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PDE obtained while trying to construct a complex structure

Upon reading this answer to this question, the last paragraph mentions the following. "Requiring the [almost complex] structure to be integrable corresponds to a certain PDE for this map." ...
Paul Cusson's user avatar
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Geodesic distances and Grassmannians

Let $Gr(n, V)$ be the Grassmannian parametrising $n$-dimensional subspaces of a vector space $V$. When $V$ is an inner product space, formulae exist for calculating the geodesic distance between ...
Hercules's user avatar
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Is there a general definition of twisted Real equivariant cohomology theory?

There are some classical examples of Real equivariant cohomology theories and twisted cohomology theories, including equivariant KR-theory in Atiyah and Segal's paper, and the more general ...
Megan's user avatar
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Convex core and geometric finiteness of negatively curved manifolds

I am reading a paper on hyperbolic geometry where they are using the concept of "convex core" in the context of "geometric finiteness". Roughly, this means (from Definition F4 of a ...
user481559's user avatar
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Ends of a negatively curved Riemannian manifold

Let $M$ be a complete Riemannian manifold. Let us use the standard definition of "end", for example, as in this article. If $M$ has non-negative Ricci curvature, it is well-known that it has ...
Math_Learner's user avatar
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Postnikov square explicitly on a simplicial complex

$\DeclareMathOperator\Z{\mathbb{Z}}$ Following Wikipedia, a Postnikov square is a certain cohomology operation from a first cohomology group $H^1$ to a third cohomology group $H^3$, introduced by ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Non-separable Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions have isolated critical points (reference request)

Consider the Laplace-Beltrami operator on a compact manifold. Generically, Uhlenbeck has shown that eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator are Morse functions. But there are some manifolds, ...
user7868's user avatar
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Lattices of $\mathbb{R}^s \ltimes_\varphi \mathbb{R}^k$

Edit: Thoughts updated (22/3/2021). I've come across with the following problem. Let $G=\mathbb{R}^s \ltimes_\varphi \mathbb{R}^k$ where $\varphi:\mathbb{R}^s\to \mathrm{Aut}(\mathbb{R}^k)=\mathsf{GL}(...
Alejandro Tolcachier's user avatar
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Fréchet subdifferentiation on riemannian manifolds

Context. I'm looking for a "natural" definition of subdifferentials on riemannian manifolds. Given a function $F:\mathbb R^m \to \mathbb R$, its Fréchet-subdifferential at a point $w \in \...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Spectrum of Laplace-Beltrami with piecewise constant coefficients

By the Laplace-Beltrami with piecewise constant coefficients I means the operator $-div (f\, \nabla .)$ in the 2-sphere. Where $f$ is a piecewise constant function that takes two values $1$ and $a>...
rihani's user avatar
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Geometrical proof of Noether Theorem [duplicate]

I am reading a very nice Physics book "The standard model in a nutshell" by D.Goldberg and just read there a mention to Noether Theorem. Of course I knew this outstanding theorem very well from ...
RaphaelB4's user avatar
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Scalar curvature in terms of second fundamental form, reference request

I would like to cite a reference for the following formula for scalar curvature: If $\Sigma$ is a hypersurface in Euclidean space, then $R=H^2-\lvert A\rvert^2$, where $R$ is the scalar curvature ...
Yasha Berchenko-Kogan's user avatar
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Harmonic maps into de Sitter Space

I am looking some references on the existence and non-existence of (space-like) harmonic maps solving the Dirichlet into the de-Sitter space. More precisely: Let, for $n\geq 3$, $$dS^n=\{ u\in \...
Paul's user avatar
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Coordinate-free B.Feix's construction of a hyperkähler metric

In the 2001's paper 'Hyperkähler metrics on cotangent bundles' B.Feix gives a construction of a hyperkähler metric on a neighbourhood of zero section in $T^*X$ where $X$ is a real analytic Kähler ...
cll's user avatar
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Terminology for a foliation that is only tangentially smooth

I'd like to get some information and references, starting with a name, for the following quite common situation, for a smooth (i.e. $C^\infty$) $n$-manifold $M$. A partition $\mathcal{L}$ of $M$ is ...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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Gromov–Hausdorff distance between Riemannian manifolds

Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold; for the sake of simplicity we assume that its group of isometries is trivial. If we consider the same manifold equipped with another metric $g'$, what is the ...
Alex Gavrilov's user avatar
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$\ell_p$ geodesic distance on smooth Riemannian manifold and Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities

Bear with me, I'm not a professional geometer. Recently, I've been studying Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities (LSI) for probability distributions on manifolds (e.g as done in works of Bobkvo et al. ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Diffeomorphism group action on the space of embeddings

Let $S$ and $M$ be two finite-dimensional smooth manifolds with $\dim S\le \dim M$. Then it is known (e.g.Kriegl-Michor's book) that the set $\mathrm{Emb}(S, M)$ of all smooth embeddings $S\to M$ is ...
Hang's user avatar
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Different components of real sections for twistor spaces of hyper-Kähler manifolds

A hyper-Kähler manifold is a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ equipped with 3 complex structures $I,J,K$ obeying the quaternionic relations and such that $g$ is a Kähler metric for each complex structure. ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Riemannian metrics on a manifold with corners

For a smooth manifold with corners (although maybe there is no universally agreed definition of it), is there always a Riemannian metric making every face totally geodesic? Is there any reference ...
UVIR's user avatar
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One-dimensional harmonic map flow with low regularity

My question is the following: What is the minimum regularity for a continuous loop $\gamma: S^1 \rightarrow M$ in a Riemannian manifold $M$ to have short-time existence for the harmonic map flow in ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Sections of gerbes that can "vanish"

The notion of bundle gerbe is a categorification of line bundles/principal $U(1)$-bundles, and comes in two presentations: a linear version (with $Line_\mathbb{C}$-enriched underlying groupoid) and a ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Analytic maps $\varphi: \mathbb C^n\to \mathbb C^n$ with degenerate differentials

Let $B^n\subset \mathbb C^n$ be a unit ball with center $p$ . Let $\varphi: B^n\to \mathbb C^n$ be a complex analytic map such that $d\varphi$ has rank at most $n-1$ at $p$. I would like to know if ...
aglearner's user avatar
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A trivialization of an almost complex structure

Recently, I have been studying the Carleman Similiarity Principle, which is used to study the regularity and unique continuation of J-holomorphic curves. Roughly, one takes a solution $ u $ of a ...
Boggie Georgiev's user avatar
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Various definitions of the odd Chern character form

I am asking this question from my possibly defected memory, so the things below may not be accurate. I want to know how many different definitions of the odd Chern character form using differential ...
Ho Man-Ho's user avatar
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Contact manifolds and pseudodifferential operators

By way of background, I am currently trying to understand the theory of pseudodifferential operators in the context of contact geometry. I have some knowledge of pseudodifferential operators on ...
user93630's user avatar
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Donnelly-Fefferman growth of eigenfunctions

Let $(M, g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold, and let $\lambda^2$, $\varphi_\lambda$ represent eigenvalues and eigenfunctions respectively of the Laplacian $\Delta$, that is, $-\Delta \varphi_\lambda ...
user91752's user avatar
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Action of orthogonal group on the free Lie algebra

This question is somewhat related and inspired by this post of professor Montgomery. The free Lie algebra $L(V)$ generated by an $r$-dimensional vector space $V$ is, in the language of https://en....
guido giuliani's user avatar
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Representation theory and associated bundles

I am looking for a text or set of notes that discusses the relationship between the representation theory of Lie groups and associated vector bundles, preferably using modern categorical language. For ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Laplacian Spectra on Nearly Nodal Riemann Surfaces

Consider a family of complex curves ${\mathcal C} \to {\mathbb D}$ such that the central fibre is a nodal Riemann surface while other fibres are smooth Riemann surfaces. We choose a family of ...
Guangbo Xu's user avatar
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Faster (than normal) convergence of the normalized Ricci flow on surfaces

Consider a compact surface $M$ of genus $\gamma > 1$ (I am using the more usual letter "$g$" to denote metric), and the normalized Ricci flow on it. It is known that at time $t$, the scalar ...
user81712's user avatar
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Cohomology of the classifying space of some Super Lie group

Are there any papers on the cohomology of the classifying space of the general linear supergroup $GL(n, m)$ or unitary supergroup $U(n, m)$? I know basically nothing about supergeometry. It seems ...
Ho Man-Ho's user avatar
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Was this particular case of the tube formula known before Weyl and Hotelling?

The tube formula is a really nice result in differential geometry which relates the volume of the tubular neighborhood of a submanifold to its intrinsic geometry. It has been proved by Weyl in 1939 ...
Thomas Richard's user avatar
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Integrability of Continuous Tangent Subbundles

Are there any field of mathematics, except dynamical systems, where one needs to integrate continuous sub-bundles of the tangent space? More specifically given a smooth manifold of $M$ and a ...
Avicenna's user avatar
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"Partition" of a smooth function in $\mathbb R^2$

This is a question asking for reference. I have a proof of the following. Let $f=f(x,y)$ be a smooth function in $\mathbb R^2$ which vanishes at the origin. Then there exist smooth functions $f_1=...
PepeToro's user avatar
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An example of mean curvature flow that does not preserve embeddedness

Let $F: M^n \to \mathbb R^{n+k}$ be an embedding and $F_t$ be a families of immersions so that $F_0=F$ and $$\frac{\partial F_t}{\partial t} = \vec H$$ It is known that in hypersurface case ($k=1$),...
Arctic Char's user avatar
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Where is the Courant operad discussed?

Where is the Courant operad discussed? And hopefully defined precisely. By the Courant operad or rather a suitable generalization of operad to accommodate the inner product, the operad whose ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Question about density of $C^{\infty}(M,N)$ in $W^{1,p}(M,N)$ with $N$ not compact

Hi! Let $M$ be a compact manifold possibly with boundary with $\dim(M)=m$, let $N$ be a non compact manifold with $\dim(N)=n$. Let me recall the definition of the sobolev space $W^{1,p}(M,N)$. ...
Italo's user avatar
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References on principal G bundle and connections

I am trying to understand about principal G bundle given a Lie group $G$. For that, I started with the action of Lie groups on manifold $M$ and convinced myself that if the action is smooth, proper, ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Compact surfaces with arbitrary gaps in spectrum

Consider a sequence of positive numbers $a_n$. My question is, can we select a closed Riemann surface whose spectrum $\lambda_i$ satisfies the condition that $\lambda_{i + 1} - \lambda_i > a_i$? Of ...
anonymos's user avatar
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Equivalent definitions of Gaussian curvature

I'm trying to find out more about geometry of surfaces and, in particular, Gaussian curvature. I understand that it can be defined in terms of the principal curvatures (extrinsically) and also ...
Lea M's user avatar
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Ricci flow preserves holonomy

Could someone please give me a reference where I can find a complete proof of the result Ricci flow preserves holonomy? Is there any way to prove that Ricci flow preserves Kahler condition without ...
Bingo's user avatar
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Lengths of closed geodesics and geodesic segments

Let $M$ be a closed Riemannian manifold of dimension $n \geq 2$. I am looking at sufficient conditions for the following two properties: existence of closed geodesics of arbitrarily long length on $M$...
H. Saito's user avatar
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Commutator 2-forms on Lie groups

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group and $\mathfrak g$ its Lie algebra. For any $f$ in the dual space $\mathfrak g^*$, we can define a skew-symmetric bi-linear form on $\mathfrak g$ by $(A,B)\mapsto f([A,B])...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
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Reference: parallel transport in the hyperboloid model

I'm reading the documentation of this package: Manopt, and they claim that in the hyperboloid model for $\mathbb{H}^d$ the parallel transport between tangent spaces $T_x$ and $T_y$ is given for any $u\...
ABIM's user avatar
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Learning roadmap for Lorentzian geometry

I am asked the question in MSE, but did not get an answer. I hope that this question is appropriate for MOF. I am interested in Hyperbolic Geometry and its significance in low dimensional geometry (...
user2022's user avatar
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Foliation with a compact leaf

Let $M$ be a closed oriented manifold, and $F$ be a fixed foliation of $M$. We assume the dimension and codimension of $F$ are both greater than $1$. Q Under what condition, we can say that $F$ ...
DLIN's user avatar
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matrix-valued differential forms on complex manifolds

I'm pretty clear in my understanding of scalar-valued differential $(p, q)$-forms (resp. holomorphic $(p,0)$-forms) on a complex manifold $M$ and the related Hodge theory. What I'm not sure about is ...
Libertron's user avatar
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Bishop-Gromov volume comparison on manifolds with negligible negative Ricci curvature

Let us consider a complete Riemannian manifold $M$ of dimension $n$ with $Ric \geq 0$. Then the Bishop-Gromov volume comparison theorem says that for any $p \in M$, the function $$ \frac{\text{Vol}(B(...
user116108's user avatar
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Non-positive metric on a product is a product metric

I have heard mentioned the following theorem: If a Riemannian metric on a product of two Riemann surfaces has non-positive sectional curvature then the metric is a product metric. And am trying to ...
Khanickus's user avatar
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