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2 answers

Example of random walk in a random environment (RWRE) saying things on the environment

I was wondering if anyone is aware of works/articles/examples where random walks in a random environment (RWRE) are actually used for obtaining information on the random environment. To clarify a bit, ...
Cal's user avatar
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Longest close common subsequence but for continuous random variables

We have two copied sequences of correlated continuous positive random variables that are independent of each other $(X_{n})\perp(Y_{n})$ and equal in distribution $X_{n}\stackrel{dis}{=}Y_{n}$ for ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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Ensemble averaging in a random graph (or network) in the large $N$ limit [closed]

I have a random graph/network described by the adjacency matrix $(a_{ij})_{N\times N}$ where $a_{ij}=1$ with probability $p$. Each node in the graph is associated with a continuous quantity $\eta_i=\...
maurizio's user avatar
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Random Walk 2D with dependent weights [closed]

I have spent a lot of time trying to solve this problem but have had no luck so far! Any help would be highly appreciated! Suppose I have a 3x3 grid as shown below. (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) (2,1) (2,2) (...
ayesha's user avatar
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Full distribution of FPTs in random walks on graphs

There is a lot of published research on the mean passage passage time (FPT) for random walks on various types of graphs. How about the variance of the FPT and higher momenta? In fact, I would be ...
Sandra Wollish's user avatar
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Poisson approximation of random sub-graphs

I add the edges of $G(n)$ the complete graph on $n$ vertices one by one, at random and without replacement, and denote by $G(n,m)$ the resulting Erdos Renyi random graph process. At step $m$ in the ...
Olivier's user avatar
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Cycle removal process

Consider the following stochastic process for generating a forest: start from a complete graph on $n$ vertices and proceed to repeatedly remove the edges of uniformly chosen cycles. Formally, let $G_0$...
Bach's user avatar
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Using Crump-Mode-Jagers processes to get logarithmic bound on a random tree height

I am currently pursuing my PhD degree and in my research I came across a family of random trees. I need to prove a logarithmic asymptotic bound for the heights of such trees as their size grows. I ...
user43932's user avatar
7 votes
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Recent impressive combinatorial developments in probability theory

In the preface to the second edition of Daniel Stroock's book "Probability Theory: An Analytic View", there is this striking claim (on p. xv) ... I suspect that, for at least a decade, the most ...
an12's user avatar
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How does the distribution of Erdős number evolve over time ? How to build a model to fit the real data ?

Let $E(n,t)$ be the number of mathematicians with finite positive Erdős number $n$ at time $t$. As old mathematicians leave, and new mathematicians come, how does $E(n,t)$ change over time ? We can ...
Hao Chen's user avatar
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3 answers

Growing random trees on a lattice $\rightarrow$ Voronoi diagrams

Imagine growing trees from $k$ seeds on a square $n \times n$ region of $\mathbb{Z}^2$. At each step, a unit-length edge $e$ between two points of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ is added. The edge $e$ is chosen ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar