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16 votes
3 answers

Your favorite papers on geometric group theory

I would like to improve my "depth of understanding" in geometric group theory. So I am interested in short and accessible papers on subjects related to this field but which are not always ...
16 votes
2 answers

Decomposing $(\mathbb C^n)^{\otimes m}$ as a representation of $S_n\times S_m$

$V=\mathbb C^n$ is a $\mathbb CS_n$-module, where $S_n$ is the symmetric group of degree $n$, via the representation sending a permutation to the corresponding permutation matrix. The tensor power $V^...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

About the paper by Buekenhout, Delandtsheer, Doyen, Kleidman, Liebeck and Saxl

The paper by Buekenhout, Delandtsheer, Doyen, Kleidman, Liebeck and Saxl called Linear spaces with flag transitive automorphism groups (Geom. Dedicata) from 1990 annonces a very powerful ...
Pierre's user avatar
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2 answers

Searching for theorems characterizing when $O_p(G)$ is trivial / non-trivial

Let $G$ be a finite group. Let $p$ be a prime. Let $O_p(G)$ be the $p$-core of $G$. Are there any theorems known saying something like $O_p(G)$ is trivial, if and only if ... and $O_p(G)$ is non-...
LSt's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Paper by I. N. Sanov, Solution of the Burnside problem for exponent 4

I have searched extensively online and for copies of printed journals containing the paper which details Sanov's solution to the Burnside Problem for exponent 4, which is widely cited in many papers ...
user50229's user avatar
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5 votes
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Finitely generated nilpotent groups with hyperbolic automorphisms

$\DeclareMathOperator\Out{Out}\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$ Let $G$ be a finitely generated nilpotent group. We call an automorphism of $G$ hyperbolic if the induced automorphism of the free part of ...
Sean Lawton's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Characters of orthogonal groups as symmetric functions

This question was asked on MSE some time ago, here, but got no attention. The Schur functions are characters of irreps of the unitary group, $s_\lambda(U)=Tr(R_\lambda(U))$. They are symmetric ...
Marcel's user avatar
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Hopficity of Baumslag-Solitar groups

I am struggling to find the exact source (with proofs) of the following ''well-known'' statement: the Baumslag-Solitar group $BS(m,n)=\langle a,t \mid ta^m t^{-1}=a^n\rangle$ is Hopfian if and only if ...
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Finite subgroups of $GL(2,K)$ with $K\neq\mathbb{C}$

It is well known that the finite subgroups of $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ up to conjugacy are the binary polyhedral groups (or Klein groups). There are two infinite families (cyclic groups and binary dihedral ...
Alessio's user avatar
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27 votes
1 answer

An anecdote by R. Schmidt

Did anybody here ever read those lines by R. Schmidt (?) where he talked about the terseness of articles in group theory in the days prior to the conclusion of the classification of the finite simple ...
1 vote
2 answers

Faithfully flat modules over a group algebra

Suppose we have the following data: 1) A group ring $\mathbb{Z}[G]$, where $G$ is a torsion free group. 2) $M_{\bullet}$ a bounded (above and below) chain complex of $\mathbb{Z}[G]$-modules such ...
lun's user avatar
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0 votes
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A group acts on a groupoid

Let $G$ be a group. Let $(\Pi,\circ)$ be a groupoid. Suppose I have a $G$-action on every morphism space $\Pi(p,q)$, denoted by $G\times \Pi(p,q)\to \Pi(p,q)$, $(g, \sigma)\mapsto g\cdot \sigma$. (For ...
Hang's user avatar
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Groups with "just not" a property

There seems to be a standard trick in group theory which is to show that a group has a quotient group which "just not" has some property. To make things clear: let $\mathcal{P}$ be a group ...
ARG's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Green polynomials

Is there any software for calculating Green polynomials (of type A)? Or, at least, where can I find tables of Green polynomials? Also, I would be interested in some formulas for Green polynomials in ...
Roman Fedorov's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Conjugation Quandles and... "Quandle-Groups"? From quandles to Groups

This question is already asked MathSE A quandle $(Q,*,/ )$ is a idempotent right-distributive and right invertible structure. 1) $a*a=a$ 2) $(a*b)*c=(a*c)*(b*c)$ 3) $(a*b) /b=(a/b)*b=a$ ...
MphLee's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Source for: a permutation group is multiplicity-free if and only if its 2-orbits define an association scheme

I have recently proven the following (at least, so I believe): Theorem. Given a permutation group $\Sigma\subseteq\mathrm{Sym}(\Omega)$ on the set $\Omega:=\{1,...,n\}$, the following are equivalent: ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Random walk on non-abelian free group

Let $F_2$ be the free non-abelian group with generators $a, b\in F_2$. Has the "random walk" where we start with the identity and then multiply it by $a$ or $b$ or $a^{-1}$ or $b^{-1}$ ...
abab's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

Non-abelian Grothendieck group

By general nonsense the forgetful functor from groups to monoids has a left adjoint. It maps a monoid $(X,\cdot,1)$ to the free group on $\{\underline{x} : x \in X\}$ modulo the relations $\underline{...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
5 votes
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Finite simple groups with three conjugacy classes of maximal local subgroups

$\DeclareMathOperator\PSL{PSL}$In [1] it was proved that A finite nonsolvable group $G$ has three conjugacy classes of maximal subgroups if and only if $G/\Phi(G)$ is isomorphic to $\PSL(2,7)$ or $\...
Benedict's user avatar
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Permanent of a Kronecker product of matrices

It is well known that $\det(A \otimes B) = \det(A)^m \det(B)^n$ when $A$ and $B$ are square matrices of size $n$ and $m$ where $\otimes$ denotes the Kronecker product. Question: Is there a similar ...
Mare's user avatar
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11 votes
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Unitary representations of finite groups over finite fields

I would like to learn the basic theory of unitary representations of finite groups over finite fields. Here, the unitary group $\operatorname{GU}(n,\mathbb{F}_{q^2})$ consists of all invertible ...
Joey Iverson's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Symmetries of probability distributions

When talking about a single random variable, knowing only its distribution, the construction of a probability space is quite easy. Namely, let $(X,\mathscr A)$ be a measurable space and let $\mathsf Q$...
SBF's user avatar
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Finite groups in which all proper subgroups are cyclic

Is there any classification of finite group in which all proper subgroups are cyclic? Would you please tell me a reference?
benyamin's user avatar
4 votes
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Connectedness of the stabilizer in a semisimple group of a semisimple element in the Lie algebra: a reference request

Let $G$ be a (connected) semisimple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic 0. We consider the adjoint representation $$ {\rm Ad}\colon G\to {\rm GL}({\mathfrak g}),$$ ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
0 votes
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Has this theorem on cancellative monoid actions been discovered and published?

Does a statement equivalent to Theorem 3 below appear in the literature? If it does, what is the earliest published reference? Theorem 1. Let $W$ be a non-trivial cancellative invertible-free [1] ...
David Pokorny's user avatar
4 votes
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Latest progress on Tarski numbers

Two questions, the first: What is the smallest non negative integer that we do not know yet is the Tarski number of a group? The second question is the same as in the title: What is the latest ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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How to find a finite splitting field $K$ for $G$ such that every indecomposable $KG$-module is absolutely indecomposable

Let $G$ be a finite group and let $k$ be a finite field with char$(k)=p$ such that $p\mid |G|$. If $k$ is a splitting field for $G$, then, no matter which splitting field we take, after extending ...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
3 votes
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For $G$ an adjoint Chevalley group, are all of $G(\mathbb Z)$'s finite-index subgroups congruence subgroups?

Let $G$ be an adjoint Chevalley group. Are all of $G(\mathbb Z)$'s finite-index subgroups congruence subgroups? I read a theorem that states: When $G$ is the universal Chevalley group and it's not of ...
Ami's user avatar
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Metropolis-Hastings sampling as a group action

Suppose that you have a topological space $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^n$ accompanied a measure $\mu$ and you're running an iterative sampling algorithm like Metropolis-Hastings. To sample you choose a ...
Juan Sebastian Lozano's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Which $K$-groups $K(C^*_r(G))$ are computed?

We have the Pimsner-Voiculescu exact sequences and the Baum-Connes map for possible computation of the $K$-theory of the reduced group $C^*$-algebra $C^*_r(G)$ for a topological, locally compact, ...
hänsel's user avatar
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Ping pong with parabolic isometries on Gromov hyperbolic spaces

For a group $G$ with a non-elementary general type action by isometries on a Gromov hyperbolic geodesic space $(X,d)$, it is well known that you can construct free subgroups of $G$ via the ping pong ...
user203667's user avatar
15 votes
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quasi-homomorphisms of groups

Suppose that $G$ is a group and $d$ is a left-invaraint metric on $G$, e.g., the word metric (provided that $G$ is finitely-generated) or distance function determined by a left-invariant Riemannian ...
Misha's user avatar
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Group structure extension

Let $G$ be a finite group and $X$ a finite $G$-set. Let $H$ be the set-theoretical cartesian product of $G$ and $X$. Is there an homological theory controlling all possible group structure on $H$ (...
Giulio's user avatar
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6 votes
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Introductory text on amenability

I am looking for a book that covers amenability rigorously. Preferably a book aimed at beginners.
Yiftach Barnea's user avatar
4 votes
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On $(2,3)$-generation of finite simple classical groups

A group $G$ is called $(a,b)$-generated if $G=\langle x,y\rangle$ for some $x,y\in G$ with $|x|=a$ and $|y|=b$. I know some of the histories on this problem. For example, in this early paper in 1996 ...
Groups's user avatar
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Is there any research on the action of a subgroup on the whole finite group by conjugation?

I want to know whether there are any research on the orbits of the action of a subgroup by conjugation on the whole group, when the group is finite. (Especially whole symmetric group.) I'm especially ...
gualterio's user avatar
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A group action on another group action quotient: how to best describe the resulting structure and does it have a name?

Suppose I have an action $\alpha:G\times X\to X$ of a group $G$ on a set $X$ and, on top of that, an action $\beta:H\times(X/G)\to(X/G)$ of another group $H$ on the set of $G$-orbits. Is there a nice ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
16 votes
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What are some interesting examples of non-classical dynamical systems? (Group action other than $\mathbb{Z}$ or $\mathbb{R}$ )

By classical dynamical system, I mean a measure space together with a measurable action of the integers or the reals. Of course, this action is often interpreted as evolution with respect to discrete ...
1 vote
0 answers

Embedding a family of groups into a certain $2$-generated group (construction by Olshanskii)

While reading "Chain conditions, elementary amenable groups, and descriptive set theory" by Phillip Wesolek and Jay William I stumbled upon the following statement in the proof of ...
Matthias Klupsch's user avatar
3 votes
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Deciding isometry of unimodular lattices by Gram matrices

Say I have two unimodular lattices $A$ and $B$, represented by their Gram matrices. Question: Is there an algorithm to decide whether $A$ and $B$ are isometric, i.e. whether there exists a matrix $S \...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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Primitive action of wreath product

I say in advance that I am really new to Group Theory, so if my question is trivial I apologize in advance. Let $A$ and $H$ be groups and $\Omega$ be a $H$-set. In this set-up, we can define the ...
Vincenzo Zaccaro's user avatar
9 votes
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Algorithm for group cohomology

Let $G$ be a finite group, and let $0\to M_1\xrightarrow{\iota} M_2\xrightarrow{\pi} M_3\to 0$ be a short exact sequence of $G$-modules (finitely generated over $\mathbb Z$, not necessarily free). I ...
S. du Val's user avatar
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alternating and symmetric powers of the standard representation of the symmetric group

Let $n \geq 7$ and $V = \mathbb{C}^n$ be the standard representation for $S_{n+1}$, the symmetric group of cardinal $(n+1)!$ Let $k$ be an integer such that $2 \leq k \leq n$. Is it true or false ...
Libli's user avatar
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Reference for the Netto's theorem on the permutation groups which was mentioned in the paper of Frobenius

I'm trying to read 'Uber die Charaktere der mehrfach transitiven Gruppen' written by Frobenius. There he mentioned some theorems of Netto. I'm depending on the Google translator. and the translation ...
gualterio's user avatar
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Is there a theory of "partial" group actions?

I am looking for references that may formalize the following idea: let $R = k[X]$ be the coordinate ring for a generic $n \times m$ matrix $M$. It is well known that the ideal of $r \times r$ minors ...
Rellek's user avatar
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11 votes
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Examples of acylindrical 3-manifolds

Let $C$ be the compact cylinder $S^1\times [0,1]$. A 3-manifold $M$ with incompressible boundary is called acylindrical if every map $(C,\partial C)\to (M,\partial M)$ that sends the components of $\...
HJRW's user avatar
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13 votes
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Weil's book L'intégration dans les groupes topologiques et ses applications

The book L'intégration dans les groupes topologiques et ses applications published by André Weil in 1940 is regarded as one of the classical references for harmonic analysis on topological groups. ...
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17 votes
5 answers

Reference for this theorem in representation theory?

Let $G$ be a finite group and $\chi$ be an irreducible character of $G$ (characteristic zero algebraically closed base field). If $H$ is the kernel of $\chi$ then the irreducible representations of $G/...
Sebastian Burciu's user avatar
8 votes
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The conjugacy problem for two-relator groups

Is the conjugacy problem for two-relator groups known to be undecidable? The word problem for two-relator groups is a famous open problem (appearing e.g. as Question 9.29 in the Kourovka notebook), ...
Carl-Fredrik Nyberg Brodda's user avatar
8 votes
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A generalization of Feit–Thompson conjecture, for square-free integers

I asked the following question with my account that I have for these sites Mathematics Stack Exchange and MathOverflow. The bounty that I offered in MSE expired without answers. The post that I refer ...
user142929's user avatar

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