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2 answers

What's the point of a Whittaker model?

Let $G$ be a quasi-split connected reductive group over a $p$-adic field $F$. Let $B$ be a Borel subgroup which is defined over $F$, with $B = TU$, $T$ defined over $F$. The choice of $T$ and $B$ ...
D_S's user avatar
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Intersection of integral points with a unipotent and its opposite

This is a follow-up to Does the bruhat decomposition induces decomposition on integral points (on an open cell)? Given a split connected reductive group $G$ over a $p$-adic local field $F$ with ring ...
Ashwin Iyengar's user avatar
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Tits Reductive Groups over Local Fields Example 1.15 (Quasi-split special unitary groups in odd dimension)

I hope this question about Tits's paper "Reductive groups over local fields" in Algebraic groups and discontinuous subgroups ends up having an easy answer, but I'm a little stuck on the ...
Marc Besson's user avatar
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The stabiliser group of an isotropic quadratic form over $\mathbb{Q}_p$ is non-compact?

Let $\mathbb{Q}_p$ denote the $p$-adic integers. Let $V$ be a $\mathbb{Q}_p$-vector space and $Q : V \rightarrow \mathbb{Q}_p$ be a non-degenerate integral quadratic form. We say that the pair $(Q,V)$ ...
Andrew Musso's user avatar
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Group schemes and Hyperspecial maximal compact subgroups

Let $F$ be a number field. For each non-archimedean place $v$ let $O_v$ denote the ring of integers. Let $G$ be a connected linear algebraic group defined over $F$. Consider the set of sequences $(K_v)...
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