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Baer sums of extensions

Apologies in advance if this question is too basic, I looked briefly through Weibel and the stacks project and couldn't find any relevant reference. Let $\mathcal{A}$ denote an abelian category, and ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Connected Frobenius algebras non-semisimple as an object

A Frobenius algebra object $A$ in a tensor category $\mathcal C$ is said to be connected if $\text{Hom}_{\mathcal C}(\mathbb{1}, A)$ is a one dimensional vector space, where $\mathbb {1} $ denotes the ...
Mainak's user avatar
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Semisimplicity of algebras in fusion categories

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a fusion category and $A \in \mathcal{C}$ be an algebra object. We say that $A$ is semisimple if its category of (right) modules $\mathsf{mod}_A(\mathcal{C})$ is a semisimple ...
AffSch's user avatar
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Serre functors and global dimensions

Let $k$ be a field. Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an abelian category (over $k$). We say that $\mathcal{C}$ has a finite global dimension if there exists integer $n > 0$ such that $$ \operatorname{Ext}^i(M,...
YkMz's user avatar
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Reference request: locally erasable delta-functor is universal

It is well-documented that an erasable delta-functor $(F^n,\delta)$ is universal. However, in 'small' abelian categories (in the technical sense or otherwise), there aren't always enough objects to ...
R. van Dobben de Bruyn's user avatar
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The inverse limit of a sequence of ring surjections commutes with taking difference subsets of the respective units & gluing in some primes?

Define $R_n := \Bbb{Z}/p_n\#$ the ring of integers modulo primorial $p_n\# = p_n p_{n-1} \cdots p_1$. Let $U_n$ denote the group of units modulo $p_n\#$ in these rings. Then if $f_{n,n+1}: \Bbb{Z}/p_{...
Daniel Donnelly's user avatar
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My category is rigid: what this implies for representation theory?

I am studying a subcategory $\mathcal{C}$ of modules for an associative noncommutative algebra $A$ (which is in fact also a Hopf algebra). It is clear from our definition of $\mathcal{C}$ that it is ...
jg1896's user avatar
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Automorphism groups for simple objects in abelian linear categories

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an abelian category that is also $k$-linear, where $k$ is some algebraically closed field. Let $X$ be a simple object in $\mathcal{A}$. What can we say about $\mathrm{Aut}(X)$? I ...
Bobby-John Wilson's user avatar
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In a monoidal category with duals is the coevaluation map determined by the evaluation?

For a monoidal category $(\mathcal{M},\otimes,1)$ and an object $X$ with a left dual $X^*$. Let $(e,c)$ be a pair of (co)evaluation maps for the pair $(X,X^*)$. Is it possible to have another map $c': ...
Yilmaz Caddesi's user avatar
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Hopf algebras actions

Can you write down a general type of Hopf algebra action? How do you justify the name "action", when it is already used for group actions? There must be a common core, if the same term is ...
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The evaluation and coevaluation maps for an object isomorphic to a dualisable object

Let $X$ be an object in a monoidal category with dual $X^*$ and evaluation and coevaluation maps $e$ and $c$. Now if we have an isomorphism $\sigma:X \to Y$, for some other object $Y$, then $Y$ must ...
Yilmaz Caddesi's user avatar
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Names for product-like algebras involving a "duo of directed pseudoforests"

I am looking for the names (and/or for any information regarding) two algebras, one "free" and one "restricted" by an equivalence class. In both cases, there is an (infix) binary ...
user1661473's user avatar
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Kernels and cokernels in a quotient of an abelian category

I am trying to understand the construction of the quotient of an abelian category called the Serre quotient or Gabriel quotient. From the description here:
Ji Woong Park's user avatar
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Is uniform dimension monotonic in quotients when there is a unique indecomposable injective?

The notion of uniform or Goldie dimension is something I’ve only seen discussed for categories of modules, but I believe the theory works the same way in any Grothendieck category $\mathcal C$. Recall ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Coevaluation for linear categories

For a field $k$ and an associative $k$-algebra $R$, the $k$-linear category $R\operatorname{-Mod}$ is self dual inside $\operatorname{DGCat}_k$, with the counit map sending $k$ to $R$ regarded as a ...
E. KOW's user avatar
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How is the classification of groups extensions by $H^2$ related to Yoneda Ext?

It is well-known that group extensions $$1\to A \to H \to G \to 1$$ where $A$ is abelian with a $G$-action such that the conjugation action of $G$ on $A$ agree with this fixed action are classified ...
Antoine Labelle's user avatar
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Serre subcategories of the category of chain complexes of modules

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$. Let $R$ be a commutative $k$-algebra. We denote by $\operatorname{Mod}(R), C(R), $ and $ D(R)$ the category of $R$-modules, the category ...
YkMz's user avatar
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Equivalences of categories of complexes of modules

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$. Let $R, S$ be two commutative $k$-algebras. Let $\operatorname{Ch}(R), \operatorname{Ch}(S)$ be the categories of complexes of $R$-...
YkMz's user avatar
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Can End(F) be viewed as a pro-object in the category of finite dimensional algebras?

In EGNO 1.10, we have essentially the following setup: given a $\mathbb{C}$-linear abelian category $\mathcal{A}$ and an exact faithful functor $F: \mathcal{A} \to Vec$ to the category of finite ...
Chris's user avatar
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Are algebroids "just matrices"?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Vect{Vect}\DeclareMathOperator\Mat{Mat}$This question was originally asked on MSE but may be better here. Algebroids are particularly interesting structures: they are basically ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
4 votes
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Exact sequences with two FL-modules

Let $R$ be a ring. An $R$-module $M$ is called FL (FP) if it has a finite resolution consisiting of finitely generated free (projective) modules. Given an exact sequence of $R$-modules, $0\to M_1\to ...
Andrei Jaikin's user avatar
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Cohn's localization for rings with enough idempotents

I am in the following situation: I have a non-unitary (associative) ring $R$ with enough idempotents or, if you prefer, a small pre-additive category. Actually, I even know that $R$ is right coherent (...
Simone Virili's user avatar
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Which properties of the pullback/restriction functor imply surjectivity of a ring homomorphism

Let $f:R\to S$ be a homomorhpism of (noncommutative) algebras over some field k (say the complex numbers) and let $F:Rep(S)\to Rep(R)$ be the corresponding functor between the categories of finite-...
Simon Lentner's user avatar
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Cubical vs. simplicial Hochschild cohomology

Simplicial Hochschild cohomology. $\newcommand{\Hom}{\mathrm{Hom}}\newcommand{\B}{\mathrm{B}}\newcommand{\Obj}{\mathrm{Obj}}\newcommand{\HH}{\mathrm{HH}}\newcommand{\Mod}{\mathsf{Mod}}$One way to ...
Emily's user avatar
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Bar constructions and pushouts

Suppose that $\mathsf S$ is a span of associative algebras (or, more generally, if you'd like, any type of object admitting a bar-cobar formalism) and let $A$ be its pushout. Is there any hope of ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Grothendieck's relative point of view and Yoneda lemma

I asked this question on M.SE, but didn't get any answers. Occasionally I hear people saying that one of Grothendieck's big insights was that often when interested in an object $X$ it's better to ...
user1054141's user avatar
8 votes
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Lifting isomorphisms between linear categories

Let $C$ be a $\mathbb{Z}$-linear category, such that $C(x,y)$ is a free abelian group with finite rank, for every $x,y\in\mathrm {Ob}(C)$. Given a commutative ring with identity $R$, let $RC$ denote ...
Antoine's user avatar
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The coevaluation map for a projective module and its dual

$\DeclareMathOperator\coev{coev}$Let $R$ be a noncommutative ring and let $P$ be a bimodule over $R$, that is finitely generated and projective as a left module. It is "well-known" that any ...
Adam Bondal's user avatar
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Product with special requirements on conjugation

Being a non-specialist in algebra, I stumbled upon the following question: For a real or complex associative algebra $A$, let $A^\times$ denote its group of units. Is there a natural semigroup ...
Olaf Müller's user avatar
25 votes
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What is the name of this relative semidirect product of groups?

We have two well known definitions of the semidirect product $N \rtimes H$ of groups: (Internal semidirect product) We write $G = N \rtimes H$ if $N$ is a normal subgroup of $G$, $H$ is another ...
Terry Tao's user avatar
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Is it correct to use extensionality axiom in an algebraic theory? Is "extensionality theory" appropriate name for the identity theory plus this axiom?

There is something about extensionality axiom which makes debatable its use in any theory, not only in an algebraic one -- this law looks more like a definition than a statement when written like this:...
Ioachim Drugus's user avatar
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Is the theory of the adjunction operation, used for algebraization of hereditarily finite set theory, algebraizable?

The operation used for algebraization of hereditarily finite set theory is named adjunction in 〈A. Tarski, S. Givant, A Formalization of Set Theory without Variables, Providence, RI: American ...
Ioachim Drugus's user avatar
7 votes
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This is not a tensor: tensoring abelian groups over groups

Emily's user avatar
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Relation of the first Hochschild cohomology and the outer automorphism group

Let $R$ be a ring. Qeustion: Is it true that the first Hochschild cohomology of $R$ is zero if and only if the outer automorphism group of $R$ is finite? (It is not true, by the two answers. Is it ...
Mare's user avatar
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Actions of rings (and other algebraic structures) on abelian categories

On the project I am currently working on, there are abelian, Krull-Schmidt categories $\mathcal{C}$ where it seems natural to equip $\mathcal{C}$ with the action of a ring $R$ (in some cases a ...
Iteraf's user avatar
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Does the tropical semiring admit a universal property?

Each of the rings $\mathbf{Q}$, $\mathbf{Z}_p$, $\mathbf{Q}_p$, $\mathbf{R}$ admits a universal construction: the rationals are the field of fractions of the integers: $\mathbf{Q}:=\mathrm{Frac}(\...
Emily's user avatar
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In search of lost graded rings

$\newcommand{\la}[1]{\kern-1.5ex\leftarrow\phantom{}\kern-1.5ex}\newcommand{\ra}[1]{\kern-1.5ex\xrightarrow{\ \ #1\ \ }\phantom{}\kern-1.5ex}\newcommand{\ras}[1]{\kern-1.5ex\xrightarrow{\ \ \smash{#1}\...
Emily's user avatar
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Are PD-, $\lambda$-, $\psi$-, and $\delta$-rings monoids in a monoidal category?

$\newcommand{\pt}{\mathrm{pt}}\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}}\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}$A number of algebraic structures can be defined as monoids in some appropriate monoidal category: A monoid ...
Emily's user avatar
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Are differential rings monoids in a monoidal category?

$\newcommand{\pt}{\mathrm{pt}}\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}}\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}$A number of algebraic structures can be defined as monoids in some appropriate monoidal category: A monoid ...
Emily's user avatar
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Pullback of Lie algebras [closed]

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic 0 and let $\varphi:\mathfrak{g}\rightarrow\mathfrak{f}$ and $\psi:\mathfrak{h}\rightarrow\mathfrak{f}$ be maps of Lie algebras. Is there a reference showing that ...
user15160811's user avatar
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Diagrammatic model for free product in monad infinity category

$\newcommand{\C}{\mathcal{C}}$ Suppose $M$ is a monad in an $\infty$-category $\C,$ and $A, B$ are two algebras over $M$. I'm willing to assume any reasonable "niceness" conditions on $\C$, $...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
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Categorification of determinant

The notion of trace of a matrix can be generalized to trace of an endomorphism of a dualizable objects in a symmetric monoidal category. (See Ponto & Shulman for a nice description.) Is there a ...
Nalan's user avatar
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How can I build free unital magmas?

N. Bourbaki formally defines the free magma $M(X)$ over a set $X$. However, it does not define the free unital magma over $X$, which I am denoting by $M^{\ast}(X)$ (maybe you know some more common ...
cl4y70n____'s user avatar
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What is the smallest group for which Broué's abelian defect group conjecture has not yet been verified?

Let $G$ be a finite group. Let $p$ be a prime dividing $|G|$. Let $k:=\overline{\mathbb{F}_p}$. Let $b$ be a $p$-block of $kG$ with abelian defect group $D$. Let $H:=N_G(D)$. Let $c$ be the Brauer ...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
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Varieties where every algebra is projective?

Is it possible to classify all varieties (in the sense of universal algebra) where every algebra is projective? Several years ago I asked a similar question, with "free" in place of "...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Can a braided fusion category have an order-2 Morita equivalence class which cannot be simultaneously connected and isomorphic to its opposite?

Let $\mathcal{B}$ be a braided fusion category over $\mathbb{C}$. Let me write $\mathrm{Alg}(\mathcal{B})$ for the set of isomorphism classes of unital associative algebra objects in $\mathcal{B}$, ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Growth rate of cohomology

Fix a finite dimensional graded vector space $V$, a differential $d$ on $V \otimes V $ $(i.e.\,\, d^2=0\,\, and \,\, deg\, d =1)$ such that $(d_{1,2} \otimes id_3)$ anti-commutes with $((-1)^{deg}_1 \...
Xu Kai's user avatar
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When is the category of finitely presented modules abelian?

Let $R$ be an associative ring with identity and $\mathrm{mod}R$ be the category of finitely presented $R$-modules. I would like to know when the category $\mathrm{mod}R$ is abelian. I know that if $R$...
Robert's user avatar
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On the tree-ishness of magmas and the stringiness of groups

Let me start off by saying that I suspect the answer to my question might fall under the domain of universal algebra, which is why I'm giving it that tag. However, I know only the very basics of ...
M. Sperling's user avatar
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Vopěnka's principle and contravariant full embeddings between module categories

I was recently reminded about this old question on math.stackexchange. Let $\operatorname{Mod}R$ be the category of (right) modules for a ring $R$. The questioner mistakenly thought that the Freyd-...
Jeremy Rickard's user avatar