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2 answers

Where can I find a table of the exponents of the sporadic groups?

Is there a table showing Sporadic Groups and their exponents, and, perhaps, other basic properties. In particular, I'm interested in what the exponent of the Monster Group is. (Obviously the order is ...
JamesEadon's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Question concerning the coefficients of block idempotents

Let $G$ be a finite group. Let $p$ be a prime number such that $p \mid |G|$. Let Irr$(G)$ denote the set of ordinary irreducible characters of $G$. For $\chi\in$ Irr$(G)$ define $e_{\chi} := \frac{\...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Bottleneck edge in lattice of subgroups

Let $G$ be a finite group. Define the bottleneck weight of a chain of subgroups $$\operatorname{id}=H_0 < H_1 < \ldots < H_n = G$$ to be the maximum value over the indices $[H_{i+1} : H_i]$ ...
tim's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Non-finitely presented FP groups with cohomological dimension $2$

In this recent preprint, the authors construct a certain uncountable family of non-finitely presented FP groups. Recall that group is an FP group if the trivial $\mathbb Z[G]$-module $\mathbb Z$ has a ...
Maxime Ramzi's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Reference for the Brauer-Nesbitt theorem

In Wikipedia's article on the Brauer-Nesbitt theorem, they state that given a group $G$ and a field $E$, two semisimple representations $\rho_1,\rho_2 : G\longrightarrow \operatorname{GL}_n(E)$ are ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Torsion subgroups of hyperbolic groups are finite?

Is it true that torsion subgroups of hyperbolic groups are finite? I have a vague memory that this is true, perhaps due to Ol'shanskii, but have been struggling to find a reference. (By a torsion ...
user101216's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

A new combinatorial property for the character table of a finite group?

Let $G$ be a finite group and $\Lambda = (\lambda_{i,j})$ its character table with $\lambda_{i,1}$ the degree of the ith character. Consider the following combinatorial property of $\Lambda$: for ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
9 votes
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Is “simplicity is elementary” still hard? (Felgner’s 1990 theorem on simple groups, and subsequent work)

I came across a reference in this MathOverflow answer to an intriguing result of Ulrich Felgner [1]: among finite non-Abelian groups, the property of being simple is first-order definable. According ...
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
42 votes
6 answers

Measures of non-abelian-ness

Let $G$ be a finite non-abelian group of $n$ elements. I would like a measure that intuitively captures the extent to which $G$ is non-commutative. One easy measure is a count of the non-commutative ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
12 votes
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God's number for higher dimensional Rubik's cubes

In this MO question, user Martin Brandenburg asks about God's number for $n \times n \times n$-cubes for $n>3$. Here, God's number $g(n)$ was defined as the smallest number $m$ such that every ...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

When is the augmentation ideal projective as RG-module?

Let $G$ be a finite group and let $R$ be a commutative ring. I'd like to ask, if there is a theorem of the following kind: The augmentation ideal $I_G$ is projective as RG-module, if and only if ... ?...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Quasisplit but not split semisimple groups

In section 35.1 of the book "Linear algebraic groups" by Humphreys, it is stated that the quasi-split but not split semisimple groups can only arise when the root system admits a nontrivial ...
YJ Kim's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Finite groups with few conjugacy classes of maximal subgroups

Let $c$ be a positive integer, $G$ a finite group with at most $c$ conjugacy classes of maximal subgroup. What can we say about $G$? Same question, but this time $G$ is a finite group with at most $c$...
Nick Gill's user avatar
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5 votes
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Reductive groups over positive characteristics

Let $G$ be a connected split reductive group over a field $k$ of characteristic $p$. Let $\mathfrak{g}:=T_e(G)$ denote its Lie algebra. Let $T$ be a maximal split torus and $W$ the Weyl group (of the ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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4 votes
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Integer-valued polynomials from Pólya counting

Let finite group $G$ act on a finite set $X$ and hence on colorings $Y^X$, where $Y=\{1,2,\ldots,k\}$ is a set of colors. The Burnside-Pólya-Redfield-etc. counting theorem says that the number of ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Presentation of special linear group over localizations of the integers

I am looking (for $n,k\in{\mathbb Z}$) for a presentation (in the best of all worlds concretely, as a list of relators) for the group ${\rm SL}_n(R)$ for $R={\mathbb Z}[\frac{1}{k}]=\{\frac{a}{k^l}\...
ahulpke's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

For which planar topological spaces $Z$ does there exist a hyperbolic group $\Gamma$ with $\partial \Gamma \cong Z$?

Recall a topological space is called planar if it can be embedded in $S^2$. I'm interested in understanding hyperbolic groups with planar boundaries. In [1], it is shown that if a one-ended hyperbolic ...
jpmacmanus's user avatar
2 votes
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Question concerning relationships between different $p$-modular systems and Brauer character values

Let $(K,\mathcal{O},k)$ be a large enough $p$-modular system, where $\mathcal{O}$ is a complete discrete valuation ring of characteristic zero with unique maximal ideal $J(\mathcal{O})$, algebraically ...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
4 votes
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Duality for finite quotient groups of finitely generated free abelian groups

$\newcommand{\Z}{{\Bbb Z}} \newcommand{\Q}{{\Bbb Q}} \newcommand{\Hom}{{\rm Hom}} $ The following lemma is certainly known. Lemma (well-known). Let $B$ be a lattice (that is, a finitely generated ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
6 votes
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On classifying groups of order $p^5$

Can someone suggest me some source where the author has classified all non-isomorphic groups of order $p^5$ ? I need complete classification (not upto isoclinism), and also in finitely presented form ....
HIMANSHU's user avatar
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35 votes
6 answers

Character-free proof that Frobenius kernel is a normal subgroup?

The question is in the title, but here is some background/reminders: A subgroup $H\neq\{1\}$ of a finite group $G$ is called a Frobenius complement if $H\cap H^g = \{1\}$ for all $g\in G\backslash H$....
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
9 votes
1 answer

Questions on the group $\mathrm{GL}(H)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\U{U}$Let $H$ be an infinite dimensional complex Hilbert space. Consider the group $\GL(H)$ of bounded invertible operators on $H$. Question 1. I've ...
Rick Sternbach's user avatar
1 vote
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Quotients of pro-$p$ groups linear over a complete Noetherian local ring

Let $R$ be complete Noetherian local ring with finite residue field $\mathbb{F}$ of characteristic $ p $. We say that a pro-$p$ group $G$ is linear over $R$ if it is isomorphic to a closed subgroup of ...
Nobody's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Growth of the word norm for elementary matrices in $\rm SL_3 (\mathbb{Z})$

This is a reference request, since the answer is probably well known, but I could not find it. Given a finitely generated group $\Gamma$ with a generating set $S$, define the word norm $l = l_S : \...
Izhar Oppenheim's user avatar
3 votes
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Malliavin-Shavgulidze (type) measures on the group of measure-preserving invertible maps on $\mathbb T$?

The Malliavin-Shavgulidze measures on $\operatorname{Diff}^{1}(I)$ (with $I$ an interval of $\mathbb R$) are defined as the image $W_{\sigma} \circ f^{-1}$ of the Wiener measure $W_{\sigma}$ with ...
user490373's user avatar
17 votes
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Where should I search for computations of group cohomology rings of not-too-complicated finite groups?

A computation I'm trying to make uses as input the cohomology rings of not-too-complicated finite groups in low degrees, and I'd like to determine where to search for preexisting computations. ...
Arun Debray's user avatar
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What about a Cayley n-complex for n>2?

Let $G$ be a finitely presented group. The Cayley graph of the finite generating set is a $1$-complex where the $0$-cells are the elements of $G$ and the $1$-cells are given by the generators (...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

Modern references on hyperbolic groups

Several good references dedicated to hyperbolic groups have been written until 1990, including: Hyperbolic groups, written by M. Gromov. Géométrie et théorie des groupes : les groupes hyperboliques ...
AGenevois's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Why can the general quintic be transformed to $v^5-5\beta v^3+10\beta^2v-\beta^2 = 0$?

The quintic can be transformed to the one-parameter Brioschi quintic, $$u^5-10\alpha u^3+45\alpha^2u-\alpha^2 = 0\tag1$$ This form is well-known for its connection to the symmetries of the ...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
3 votes
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Reference request for statement concerning free subgroups of $ \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}). $

I am interested in finding a reference for the following claim: There exists a free subgroup $F_2$ of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$ on two generators that does not contain any nontrivial unipotent ...
Georgi Kocharyan's user avatar
73 votes
9 answers

What are "classical groups"?

Unlike many other terms in mathematics which have a universally understood meaning (for instance, "group"), the term classical group seems to have a fuzzier definition. Apparently it originates with ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
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Number of ways to write a group element as a product of generators

Let $G$ be a finite group generated by some finite set $S = \{g_1, g_2, ...\} \subseteq G$. Let $h \in G$ be some element. Let the function $c_n: G \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ be defined that $c_n(h)$ is ...
Jake's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Reference request: Recent progress on the conjugacy problem for torsion-free one-relator groups?

I am aware that the Spelling Theorem of B. B. Newman implies that one-relator groups with torsion are hyperbolic, and thus have a solvable conjugacy problem. My understanding is that for one-relator ...
jpmacmanus's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Examples of IF-groups

I have seen that several authors say that an infinite group $G$ is an IF-group (or has the IF-property) if every subgroup of infinite index in $G$ is free (for instance, see
Pablo's user avatar
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5 votes
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'Lie correspondence' for formal power series in non-commuting indeterminates

This is related to an earlier question of mine. I would like an argument or a reference (or a missing hypothesis if needed) for the following. Let $\mathbb{F}\langle\langle \alpha\rangle\rangle$ and ...
shane.orourke's user avatar
1 vote
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Which properties can be read off the balls of a Cayley graph?

For which properties (P) [of groups] does the following hold: given a group $G$ which has a finite presentation with at most $n$ relations of length at most $\ell$, there is a $R(n,\ell)$ so that, if ...
ARG's user avatar
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Bass-Serre theory textbook

I am a PhD freshman working on topological graph theory and geometric group theory. I would like to learn some Bass-Serre theory. What do you think is the best introductory textbook in this topic? ...
George K's user avatar
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Is there any simple formula for the character of $S_{n}$ represented by the set of $k$-tuples of $\{1,2,...,n\}$?

I'm interested in the representation theory of symmetric groups. I'm now trying to search for the formula for the characters of $\Omega^{k}$, the set of $k$-tuple of elements of $\Omega$ a set of $n$ ...
gualterio's user avatar
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9 votes
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Anisotropic algebraic groups have no unipotent elements

I have found the following fact stated in a number of places: If $k$ is any field, a connected reductive group $G$ is anisotropic if and only if its only unipotent element is $e$ and $\mathrm{Hom}_k(...
Alexander's user avatar
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A duality of finite groups coming from a surjective homomorphism with finite kernel of algebraic tori

$\newcommand{\Hom}{{\rm Hom}} \newcommand{\Gm}{{{\mathbb G}_{m,{\Bbb C}}}} \newcommand{\X}{{\sf X}} $ I am looking for a reference for the following lemma (for which I know a proof): Lemma. Let $\...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
5 votes
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Permutations of a group that are eventually left translations

$\DeclareMathOperator\FSym{FSym}\DeclareMathOperator\Sym{Sym}$Notation: for $X$ a set, $\Sym(X)$ the group of permutations of $X$, and let $\FSym(X)$ be the subgroup of finitely supported permutations ...
YCor's user avatar
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Finiteness of a reflection group

Suppose that $V$ is a finite-dimensional real vector space and that $W\subseteq \operatorname{GL}(V)$ is a subgroup generated by reflections (elements $s$ of order $2$ whose locus of fixed points $H_s$...
inkspot's user avatar
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17 votes
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Existence of a quasi-isometric residually finite group?

It's, by now, more or less well known that residual finiteness is not a quasi-isometry invariant for finitely generated groups (see here for an example). Thus the following question makes sense: ...
Diego Martinez's user avatar
6 votes
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Group structure for distributive lattices

On the (finite) Boolean lattice there is a group structure given by the symmetric difference and this group is an elementary abelian 2-group. Question: Does there exist a natural group structure on ...
Mare's user avatar
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Element of order $p$ and finite height $\geq1$ in a reduced abelian group $p$-group with an element of order $p^2$

This is a reference request for the following statement: Fact: Let $G$ be a reduced abelian $p$-group with an element of order $p^2$. Then $G$ contains an element of order $p$ and of finite height at ...
PHL's user avatar
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Almost subgroups of $\mathbb S^1$

Suppose $X\subset \mathbb S^1$ is a finite subset of the group $\mathbb S^1$ such that $|X+X|<(1+c )|X|$ for a sufficiently small $c\in(0,1)$. I believe that in such case there exists a subgroup $G=...
aglearner's user avatar
  • 14.3k
4 votes
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Moment integrals and determinants

Let $USp(2n)$ be the compact symplectic group of size $2n$, $dA$ its Haar measure of total mass one, and $\det(1−A)$ being computed for the standard representation of $A\in USp(2n)$ as a matrix of ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
8 votes
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Parabolics and simple roots for a special unitary group: reference request

I am looking for a reference where the relative root system, the relative system of simple roots, and parabolic $\Bbb R$-subgroups for the real algebraic group ${\rm SU}(p,q)$ are explicitly computed. ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
44 votes
10 answers

The finite subgroups of SL(2,C)

Books can be written about the finite subgroups of $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb C)$ (and their immediate family, like the polyhedral groups...) I am about to start writing notes for a short course about ...
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a known classification of regular multiplicity-free permutation groups?

The question is in the title, but let me clarify the terminology. I consider a permutation group $\Sigma\subseteq\mathrm{Sym}(\Omega)$ on a finite set $\Omega$. $\Sigma$ is regular if it acts ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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