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6 votes
0 answers

Have we discovered constructions for natural fractional dimensional spheres?

I have been thinking about a couple different problems in fractal geometry (including I one deleted because it was ill posed) and realize they all depend in a fundamental way on the problem of: Can we ...
4 votes
1 answer

On the definition of a continuous function

I remember once reading that "a continuous function can be loosely described as a function whose graph can be drawn without lifting the pen from the paper". We all know that this is not true....
3 votes
2 answers

Regularity of lipschitz and derivable function

Let be lipschitz $f$ on $[0,1]$ and everywhere derivable. Is it true that $f\in C^1([0,1])$ ?
0 votes
1 answer

Condition for set of the type $\{(a,b)|a \in A, \ b = f(a)\}$ to have empty interior if $A$ has empty interior [closed]

Let us consider $$\mathcal X = \{(a,b)|a \in A, \ b = f(a)\}, $$ where $A \subset L^1(\mathbb R)$ has empty interior and $f:L^1 \to L^1$ is a bijective map. Does $\mathcal X$ also have empty interior? ...
3 votes
1 answer

Does there exist $f:\Bbb{R}\to \Bbb{R}$ additive onto function such that $f(F) \subset \Bbb{R}$ has the property of Baire for every $F$?

Let $F\subset \Bbb{R}$ intersect every closed uncountable subsets of $\Bbb{R}$. Does there exist $f:\Bbb{R}\to \Bbb{R}$ additive onto function such that $f(F) \subset \Bbb{R}$ has the property of ...
0 votes
2 answers

A Jordan arc in the unit disk

Let $D$ be the open unit disk, and $J$ a Jordan arc (that is, a homeomorphic copy of $[0, 1]$) that lies in $D$, except $J(0)$ lies on the boundary of $D$, say $J(0)=1$. I would like to see that $D\...
7 votes
2 answers

How should I understand the "$C^\infty$ functions" whose domain is the dual of $C^\infty(\mathbb{R}^n)$?

I am reading Colombeau's book "New Generalized Functions and Multiplication of Distributions" and he uses the notation $C^\infty({C^\infty}'(\Omega))$ out of nowhere. Here $\Omega$ is any ...
0 votes
1 answer

Tensor product is complete?

Let $(V,\|\cdot\|_V)$ and $(W,\|\cdot\|_W)$ be Banach spaces and let the norm $\|\cdot\|_{V\otimes W}$ on the tensor product space $V\otimes W$ be admissible in the following sense: for $v\in V, w\in ...
1 vote
0 answers

Study of the class of functions satisfying null-IVP

$\mathcal{N}_u$ : Class of all uncountable Lebesgue-null set i.e all uncountable sets having Lebesgue outer measure $0$. Let $f:\Bbb{R}\to \Bbb{R}$ be a function with the following property : $\...
3 votes
0 answers

Discreteness of the higher inductive-inductive Cauchy real numbers in real cohesive homotopy type theory

We work in cohesive homotopy type theory with propositional resizing, so that there is only one type of Dedekind real numbers $\mathbb{R}$ up to equivalence, and Mike Shulman's axiom $\mathbb{R}\flat$,...
2 votes
1 answer

Borel $\sigma$-algebras on paths of bounded variation

Let $(C, \|\cdot\|)$ be the Banach space of continuous paths $x: [0,1]\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^d$ starting at zero with sup-norm $\|\cdot\|$. Let further $B\subset C$ be the subspace of $0$-started ...
1 vote
1 answer

Topological analog of the Lusin-N property

$A\subset \Bbb{R}$ is meager if $A$ can be expressed as a countable union of nowhere dense sets. Let $f:[a, b]\to \Bbb{R}$ is absolutely continuous, i.e., for every $\epsilon>0$, there exists $\...
3 votes
2 answers

Can every real function be approximated with a Riemann-integrable one with any precision required?

Is there some proof that Riemann-integrable functions are dense in the space of all real functions? In a sense that for every real function $f$ and number $\varepsilon>0$, there is Riemann-...
2 votes
0 answers

Separately continuous functions of the first Baire class

Problem. Let $X,Y$ be (completely regular) topological spaces such that every separately continuous functions $f:X^2\to\mathbb R$ and $g:Y^2\to \mathbb R$ are of the first Baire class. Is every ...
0 votes
0 answers

Is the space of affine continuous functions a Baire space

Let $\Omega$ be a compact convex set in q linear normed space. Let $A(\Omega)$ be the space of affine continuous real-valued functions. My question is whether the space $A(\Omega)$ is a Baire space? ...
3 votes
1 answer

$\int_0^1 f(\sin(1/x)) \times g(\cos(1/x)) dx \leq \int_0^1 f(\sin(1/x)) dx \times \int_0^1 g(\cos(1/x))dx? $

I have noticed experimentally that the following question has a positive answer. Is it true that for all even and convex functions $f$, $g$: $$\int_0^1 f(\sin(1/x)) \times g(\cos(1/x)) dx \leq \int_0^...
3 votes
1 answer

Positivity of real functions in two variables

Assume that $f_0,f_1,f_2$ are polynomial functions of degree two in two variables. This means that the $f_i$ are linear combinations with real coefficients of $x^2,xy,x,y^2,y,1$. Consider the function ...
19 votes
3 answers

Is there a Cantor set $C$ in $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ so the graph of every continuous function $[0,1]\rightarrow [0,1]$ intersects $C$?

Consider the Cantor ternary set on the real line with the usual topology and define a Cantor set to be any topological space $C$ homeomorphic to the Cantor ternary set. The idea is to construct a ...
11 votes
3 answers

Structure theorems for compact sets of rationals

Everyone knows the Heine-Borel theorem characterizing compact subsets of Euclidean space. For any $n \in \mathbb N$ a set $A \subseteq \mathbb R^n$ is compact just in case it is closed and bounded (in ...
0 votes
0 answers

Conditions on a set implying properties on neighborhoods

Suppose $F$ is a closed set in a Euclidean space, and for $\epsilon>0$, let $V_\varepsilon$ be the $\varepsilon-$neighborhood of $F$ i.e. the set of points $x$ having a distance less than $\...
2 votes
0 answers

Components of the complement of a compact set

Suppose $K$ is a compact subset of $\mathbb{R}^m$ ($m>1$), and $0<r<R$ are fixed numbers. Let $A$ be the set of points having a distance $<R$ and $>r$ from $K$. My questions are If $K$ ...
5 votes
2 answers

Can functions be differentiable on sets with empty interiors?

As a simple example, suppose we have a function $f: \mathbb{R}^3 \to \mathbb{R}$ defined on the set (and taking $+\infty$ everywhere else), $$\{x \in \mathbb{R}^3| x_1 \in [-1, 1], x_2 \in [-1, 1], ...
12 votes
2 answers

Non-sequential spaces in the wild

TLDR: What are examples of (function-)spaces that are not sequential? When does this matter? As a simple analyst, I am most happy if I can just work with sequences all the time. In most situations ...
5 votes
1 answer

Arzelà-Ascoli for $C_b(0,1)$? Or more generally, why is that continuous functions "live most naturally" on compact spaces?

I’m wondering if there is a version of Arzelà-Ascoli for continuous functions on not-necessarily compact metric/Hausdorff spaces $X$, i.e. a characterization of the compact subsets of $C_b(X)$ (under ...
1 vote
0 answers

Zeroth homology of the complement of a closed set

Suppose $F$ is a closed set in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with $n>1$. Are there some known conditions that must be imposed on $F$ so that its complement in $\mathbb{R}^n$ has a finite number of components? ...
155 votes
4 answers

Does there exist a bijection of $\mathbb{R}^n$ to itself such that the forward map is connected but the inverse is not?

Let $(X,\tau), (Y,\sigma)$ be two topological spaces. We say that a map $f: \mathcal{P}(X)\to \mathcal{P}(Y)$ between their power sets is connected if for every $S\subset X$ connected, $f(S)\subset Y$ ...
18 votes
2 answers

Comparing "axiomatized function spaces"

This was previously asked and bountied at math.stackexchange with no response. I've also tweaked the language for clarity; see the edit history for the broader context, and note that the existing ...
3 votes
0 answers

Analogue of Kolmogorov/Arnold superposition for general manifolds?

Previously asked and bountied at MSE with slightly different language: Given a topological space $\mathcal{X}$, let $$\mathsf{Cl_C}(\mathcal{X})=\bigcup_{n\in\mathbb{N}}C(\mathcal{X}^n,\mathcal{X})$$ ...
10 votes
1 answer

Maximally continuous extension of continuous functions from $\mathbb Q$ to $\mathbb R$

Let $f: \mathbb Q \to \mathbb R$ be a continuous function. An extension of $f$ is a function $\tilde f: \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ such that $\tilde f = f$ on $\mathbb Q$. We say an extension $\tilde f$ ...
30 votes
4 answers

is f a polynomial provided that it is "partially" smooth?

Let $f$ be a $C^\infty$ function on $(c,d)$ ,and let $O=\cup_{n\in \mathbb{Z}^+} (a_n,b_n)$ where $(a_n,b_n)$ are disjoint open interval in $(c,d)$ and $O$ is dense in $(c,d)$. Suppose for each $n\in ...
0 votes
0 answers

On connectedness of the complement

In the application of Runge type theorems on the approximation of functions with some regularity on a neighborhood of a compact, it is interesting to know whether the complement of a compact has ...
2 votes
1 answer

Between an open set and its closed subset [closed]

Suppose $F\subset V\subsetneq \mathbb {R}$ where $F$ is closed and $V$ is open. I want to show that $\exists$ an open set $U\subset \mathbb {R}$ satisfying $F\subset U\subset \overline {U}\subset V$. ...
8 votes
1 answer

Must a continuous $\varphi:\mathbb R^n\to\mathbb R^n$ with $\mathbb Q^n \subseteq \varphi[\mathbb Q^n]$ be surjective?

Let $\varphi:\mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R^n$ be just some continuous function. If the image of $\varphi$ happens to contain $\mathbb Q^n$, does it follow that in fact all of $\mathbb R^n$ is contained in ...
5 votes
0 answers

What is a mild sufficient condition on $X$ such that $C(X, Y)$ is sequential?

Let $X$ be a topological space, $(Y, d)$ a metric space and $C(X, Y)$ the space of continuous maps with the topology of compact convergence. Question: What is a minimal topological condition on $X$ ...
2 votes
0 answers

A polar open set in a topological subspace?

Suppose $U$ is a bounded open set in $\mathbb{R}^m$ with ($m\geq2$). Is it possible to have a non-empty set $E$ in the boundary $ \partial U$ of $U$ that is open in $ \partial U$ and is polar? A set $...
7 votes
1 answer

Extending continuous functions from $\mathbb Q$ to $\mathbb R$

Definitions: Let $E$ be a subset of $X$. By an extension of a function $f: E \to \mathbb R$, I mean a function $\bar f: X \to \mathbb R$ such that $f = \bar f$ on $E$. Question: For every continuous ...
1 vote
1 answer

Limit points and Homeomorphism

I was asking this question at Mathematics SE but I got nothing at all. This is why I am trying this site. We consider the topology of the extended real line. Let $h\colon [-\infty,\infty]\to\Bbb R$ ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Are the injective functions dense in $C([0,1]^n,\mathbb R^n) $?

Let $n\geq 2$. Are injective functions dense in $C([0,1]^n,\mathbb R^n) $ with the uniform norm?
1 vote
0 answers

May sequential continuity of a map on compact sets fail to admit extrema?

Let $X$ be a compact topological space. Is there an example of a sequentially upper-semicontinuous function $f: X \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ that does not admit a maximum point in $X$? My very rough ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is the pointwise supremum of a continuous function continuous?

Suppose $f(x , y)$ is continuous in both variables. For any $\epsilon > 0$ and some $y_0$, let $h_{\epsilon}(x) = \max_{y^{'}: \| y^{'} - y_0 \| \leq \epsilon} f(x , y^{'})$. It seems to me that $...
0 votes
1 answer

Dense $G_{\delta}$ set with $\sigma$-porous complement is cofinite?

Let $X$ be a separable Banach space and $D\subseteq X$ be a proper, connected, and dense $G_{\delta}$ subset of $X$, $X-D$ is $\sigma$-porous. Then is $X-D$ contained in a finite-dimensional ...
4 votes
1 answer

Condition for existence of a continuous function realizing a partition

Let $\{U_i\}_{i=1}^{I}$ be a non-empty and finite collection of non-empty, disjoint, open, (and obviously bounded) subsets of $[0,1]^n$. Suppose also that $[0,1]^n=\cup_{i =1 }^{ I} \overline{U_i}$. ...
0 votes
1 answer

When does strict inclusion holds for the domain of subdifferential?

Recall that, given an extended real-valued function $f: \mathbb{R}^n \to (-\infty, \infty]$ Its effective domain is, $$\text{dom}(f) = \{x \in \mathbb{R}^n : f(x) < +\infty\}$$ The subdifferential ...
0 votes
1 answer

Set of zeros of a real function of class $C^1$ [closed]

Let $a < b$ two real numbers and let $f \colon [a,b] \to \mathbb{R}$ a $C^1$ function. Moreover, we consider the set $$ X := \{ x \in [a,b]\mid f(x) = 0 \}. $$ Is it the number of connected ...
5 votes
1 answer

Fréchet L-Spaces

According to the paper The emergence of open sets, closed sets, and limit points in analysis and topology famous mathematician Maurice Fréchet who introduced the concept of metric spaces has also ...
0 votes
1 answer

Connectedness of the set having a fixed distance from a closed set 2

This question is related to this one: Connectedness of the set having a fixed distance from a closed set. Suppose $F$ is a closed and connected set in $\mathbb{R}^n$ ($n>1$). Suppose the complement ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Limiting points of elementary set

I consider the following set $$A:=\left\{ \frac{3mn}{2(m^2+mn+n^2)}; m,n \in \mathbb Z; \text{ and }m,n \text{ are not both zero}\right\}$$ Is it possible to identify the closure of $A$ in the reals?
11 votes
0 answers

Is every Baire metric space a complete metric space in disguise?

I am currently giving lectures in real analysis and a student asked an interesting question I couldn't answer, so I'm posting it here: Let's say that a metric space $X$ is Baire if every countable ...
7 votes
1 answer

If $S\subset\mathbb R$ is a $G_\delta$, is there a function $\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ continuous exactly on $S$?

Let $S\subset\mathbb R$ be a $G_\delta$ set. A variation on the construction of the Thomae function (which is discontinuous on the rationals and continuous elsewhere) shows that there is a function $\...
1 vote
0 answers

A local base for space of probability measures with Prohorov metric

Let $S$ be a Polish space. Let $P(S)$ denote the space of probability measures on $(S,\mathcal{B})$, where $\mathcal B$ is the Borel-$\sigma$-algebra over $S$. Equip $P(S)$ with the Prohorov metric. I ...