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Questions tagged [real-analysis]

Real-valued functions of real variable, analytic properties of functions and sequences, limits, continuity, smoothness of these.

9 questions from the last 7 days
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A system of nonlinear Diophantine equations whose positive solutions are not coprime

Consider the following system of Diophantine equations: $$v_1k_1=k_1^3-k_2^3+k_3^3 \\ v_2k_2=k_1^3+k_2^3-k_3^3 \\ v_3k_3=-k_1^3+k_2^3+k_3^3 \tag{1}$$ where $v_1,v_2,v_3$ and $k_1,k_2,k_3$ are integer-...
Amir's user avatar
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How irregular can the set of points of non-differentiability for an L1 function's primitive F get, before the FTC fails?

A Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Lebesgue Integration, J. J. Koliha begins with the passage Lebesgue proved a number of remarkable results on the relation between integration and differentiation....
D.R.'s user avatar
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On compact embeddings in weighted Riesz potential spaces

I wonder if there is any references for the study of the following type of spaces $$ X_{\delta,\alpha}=\{ u\in L^2_\delta(\mathbb{R}^n):\, u= (-\Delta)^\alpha f \quad\text{for some}\quad f\in L^2_{\...
Ali's user avatar
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Eigenvalue of a convolution and a restriction?

Let $\epsilon>0$ be small. Let $\eta(t) = \frac{2\epsilon}{\epsilon^2+(2\pi t)^2}$ (the Fourier transform of $x\mapsto e^{-\epsilon |x|}$). Let $V$ be the space of integrable, bounded functions $f:\...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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About BMO space on smooth open bounded domain

Let $\Omega$ be any open domain in $\Bbb R^d$. Define the $\text{BMO}(\Omega)$ space as $$ \text{BMO}(\Omega)= \big\{u\in L^1_{loc}(\Omega)\,\,:\,\, |u|_{\text{BMO}(\Omega)} <\infty \big\}, $$ ...
Guy Fsone's user avatar
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Function that is (essentially) a self-convolution but not a multiple of a self-convolution

Call a function $F:\mathbb{R}\to C$ nice if it is of the form $F = f\ast \tilde{f}$, where $\tilde{f}(x) = \overline{f(-x)}$. (Of course nice functions are precisely those whose Fourier transform is ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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A deceptively simple regularity problem for functions on the plane

By various meanderings and toying with simpler problems, my current research has lead me to the following quite straightforward question, which I am wholly unable to answer: Consider a twice ...
vmist's user avatar
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About the number of critical points of a function

Suppose that $f$ is a totally monotone function on $(0,\infty)$, so that $(-1)^n f^{(n)}\ge0$ for all $n=0,1,\dots$, $f(0+)\in(0,\infty)$, and $f(t)\sim\frac{1}{t^{\frac{3}{2}}}$ as $t\to\infty$. Can ...
Ervand's user avatar
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The number of intersection points of two completely monotonic functions

Is there a way to show that two completely bounded decreasing monotonic function which are also differentiable over $[0,\infty)$ intersect at most at one point? or showing some counterexamples. ...
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