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Does a sequence of Jacobians converge to the 'correct' continuous part plus some controlled singular part?

$\newcommand{\M}{\mathcal{M}}$ $\newcommand{\N}{\mathcal{N}}$ Let $\M,\N$ be two-dimensional smooth, compact, connected, oriented Riemannian manifolds. (with or without boundaries). Let $f_n \in W^{1,...
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Does weak continuity of Jacobians hold for non nondegenerate maps?

$\newcommand{\M}{\mathcal{M}}$ $\newcommand{\N}{\mathcal{N}}$ Let $\M,\N$ be two-dimensional smooth, compact, connected, oriented Riemannian manifolds. (with or without boundaries). Let $f_n \...
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minimizing weighted length of closed curves

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be the family of closed smooth curves in the right half of the complex plane $\mathbb{C}$ such that any curve in the family must enlose the point $z=1$ and tangent to the $y$-axis at ...
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