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How do you go about making ranges (for integer variables) independent?

Basic question: say you have a sum $$\sum_{n_1 n_2 \dotsb n_k \leq x} f(n_1,\dotsc,n_k),$$ where $f$ decomposes in some sense (say: $f(n_1,\dotsc,n_k) = g(n_1) + \dotsb + g(n_k)$, or $f(n_1,\dotsc,n_k)...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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$\limsup_{n\rightarrow \infty, n\in\mathbb{N}} \sin(n)^{n^x}$ for various $x$

Let $$f(x)=\limsup_{n\rightarrow \infty, n\in\mathbb{N}} \sin(n)^{n^x}.$$ Compute $f(1)$ and $f(2)$.
ninepointcircle's user avatar
28 votes
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Does $a_n=\prod^n_{k=1}(1-e^{k\alpha \pi i})$ converge to zero when $\alpha$ is irrational?

I came across a problem concerning about the convergence of products. I wonder if the complex series $a_n=\prod^n_{k=1}(1-e^{k\alpha \pi i})$ converges to zero when $\alpha$ is irrational. Of course, ...
No One's user avatar
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$\{(\log n)^\alpha\}$ not equidistributed if $0<\alpha\leq 1$, so how is it distributed?

The brackets denote the fractional part function. It is well known that the distribution (defined as the limit of the empirical distribution) is $F(x)=(e^x - 1)/(e-1)$, with $x\in [0, 1]$, if $\alpha=...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Is the arithmetic-geometric mean of 1 and 2 rational?

It is easy to show that, for two fixed real numbers $\alpha, \beta > 0$, the sequences given by $a_ 1 = \frac{\alpha + \beta }{2}$, $ g_1 = \sqrt{\alpha\beta}$, and $a_{n+1} = \frac{a_n + g_n}{2}$, ...
Rick Does Math's user avatar
12 votes
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The geometric-mean factorial

Think of the factorial as $f(n) = n \odot (n-1) \odot \cdots \odot 2 \odot 1$, where $\odot$ is the binary operator for multiplication, $\cdot$. This suggests exploring replacing $\odot$ with other ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Convergence of $\sum_{n=1}^\infty x_n^k$

I thought that this question is more suitable for MSE, and asked it there. (Link to the MSE question) However, it does not get any answer despite the upvotes. It appears that I might have ...
Ma Joad's user avatar
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When does this interesting sum diverge?

For $x \gt 0,$ what is the greatest $y$ such that $$\sum_ {1\le h^x \le k^y} \frac{1}{h^x k^y}= \infty ?$$ I don't know of any references or methods for this -- not even for $x=1$, for which the ...
Clark Kimberling's user avatar
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Mean value of a function with binomial coefficients as weights

Is the following true? Let $a$ be a positive integer and let $t_n$ be a sequence of numbers. We define the binomial mean of $t_n$ $$ \beta_{t_n,a} = \frac{1}{2^n t_n}\sum_{r^a \le n} \binom{n}{r^a}...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
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Convergence of a triple sum involving the imaginary part of the Riemann zeta function's non trivial zeros

Let $N>0$ an integer, $k>0$ a real parameter and let $\rho = \beta +i \gamma$ a non trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function. For a work I need to find the best possible $k$ such that $$I=\sum_{...
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