It is well-known that a subgroup of a hyperbolic group need not be hyperbolic. Let us say that a (finitely generated) group $G$ is locally hyperbolic if all its finitely generated subgroups are (...
Jean Charles's user avatar
6 votes
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Twisted forms with real points of a real Grassmannian

Let $X={\rm Gr}_{n,k,{\Bbb R}}$ denote the Grassmannian of $k$-dimensional subspaces in ${\Bbb R}^n$. We regard $X$ as an ${\Bbb R}$-variety with the set of complex points $X({\Bbb C})={\rm Gr}_{n,k,{\...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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An identity for characters of the symmetric group

I am looking for a reference for the identity $$\chi_\lambda(C)=\frac{\dim(V_\lambda)}{|C|}\sum_{p\in P_\lambda,\,q\in Q_\lambda,\,pq\in C}\operatorname{sgn}(q)$$ for the irreducible characters of the ...
Hjalmar Rosengren's user avatar
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Sylow subgroups of the restricted Burnside group $\mathrm{RB}(d,n)$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\RB{RB}$What is known about the Sylow subgroups of the restricted Burnside groups $\RB(d,n)$ ? I am looking for a reference. In fact my question is slightly more general. Recall ...
user521482's user avatar
9 votes
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Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups

Is it known if there are any examples of a finitely generated group $G$ such that: $G$ has a finite index subgroup $H$ which is free-by-cyclic $G$ itself is not free-by-cyclic $G$ is torsion-free ...
HASouza's user avatar
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Catalogue of groups with short finite presentations

For various types of groups, there exist catalogues of those groups of the particular type which are "small" in a certain sense. — For example: The GAP Small Groups Library catalogizes ...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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Does every amenable group $G$ admit a two-sided Folner sequence?

By two-sided Følner sequence I mean a sequence $(F_N)_N$ of subsets of $G$ which is both a left-Følner and a right-Følner sequence. Context: I just came up with this question and surprisingly I haven'...
Saúl RM's user avatar
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Classification of algebraic groups of the types $^1\! A_{n-1}$ and $^2\! A_{n-1}$

This seemingly elementary question was asked in Mathematics It got upvotes, but no answers or comments, and so I ask it here. Let $G$ ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
10 votes
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Finite subgroups of $\mathrm{SO}(n)$ and $\mathrm{O}(n)$

Question 1:Is there a reference that lists all possible finite subgroups and their orders of $\mathrm{SO}(n)$ and $\mathrm{O}(n)$ for $n=4$ or even higher $n$ over the real numbers? I can only find ...
Mare's user avatar
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Axioms for the category of groups

Certain categories of mathematical structures have had synthetic axiom systems developed for them. One particularly well known such category is the category of sets and functions $\mathit{Set}$, which ...
Madeleine Birchfield's user avatar
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Conditions of P for existence of orthogonal matrix Q and permutation matrix U satisfying QP = PU

Question: Let $P\in \mathbb{R}^{d\times n}$ be a $d$-rank real matrix and $PP^T = c I_d$ with a certain constant $c > 0$. Under what additional conditions of $P$ does there exist an orthogonal ...
Eddie's user avatar
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