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Request for some references exploring the connections of Riemann surfaces with medical imaging

I'd like to know some references for a beginner who has basic background in Riemann surfaces and differential geometry, and would like to start learning/working on more applied areas, medical imaging/...
Learning math's user avatar
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How do we use an Ehresmann connection to define a semispray?

Let $M$ be a differentiable manifold, let $TM$ be its tangent bundle, and consider $TTM$, the double tangent bundle. Let $V \subseteq TTM$ denote the vertical subbundle, which is determined in a ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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parallel transport along $W^{1,2}$-curves

Let $c$ be a $W^{1,2}$-curve into a (compact Riemannian) manifold $Q,$ defined on some open interval $I$. Let $t_0\in I$ and $\xi_0\in T_{c(t_0)}Q$ be arbitrary. I am looking for a citeable reference ...
Orbicular's user avatar
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Total curvature of a Caustic

I am looking for a nudge in the right direction on the derivation of a formula for the Total Curvature of the Caustics to a manifold (a caustic is a planar family of curves reflected by a manifold). ...
asymptotic's user avatar
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About the metric and embedding of sphere

Let $S^2$ be the $2$-dimensional sphere with a metric $g$. Q: Can we or how to find a smooth map $f:S^2\to \mathbb R^3$, such that (1) $f$ is diffeomorphic to its image $Im(g)=:M$, (2) $M$ ...
DLIN's user avatar
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Finding global sections of a sheaf of sets using (some kind of) sheaf cohomology?

Let $X$ be a compact manifold, say, and $G$ a Lie group, and $H$ a closed Lie subgroup such that $M \cong G/H$ is a homogeneous space. (For my purposes, $X$ and $M$ would be a smooth projective ...
Paul Cusson's user avatar
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Quotient by freely acting group on Banach manifold

I have a Banach manifold $\mathcal{M}$ and I have a Lie group $G$, that is finite dimensional, such that $G$ acts freely on $\mathcal{M}$. I would like to know if $\mathcal{M} / G$ is a Banach ...
Rahul Sarkar's user avatar
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Vector fields $X$ and $Y$ commute on a closed set $K$. Do there exist commuting $\tilde X,\tilde Y$ with $\tilde X=X$ and $\tilde Y=Y$ on $K$?

I have a nice research idea whose proof hinges on the following question Suppose $X_p$ and $Y_p$ are vector fields in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with $[X,Y]_p=0$ for all $p$ in some closed set $K\subset\mathbb{R}...
Blake's user avatar
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survey paper on the construction of hyperbolic manifolds

Is there a good survey paper which discusses the common ways of building hyperbolic $n$-manifolds?
student's user avatar
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'Unitary' charts on odd-dimensional spheres

Consider the odd-dimensional sphere $S^{2n+1} \subset \mathbb{C}^{n+1}$. One may talk variously about its structure as a contact, CR or Einstein-Sasaki manifold, but I'm looking for some specific down-...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Are Carnot groups (as Carnot Caratheodory metric spaces) doubling?

I need to use the Lebesgue differentiation theorem for doubling metric measure spaces and was wondering if Carnot groups are doubling. If yes, is there any reference you can point me to? Thank you.
Axiom's user avatar
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Exposition of the Calabi complex

I am interested in a complex derived by Eugenio Calabi in his article "On compact Riemannian manifolds with constant curvature". The complex is referenced as "Calabi complex" in various citing ...
shuhalo's user avatar
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Direct calculation of the Fisher distance via Riemannian geodesics

I'm looking for a reference for a direct calculation of the Fisher distance (to avoid overloading the term "metric") $d_F(x,y) := 2 \cos^{-1} \sum_i \sqrt{x_i y_i}$ as the geodesic distance ...
Steve Huntsman's user avatar
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Identity Theorem for Real-Analytic Hypersurfaces

There's an interesting statement it seems I can prove, but I can't find any references for it, which makes me suspicious of it. So, could someone verify that the statement is correct/incorrect or ...
Alec Payne's user avatar
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Reference for homogeneous spaces

I am a graduate student of differential geometry. I would like to get an overview over the way, how results are usually obtained for homogeneous spaces by Lie algebraic methods. By definition a ...
Nick's user avatar
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Estimating the Size of an Approximating Polyline

let $\gamma(s) = \left(x(s),y(s)\right), s\in[0,1]; \gamma'(s) = 1$ be a length-parameterized curve in the plane, with finite and strictly positive curvature. Questions: is it possible to estimate ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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How many second-order PDEs can be obtained from a contact EDS?

Let $(M,[\theta])$ be a contact manifold, $\dim M=2n+1$, and denote by $\mathcal{I}^\theta$ the differential ideal generated by the contact form $\theta$. An exterior differential system on $M$ of ...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar
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Intuition behind the Duistermaat-Guillemin version of Weyl's law

The theorem in question (see this paper), after a modification by Ivrii (see this paper) states the following: Let $(M, g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension $n \geq 2$. Assume that the ...
user86638's user avatar
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Norm on space of metrics

I recently heard a differential geometry talk where the speaker constructed a one-parameter family of metrics $g(t)$ on a smooth manifold and said that $g(t)$ is real analytic in the Banach space $BC(...
student's user avatar
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derivative of the adiabatic limit of the eta invariant

To ask my question I have to write down the setup. Basically the setup is the adiabatic limit of the reduced eta invariant of Dirac operator associated to the submersion metric and connection. So if ...
Ho Man-Ho's user avatar
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Cohomology of the complex of differential forms with Schwartz coefficients

Let $U$ be an open manifold (say an open subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ for simplicity). Denote by $\mathscr{S}(U)$ the space of Schwartz functions on $U$. Schwartz functions are defined as usual to be ...
Grisha Taroyan's user avatar
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Infinite number of closed geodesics on distorted sphere

I would appreciate a reference to support this statement that appears under the Geodesic entry of the CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics: "no matter how badly a sphere is distorted, there exists an ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Closed manifolds of nonnegative curvature operator are symmetric spaces

In an online webinar, I heard (not directly) the statement that (closed) manifolds of nonnegative curvature operator $\mathcal{R}\geq 0$ are symmetric spaces. Is this a valid theorem? Any reference ...
C.F.G's user avatar
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Laplace eigenfunction on a polygonal domain symmetric about an axis

Consider a polygon $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$, and let us consider the usual Laplacian operator $\Delta = \partial_x^2 + \partial_y^2$, with Dirichlet boundary conditions. My question comes from ...
user170399's user avatar
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Local Sobolev embedding on complete Riemannian manifold

Let $(M,g)$ be a complete Riemannian $m$-manifold, with bounded geometry and $m\geq2$. Suppose $Ric\geq(n-1)\kappa$. Let $B_p(r)$ be a geodesic open ball. Q Can we find a constant $C=C(\kappa,r,m)$(...
DLIN's user avatar
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What is the curved version of the Tits fibration for $G_2$?

Let $\require{AMScd}$ \begin{CD} G_2/(P_1\cap P_2) @= G_2/(P_1\cap P_2)=:\mathbb{I}\\ @V \lambda V V @VV \pi V\\ \mathbb{Q}_5:=G_2/P_1 && G_2/P_2=:\mathbb{N}_5 \end{CD} be the Tits ...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar
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Long time existence of Ricci flow on compact surfaces of negative curvature

Is there a long time existence for the Ricci flow on compact negatively curved surfaces? I just read that the normalized Ricci flow has a long time solution converging to a metric of constant negative ...
student's user avatar
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Kahler-Einstein metrics on Toric manifolds are Torus-invariant?

let $(M,\omega)$ be a Kahler-Einstein toric manifold of complex dimension $m$. By toric manifold i mean a manifold that has an open dense subset $X$ biholomorphic to an algebraic torus $\mathbb{T}^{m}...
Italo's user avatar
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Isometric Immersion of $S^1\to M$

$M$ be any Riemannian manifold, and $S^1$ is a circle. We can give Manifold structure to $C^\infty(S^1, M)$ modeled on nuclear frechet space. Take $Imm(S^1, M):\{f\in C^\infty(S^1,M): f \text{ is an ...
zapkm's user avatar
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Friedrichs mollifiers and Sobolev spaces

$\renewcommand{\epsilon}{\varepsilon}$The following is from John Roe's book Elliptic operators, topology and asymptotic methods. $S$ is a vector bundle on a compact manifold $M$, but I think for my ...
Carlos Esparza's user avatar
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Relation between optimal transport cost and difference between topological invariants?

I was working on some mathematics of Wasserstein GAN and found out a seemingly interesting research problem but I am not quite sure whether it has already been studied in some recent literature of ...
Morino_Hikari's user avatar
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Lie algebra bundle associated to a Lie group bundle

I was reading the paper Non abelian Differentiable gerbes (page 24) and came across notion of Lie algebra bundles associated to a Lie group bundle. I am not comfortable with these notions and google ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Constructing a Hamiltonian $S^1$-action on a neighborhood of a symplectic divisor

Let $M^{2n}$ be a symplectic manifold and let $M^{2n-2}$ be a symplectic submanifold. How to construct a non-trivial Hamiltonian $S^1$-action on $M^{2n-2}$ on a small neighborhood of $M^{2n-2}$, that ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Elementary question: Curvature change under Complexified Gauge Transformation

Forgive me for this elementary question. Let $E$ be a holomorphic vector bundle over a Riemann surface $M$ equipped with a Hermitian metric. Let $\nabla$ be the compatible connection on $E$ amd $g$ ...
HLC's user avatar
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Prescribing an induced metric

We know that, if we have a surface $z=f(x,y)$ with Euclidean space being ambient manifold, the induced metric is as follows (in matrix form): $$g=\begin{bmatrix} 1+\left ( \frac{\partial f(x,y)}{\...
Tomas's user avatar
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Reference: Finsler Derivative?

On the wikipedia page "Generalizations of derivative" the author mentions: " in Finsler geometry, one studies spaces which look locally like Banach spaces. Thus one might want a derivative with some ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Regularity of maps in algebraic topology for manifolds

Let $M$ be a $n$ manifold such that $\pi_k(M)$ is non trivial. What can we expect about the regularity of a representant $f:S^k\rightarrow M$ of a non-trivial cycle? For example, if $M$ is a manifold ...
Paul-Benjamin's user avatar
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Is there a characterization of Riemannian manifolds that split off two factors?

Some Riemannian manifolds are expressed as a product manifold. Recently, I have read two articles about space-times. In both articles, the authors prove that a Riemannian manifold $\bar{M}^n$ is ...
Semsem's user avatar
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Different ways of defining the Chern character of a complex

Consider a finite complex $E$ of (holomorphic) vector bundles on a (complex) manifold $X$, i.e, the complex is of the form $$ 0 \to E_N \to E_{N-1} \to \dots \to {E_0} \to 0, $$ where the bundles are ...
Richard Lärkäng's user avatar
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Kähler metric of constant scalar curvature with positive bisectional curvature is Kähler-Einstein

Suppose $\omega$ is a Kähler metric of constant scalar curvature with positive bisectional curvature, how to prove $\omega$ is Kähler-Einstein? I was told that we can use the following method: Step ...
Andrews's user avatar
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Prerequisites for reading characteristic classes

Can some one tell me what are the prerequisites for learning characteristic classes as they are in book Foundations of Differential geometry by Kobayashi and Nomizu. I only read first two chapters of ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Good exposition of "Calabi ansatz"

As far as I understand, Calabi ansatz is (in particular) a way to produce Kähler metrics on total spaces of line bundles (or their disk subbudles) over Kähler manifolds of the following form: Calabi ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Existence of Simple Closed Straightest Geodesics

There are at least three distinct simple closed quasigeodesics on convex polyhedra [Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 1949, 25(67) :2, 275–306 Quasi-geodesic lines on a convex surface Pogorelov]. Is the same true ...
bjwbell's user avatar
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Poincaré constant for $L^2$-differential-forms on a submanifold of $\mathbb R^n$ with Lipschitz boundary

Let $M \subset \mathbb R^n$ be a submanifold of euclidean space whose boundary is locally a Lipschitz graph. Let $\omega \in L^2\Lambda^k(M)$ be a differential form with square-integrable coefficients....
shuhalo's user avatar
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A (non-Kahler) metric on projectivised vector bundles

Given a hermitian holomorphic vector bundle (E, h) on a complex manifold-with-a-metric (X,g), then consider the following (natural) construction of a metric on the total space of $\mathbb{P}(E)$ : ...
Vamsi's user avatar
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Bow lemma with angles

First, let me recall the statement of the bow lemma. Let $\gamma_1: [a,b] \to \mathbb{R}^2$ and $\gamma_2: [a,b] \to \mathbb{R}^2$ be two smooth unit-speed curves. Assume $\gamma_1$ and its chord ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
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Quasimode construction on a compact Riemannian manifold

Let $M$ be a closed Riemannian manifold, $\Delta$ be the usual Laplace-Betrami operator on $M$ and $\gamma : [0, L] \to M$ be a stable elliptic periodic geodesic of length $L$. I have heard in several ...
Y. Paka's user avatar
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Critical points up to smooth homotopy

Let $M$ and $N $ be closed connected smooth manifolds of dimension $n$. Let $f: M\rightarrow N$ be a smooth function and not null-homotopic. Is there a smooth homotopy $H: [0,1]\times M\rightarrow N$ ...
GSM's user avatar
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A bridge between the algebraic / differential geometry of $\frak{sl}_2(\mathbb{C})$ and the Sheffer-Appell calculus and combinatorics

In "Four examples of Beilinson-Bernstein localization", Anna Romanov introduces the basis $m_k = \frac{(-1)^k}{k!} \partial^k \delta $ on p. 9, where $\partial$ is a partial derivative and $\...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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"Practical" references on mapping spaces as infinite-dimensional manifolds

I am studying spaces of the form $C^{k}(\mathcal{M},\mathcal{N})$ between manifolds ($k=\infty$ allowed) and I am looking for extensive references, especially analysing their topology and smooth ...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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