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Questions tagged [random-graphs]

The study of probability distributions over graphs. For example, the Erdős–Rényi model where each edge occurs independently with equal probability.

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2 answers

Probability, that a graph G does not contain a cycle

Hello, given graph $G=(V,E)$ with $n=|V|$ and $k=|E|$, what is the probability that it does not contain any cycle $C_l$ for $l\geq3?$ The requested clarification: My intention was to form the ...
science.nest's user avatar
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Prime number density vs. connectedness threshold: coincidence?

(1) $\pi(n)$, the number of primes at most $n$, is asymptotic to $n / \ln n$. (2) In the Erdős-Rényi random graph model, $p = \ln n / n$ is a sharp threshold for the connectedness of the graph $G(n,p)...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Conditional probability that a random spanning tree contains the edge e

Let $G$ be a connected simple graph with two distinct edges $e,f \in E(G)$. Choose a random spanning tree $T\subseteq G$, my question is whether there are any known upper bound for the following \...
SRB 's user avatar
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Colorability of random regular graphs?

I have the following experimental results on random regular graphs. I would like to know current theory on colorability of random regular graphs. Almost all 5 regular graphs are 3 colorable. Almost ...
daniel pehoushek's user avatar
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The probability distribution for vertex degree in a unit disc graph generated from random points on a plane

Imagine I cover an arbitrarily large plane with randomly placed points at some density $\rho$ s.t. the number of points in any randomly sampled area $A$ (of arbitrary shape and size) is $\approx A*\...
FloatingLantern's user avatar
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Probability of a subset of Bernoulli's being all 1's

Suppose we have $n$ iid Bernoulli's $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ with mean $p$, and a family $\mathcal{F}$ of subsets of $[n]$. The question is how to lower bound the probability that there is a set in the family ...
Marco's user avatar
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first order languages over graphs (and other discrete models)

A lot of research has been devoted to the study of first order language of graphs (FO). Formulas in this language are constructed using variables $x, y,\dots$ ranging over the vertices of a graph, the ...
Johnny Cage's user avatar
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Proofs of inequalities used by Erdos-Renyi in their Random Graphs Paper 1

Please refer to this, it is Erdos-Renyi 1959 paper 1 on Random Graphs. I am currently working on this, but I am stuck on the fifth page, where they use two estimates. More specifically, here's the ...
Landon Carter's user avatar
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How to show that random graphs cannot be embedded with short edges

For each (not necessarily planar) embedding of a graph in $\mathbb{R}^k$ one can calculate the ratio $$\gamma = \frac{\textsf{mean Euclidean length of edges}}{\textsf{mean Euclidean distance between ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Fast uniform generation of random graphs with given degree sequences - any implementation?

The paper below presents a linear-time algorithm for uniform generation of random graphs with given degree sequences [1]. This is very interesting in practice, but I found no implementation. However, ...
Matthieu Latapy's user avatar
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Probability of a vertex being a "degree-celebrity" in a random graph

If $G(n,p)$ is a random graph of the Erdös-Rényi model, what is the probability that $\mathrm{deg}(v)\gt\mathrm{deg}(u)\ \forall u\in\mathrm{adj}(v)$ Please feel free to relate answers to other ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Expected global clustering coefficient for Erdős–Rényi graph

What is the expected global clustering coefficient $\mathbb{E}[C_{GC}]$ for the Erdős–Rényi random graph (ER-graph) $\mathcal{G}(n,p)$ (expectation is over the ensemble of all ER-graphs) as $n \...
Fabian Ying's user avatar
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Erdős–Rényi random graphs — reproducing 2 inequalities

In Erdős and Renyi's 1959 paper On random graphs I , I'm trying to reproduce, starting from Eq.\eqref{1} in their paper, the two inequalities that appear in Eq.\eqref{2}. Eq.\eqref{1} is: $$ P \le \...
RickB88's user avatar
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Quasi-random vs pseudo-random graphs

My question is somehow concerning terminology on extremal graph theory. Is there any difference concerning the notion of quasi-random graph and the notion of pseudo-random graph? My feeling is that ...
Johnny Cage's user avatar
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Random graphs and Benjamini-Schramm convergence

I am looking for literature on the question whether a randomly chosen sequence of $k$-regular graphs converges in the Benjamini-Schramm sense to the universal covering with probability one. There are ...
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Structures for random graphs with structure

Background[You may skip this and go immediately to the Definitions.] Crucial features of a (random) graph or network are: the degree distribution $p(d)$ (exponential, Poisson, or power law) the mean ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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between "giant-component" and "fully connected"

This is a request for reference. Where can I find discussion of the Erdős–Rényi random graph in the regime between "giant-component" and "fully connected"? e.g. a detailed picture for say, $p_n=\frac{(...
Marco Isopi's user avatar
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Can you randomly sample graphs with quadratic growth?

Let $\mathcal{G}$ be the set of all infinite connected graphs with the following properties: Every vertex has $4$ neighbors For every vertex, there are $8$ vertices that have distance exactly $2$ ...
zeb's user avatar
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Critical probability for Erdos-Renyi digraphs to be strongly connected

Given $p \in [0,1]$, an Erdos-Renyi graph ${ER}(n,p)$ on $n$ vertices is constructed by defining, for each unordered couple of distinct vertices ${i,j}$ an edge between $i$ and $j$ with probability $p$...
math_lover's user avatar
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Distribution of eigenvectors and eigenvalues for random, symmetric matrix

Consider two simple, undirected graphs with adjacency matrices ${\bf A}$ and ${\bf A'}$. Let ${\bf P} = {\bf A'} - {\bf A}$. Thus, ${\bf P}$ is symmetric and always 0 along the diagonal. Let $f({\bf ...
haz's user avatar
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Expected number of leaf nodes in some theoretical graph models

If a leaf node of a graph refers to a node having the degree of 1, how can one compute the expected number of leaf nodes of: (A) a random graph (e.g., Erdos-Renyi graph), (B) a small-world graph (e....
Val K's user avatar
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Almost all simple graphs are small world networks

Two days ago it occurred to me that almost all simple graphs are small world networks in the sense that if $G_N$ is a simple graph with $N$ nodes sampled from the Erdös-Rényi random graph distribution ...
Aidan Rocke's user avatar
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Probability of two vertices being connected in a random graph

Consider a random directed graph with $N$ vertices where each vertex $v$ has exactly one link to some vertex (maybe to itself) $u$ with known probability $a_{vu}$. What is the probability of ...
sbos's user avatar
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Research on graph theory

I am interested in graph theory. My background is mainly algebraic. I have been researching algebraic geometry for five years so I assume that the transition to the graph theory realm shouldn't be so ...
Samantha Smith's user avatar
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Expected number of bridges in a random subgraph

I am researching connectivity in random subgraphs and have come across the following problem. A bridge between two vertices $a$ and $b$ of a graph $G$ is an edge $e$ such that removing $e$ from $G$ ...
Peter's user avatar
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Counting 2-factorizations

Suppose I have a $2k$-regular graph. By Petersen's theorem this has a $2$-factorization. The questions are: Is there some nice way to count $2$-factorizations, or is it a hard problem? Are there any ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Navigation in a graph

The problem Let $G=(V,E)$ be a graph. $k = O\left(\log(|V|)\right)$ distinct vertices are picked randomly from $V$. We call the set of chosen $k$ vertices $T$. Assumptions about the graph: You may ...
real's user avatar
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Cycle removal process

Consider the following stochastic process for generating a forest: start from a complete graph on $n$ vertices and proceed to repeatedly remove the edges of uniformly chosen cycles. Formally, let $G_0$...
Bach's user avatar
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Using Crump-Mode-Jagers processes to get logarithmic bound on a random tree height

I am currently pursuing my PhD degree and in my research I came across a family of random trees. I need to prove a logarithmic asymptotic bound for the heights of such trees as their size grows. I ...
user43932's user avatar
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Concentration inequality for function of independent Bernoulli r.v.'s (related to random graph)

Consider a random undirected graph on a set of $n$ nodes, say $\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$, such that the probability of edge between nodes $i$ and $j$ is $p_{ij}$ (we may assume $p_{ij}=o(1)$ for all $i,j$, i....
adas's user avatar
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Expected number of components with multiple cycles in a subgraph of a square lattice

Short version Is there an understanding of the emergence and subsequent disappearance of components with zero, one, or more cycles in a random subgraph of a square or cubic lattice, as the edge-...
Niel de Beaudrap's user avatar
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What is known or conjectured regarding three dimensional random triangulations?

Uniform measure on random triangulations of the two dimensional sphere and their limits are rather well understood. Are there any results or heuristics regarding three dimensional analogues?
B Iruth's user avatar
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Discrepancy of random bipartite graphs

This is a crosspost from MathStackExchange (original question). Fix $k>0$ and let $X, Y$ be two vertex sets of size $n$ a positive integer (we're interested in the limit $n\to \infty$). Define a ...
Antoine Labelle's user avatar
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Threshold for appearance of a cycle

I am interested in a random graph $G\sim G(n,p)$. I know that if $p<<1/n$, then $G$ will be a forest. I happen to be interested in the boundary case where $p=c/n$, where $c<1$ is a constant....
Daniel Erman's user avatar
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Open Problems in Random Graphs [closed]

I am a PhD student in mathematics. I'm interested in probabilistic methods in combinatorics and especially random graphs. I am looking for an open problem in this area for my PhD proposal. I know that ...
Henry Zagreb's user avatar
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Non-backtracking random walk in regular (finite) graphs

I know that many things are known when dealing with random walks on a finite (or even infinite) graph: mixing time, returns to origin, etc. All is based in the use of the Markovian property of such a ...
Johnny Cage's user avatar
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random networks and prime numbers

I have been studying networks recently and accidentally came up with an heuristic approach towards the distribution of prime numbers. The prime number theorem states that $\pi(n)\sim n/log(n)$ for ...
Arian's user avatar
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Uniform sampling of random connected graph with given number of vertices/edges

I am looking for algorithms for the exact uniform sampling of connected labelled graphs with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges. By "exact" I mean that every such graph should be generated with precisely (not ...
Szabolcs Horvát's user avatar
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How random are random spanning trees?

Suppose you take a $G(n,p)$ random graph for a fixed probability $p$ and find a spanning tree using Kruskal's algorithm. If you now repeat this process indefinitely, will every tree on $n$ vertices ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of random graphs

At time $t=0$, let $G_n(V,E)$ be a graph with $n$ vertices and $m < n$ edges. Then there exists a unique symmetric adjacency matrix $A_n$ associated with $G_n(V,E)$, defined as follows: $a_{ij} = 1$...
Piero Giacomelli's user avatar
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Expected size of matchings in a cubic graph

Let $G$ be a random cubic graph on $n$ vertices. Let $M$ be the set of (not necessarily maximum) matchings of $G$. What is the expected size (i.e. number of edges) of an element of $M$? In other ...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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Largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of weighted random graph

I find the theorem for largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of ER random graph in here The adjacency matrix is a symmetric random matrix s.t. diagonal ...
Tony's user avatar
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Good broad review of agent-based modeling? [closed]

Trying to find some good review of agent-based models and networks, specifically models that are defined by a graph of interacting nodes, that covers analysis of collective behavior based on model of ...
mt_christo's user avatar
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Question on Sparse Random Graphs

I saw stated in a paper the following result but without a reference or a proof. Let $G$ be an Erdos-Renyi random graph with $n$ nodes and probability of connection $c/n$ with $c>1$. Let $H$ be ...
Val's user avatar
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Probabilistic bound to the number of edge disjoint triangles in a random graph

Let $G$ be a random graph with $n$ vertices, and let $\delta(G)$ be the maximum number of triangles in $G$. Question. How to prove the bound $$P(\delta(G)) \leq m - t \sqrt{f(m)}) \leq 2e^{-t^2 / 4}$...
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Unique maximum degree in tournament

Consider a uniform random tournament with $n$ vertices. (Between any two vertices $x,y$, with probability $0.5$ draw an edge from $x$ to $y$; otherwise draw an edge from $y$ to $x$.) Let $p(n)$ denote ...
pi66's user avatar
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Independent Sets in random geometric graphs

I was wondering if a lot is known about independent sets in Random Geometric graphs? Most google searches don't bring up much. In addition I'm interested in any algorithms used for finding independent ...
Pavan Sangha's user avatar
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Hamiltonicity of random graphs with high girth

We say that $G\sim G_{n,f}$ (for $f=f(n)$) if $G$ is chosen uniformly at random from all graphs on $n$ vertices with girth $g(G)\ge f(n)$. Is there any threshold function $F(n)$ such that when $f\ll F$...
Bach's user avatar
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small hyperworlds ?

The theory of random graphs, after the pioneering classic work of Erdős & Rényi, has come to prominence with many further refinements, most notably the small world theory (Barabási, Watts, etc). ...
Mirco A. Mannucci's user avatar
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making a random uniform hypergraph linear

Let $\mathcal{H}_{n,p,h}=(V,E)$ be a random $h$-uniform hypergraph on $[n]$, sampled according to the usual binomial distribution. We known that with high probability, the number of edges in $\mathcal{...
Thomas Lesgourgues's user avatar

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