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11 votes
2 answers

Orders of automorphism groups of p-groups

There is a theorem that says that if $p$ is a prime and $G$ is a $p$-group with $|G| = p^{n}$, $|Aut(G)|$ divides $\Pi_{k=0}^{n-1} (p^{n}-p^{k})$. This theorem is sharp, since $\Pi_{k=0}^{n-1} (p^{n}-...
DavidLHarden's user avatar
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Moments of character degrees - is this result new or folklore?

Context $\DeclareMathOperator\cp{cp}\DeclareMathOperator\AM{AM}\DeclareMathOperator\A{A}$For a finite group $G$ and $k\in\mathbb R$, define $$ m_k(G) = \frac{1}{|G|} \sum_{\pi\in\widehat{G}} (d_\pi)^{...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Recognising the elements of the Grigorchuk group

The Grigorchuk group $\mathfrak{G}= \langle a,b,c,d \rangle$ is a group of automorphisms of the infinite rooted binary tree $\mathcal{T}_2$. Every element of $\mathfrak{G}$ can be represented by a ...
AGenevois's user avatar
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Analysis and finitely generated groups

Dear all, this is perhaps a bit a vague question, but some references would already be very helpfull. So let $G$ be a finitely generated group and choose some finite set of generators. This allows to ...
Stefan Waldmann's user avatar
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Roadmap to homotopical group theory

I have been lurking here for a long time just enjoying the scenery from my beginner's viewpoint. I have a math.SE account but I think this question is appropriate here based on the nature of the ...
Alex Petzke's user avatar
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Ascending chain condition for 1-element normal closures in a free group

Let $F$ be a free group of finite rank. Does $F$ satisfy the ascending chain condition on normal subgroups each of which is a normal closure of one element? In other words, can there exist elements $...
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
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Status of questions in "Group Actions on $\mathbb{R}$-trees"?

Culler and Morgan's "Group Actions on $\mathbb{R}$-trees" lists four questions at the end of the introduction. A few have been famously resolved by work of Rips, Bestvina–Feighn and others. I'm ...
Robbie Lyman's user avatar
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Proving a group with two generators is not free that uses the Brahamagupta-Pell equation

Hello I encountered the following while reading a set of notes on free groups. It's not a homework question. "Does there exist a rational number $\alpha$ with $0 <|\alpha| < 2$ such that the ...
user727041's user avatar
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Amalgamated product of automatic groups

In Gersten's "Problems on Automatic Groups", Problem 14, he asks the following question: Let $G=A\ast_{C}B$ where $A$ and $B$ are automatic and $C$ is infinite cyclic. Is $G$ automatic? Is this ...
YCC's user avatar
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4 answers

residually finite-by-$\mathbb{Z}$ groups are residually finite

I believe I read somewhere that residually finite-by-$\mathbb{Z}$ groups are residually finite. That is, if $N$ is residually finite with $G/N\cong \mathbb{Z}$ then $G$ is residually finite. However, ...
ADL's user avatar
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Conjugation Quandles and... "Quandle-Groups"? From quandles to Groups

This question is already asked MathSE A quandle $(Q,*,/ )$ is a idempotent right-distributive and right invertible structure. 1) $a*a=a$ 2) $(a*b)*c=(a*c)*(b*c)$ 3) $(a*b) /b=(a/b)*b=a$ ...
MphLee's user avatar
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3 answers

Reduction mod $n$ of symplectic group

Let $g,n$ be positive integers, is there a reference that $\mathrm{Sp}(2g,\mathbb{Z})\to\mathrm{Sp}(2g,\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})$ is surjection? The only reference I could find is lemma 5.16 in Deligne–...
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History of profinite groups, when was it first mentioned? What was the original definition?

Searching left me hanging. One of my professors told me the definition using the topological properties was the first one but I cannot find any resources. Is that true? If not, how was it originally ...
Horstenson's user avatar
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Natural associative law for a ternary "group"?

Suppose one were to define a group-like structure based on a set $G$ with a ternary (rather than binary) operator $g( a, b, c ) = \left< a, b, c \right>$. One possible definition for the ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

A malnormal embedding theorem?

Let $Q$ be a recursively presented group. Is it possible to embed $Q$ into a finitely presented group $G$ such that the image of $Q$ is malnormal in $G$? Note that a subgroup $H$ of $G$ is malnormal ...
ADL's user avatar
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Explicit free subgroup in Thompson's group $V$

R. Thompson introduced three groups $F\subset T\subset V$. The question concerning amenability of $F$ is still unanswered and has attracted much attention. I have read that Thompson group $V$ contains ...
John N.'s user avatar
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Reference request: Recent progress on the conjugacy problem for torsion-free one-relator groups?

I am aware that the Spelling Theorem of B. B. Newman implies that one-relator groups with torsion are hyperbolic, and thus have a solvable conjugacy problem. My understanding is that for one-relator ...
jpmacmanus's user avatar
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Kazhdan's property (T) vs. residual finiteness

I have asked this question already on mathstackexchange but got no answer (see and it was suggested that I ...
M.U.'s user avatar
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Unitary representations of the ax+b group: an accessible presentation

The "ax+b group" is the group of affine transformations of $\mathbb R$. It is a locally compact non unimodular group. Its space of irreducible, continuous unitary representations has been described ...
Mikael de la Salle's user avatar
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Doubly-transitive groups

I want to know what all doubly-transitive groups look like. Do you know some good reference where I can read about it?
Klim Efremenko's user avatar
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Finite subgroups of $\mathrm{SO}(n)$ and $\mathrm{O}(n)$

Question 1:Is there a reference that lists all possible finite subgroups and their orders of $\mathrm{SO}(n)$ and $\mathrm{O}(n)$ for $n=4$ or even higher $n$ over the real numbers? I can only find ...
Mare's user avatar
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About the paper by Buekenhout, Delandtsheer, Doyen, Kleidman, Liebeck and Saxl

The paper by Buekenhout, Delandtsheer, Doyen, Kleidman, Liebeck and Saxl called Linear spaces with flag transitive automorphism groups (Geom. Dedicata) from 1990 annonces a very powerful ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Presentation of special linear group over localizations of the integers

I am looking (for $n,k\in{\mathbb Z}$) for a presentation (in the best of all worlds concretely, as a list of relators) for the group ${\rm SL}_n(R)$ for $R={\mathbb Z}[\frac{1}{k}]=\{\frac{a}{k^l}\...
ahulpke's user avatar
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Do there exist groups with word problems in arbitrary P-degrees?

This has been posted on TCS stack exchange for a while here and hasn't gotten any answers, so I'm trying again here. It has been known for a long time that, given any r.e. Turing degree, there is a ...
Aubrey da Cunha's user avatar
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Maximal order of elements in SL(n,q)

The maximal order of an element of $\mathrm{GL}(n,\mathbb{F}_q)$ is $q^n-1$, where the characteristic of $\mathbb{F}_q$ is odd $p$. See here for a nice proof that uses the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. ...
Sean Lawton's user avatar
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Paper by I. N. Sanov, Solution of the Burnside problem for exponent 4

I have searched extensively online and for copies of printed journals containing the paper which details Sanov's solution to the Burnside Problem for exponent 4, which is widely cited in many papers ...
user50229's user avatar
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4 answers

Twist of a group Hopf-algebra

Let $G$ be a finite group with identity element $e$, and $C[G]$ the ring of complex-valued functions on $G$, with pointwise addition and multiplication. Then $C[G]$ is naturally a Hopf algebra, with ...
Marty's user avatar
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Embedding in f.p. simple groups

Dear All! At the time when Lyndon and Schupp wrote their book there was an open question: Question: Does every finitely presented group with soluble word problem embed in a finitely presented simple ...
Victor's user avatar
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hyperbolic quotient of hyperbolic group

I have a memory of hearing about a result (or perhaps a conjecture), possibly due to Gromov, that, if $G$ is a hyperbolic group and $g \in G$ has infinite order, then the quotient group $G/\langle (g^...
Derek Holt's user avatar
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Edge-transitive Cayley graphs of $S_n$

I came across the following question which I haven't seen before: Question. Fix $k\ge 3$. For infinitely many $n$, does there exists a generating set $\langle R_n \rangle = S_n$, $|R_n|=k$, such ...
Igor Pak's user avatar
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Subgroups of GL_2 over a finite field

I've come across the phrase "by the classification of subgroups of $GL_2(F_q)$" in multiple papers, but never with a reference. Here $F_q$ is a finite field of size $q$. Does anyone know a good ...
green jeans's user avatar
10 votes
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On the Galois group of the compositions of polynomials

We reprint an old math SE question here (see " Let $f(x)$ be a polynomial of degree $n$ over $\...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
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Equivalent descriptions of Coherent Groups

Attending a series of lectures, I have recently been exposed to the notion of Coherent groups, defined as following: Def: A group $G$ is called Coherent if every finitely generated subgroup $H$ of $G$...
Kaveh's user avatar
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Fixed set of order p automorphism of Bruhat-Tits tree

I would like to know the structure of the fixed set of an order $p$ automorphism [Edit: induced by a matrix in $GL_2(K)$] on the Bruhat-Tits tree for a p-adic field $K$, specifically in the case where ...
Matthias Wendt's user avatar
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Wiener's axiomatization of the group law based on division

Gian-Carlo Rota wrote that [*]: Wiener axiomatized the group law by taking $xy^{-1}$ as the basic operation, and his axiomatization is quite different from any of the other axiom systems for groups....
Noam Zeilberger's user avatar
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Nonsolvable finite quotients of matrix groups

Suppose that $\Gamma$ is a finitely generated nonsolvable subgroup of $GL(n, R)$. Is it in the literature that $\Gamma$ has a nonsolvable finite quotient? I know how to prove it (the hardest ...
Misha's user avatar
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Random walks and Lyapunov exponents

Given a sequence $Y_1, Y_2, \dots$ of i.i.d. matrices in $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb R)$, there is a theorem of Furstenberg and Kesten which says that if $\mathbb E(\log\|Y_1\|)$ is finite, there exists a ...
Elena's user avatar
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The Tits alternative for $\operatorname{Out}(F_n)$

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but the paper I am reading seems to be too specialised for mathstack (if you do not agree, pleas let me know and I will take down this question) I am ...
Student's user avatar
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Naturally occurring, non-amenable Zappa-Szep products of discrete amenable groups?

We say $G$ is the Zappa-Szep product of two subgroups $K$ and $P$ if $K\cap P = \{e\}$ and the function $K\times P \to G$, $(k,p)\mapsto kp$, is bijective. The Iwasawa decomposition shows that we can ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Is there an analogue of Mostow-Palais equivariant embedding theorem for noncompact groups

Let $M$ be a (Hausdorff) smooth compact manifold and $G$ a Lie group acting smoothly on $M$. If $G$ is compact then, by Mostow-Palais theorem, there exists an equivariant smooth embedding $M\to {\...
Misha's user avatar
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Low dimensional representations of $SL_n(\mathbb{Z}/p^\ell \mathbb{Z})$

When $\ell = 1$ I know that the smallest non-trivial irreducible complex representations of $SL_n(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})$ has dimension $\frac{p^n - 1}{p-1} - 1$ (with maybe some exceptions for ...
Nate's user avatar
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A catalog of faithful representations of finite groups?

I want a reference that catalogs the smallest-dimensional faithful representation of every noteworthy finite group. Specifically, I want representations on $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\mathbb{C}^n$. Where ...
Dustin G. Mixon's user avatar
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Why are divisible abelian groups important?

I just quote wikipedia: "Divisible groups are important in understanding the structure of abelian groups, especially because they are the injective abelian groups." I am asking for detail ...
9 votes
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Axioms for the category of groups

Certain categories of mathematical structures have had synthetic axiom systems developed for them. One particularly well known such category is the category of sets and functions $\mathit{Set}$, which ...
Madeleine Birchfield's user avatar
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Commuting matrices in GL(n,Z)

Suppose $M$ is a "hyperbolic" matrix in $GL(n,\mathbb Z)$, i.e., that its characteristic polynomial $p$ is irreducible over $\mathbb Z$ and has no roots of modulus 1. Is there a closed description ...
Nikita Sidorov's user avatar
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Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups

Is it known if there are any examples of a finitely generated group $G$ such that: $G$ has a finite index subgroup $H$ which is free-by-cyclic $G$ itself is not free-by-cyclic $G$ is torsion-free ...
HASouza's user avatar
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Symmetries of probability distributions

When talking about a single random variable, knowing only its distribution, the construction of a probability space is quite easy. Namely, let $(X,\mathscr A)$ be a measurable space and let $\mathsf Q$...
SBF's user avatar
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Is the number of varieties of groups still unknown?

A variety of groups is a class of groups satisfying a specified set of equations. Equivalently, it is a class of groups that is closed under homomorphic images, subgroups, and direct products. A ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Reference for Ring Structure on Group Cohomology

As a graded $\mathbb{Z}$-module, the structure of the group cohomology $H^{*}(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z};\mathbb{Z})$ is extremely well-known. Yet, I am having difficulty finding a reference concerning ...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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Anisotropic algebraic groups have no unipotent elements

I have found the following fact stated in a number of places: If $k$ is any field, a connected reductive group $G$ is anisotropic if and only if its only unipotent element is $e$ and $\mathrm{Hom}_k(...
Alexander's user avatar
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