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If a map between unital rings preserves multiplication and successor, does it preserve addition?

Welcome to my first MathOverflow posting! This is a question about rings, all of them assumed to be both unital and associative. Let $f\colon R\to S$ be a map between rings such that $f(xy)=f(x)f(y)$ ...
Fred Wehrung's user avatar
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Equational theory in the signature (+,*,0,1) of sedenions and beyond

Consider a Cayley-Dickson algebra $(X,+,∗,0,1)$, that is an algebra generated from the reals by the Cayley-Dickson construction. From complexes to quaternions, we lose commutativity of multiplication, ...
user107952's user avatar
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Is there a theory of algebraic universal algebra?

An algebraic group is a group that is also an algebraic variety. There is also a theory of algebraic monoids. Is there are version of universal algebra that incorporates these examples, and other ...
arsmath's user avatar
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Polynomial objects in any concrete category

EDIT: The original question had a trivial answer: it's just a coproduct. New question below New Question: As shown below, in the category of commutative unital rings, the coproduct of a ring $R$ with $...
Chetan Vuppulury's user avatar
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Closing Subsets Under Operations

My question is about closing sets under operations. First, I need a definition: Definition: Let $A$ be a set and take a function $f : A^n \rightarrow A$ for $n \in \mathbb{N}_{\geq 0}$. For a set $S$,...
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Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem for Leibniz algebras

Leibniz algebras can be seen as a non-skew-symmetric generalization of Lie algebras. I have already taken a look at some papers related to Leibniz algebras and extending main results of Lie algebras ...
user118746's user avatar
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Lie structure over $R$-module

In Higgins' paper Baer invariants and the Birkhoff-Witt theorem (J. Algebra 11 (1969) 469–482, doi:10.1016/0021-8693(69)90086-6) the following definition is given: A Lie structure over the $R$-module ...
nobody's user avatar
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Semigroups containing an ideal with a local identity

I'm looking for some classes of semigroups containing a (proper) ideal with a local identity (i.e., ideal submonoid). Can somebody give some examples or/and theorems for the followings cases: (a) ...
M.H.Hooshmand's user avatar
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The involutive structure on a division ring

This question is motivated by foundations of geometry, namely, by studying scalars in affine spaces. Let $F$ be a field (or better a division ring). It has the operations of addition and ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Union star symbol in set theory

In the slides Provenance for Database Transformations, page 24, they provide a semiring for lineage, which include a $\cup^*$ symbol. However, I can not find any related materials about the meaning of ...
BrandNewStory's user avatar
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What is the difference between a monosemiring and a semigroup?

What is the difference between a monosemiring and a semigroup? The following definitions are for clarity of my question. A semigroup $S$ is a non empty set that satisfies closure and associativity ...
gete's user avatar
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First isomorphism theorem for inverse semigroups together with v-prehomomorphisms?

In this old paper D. B. McAlister has introduced another class of morphisms for inverse semigroups, called v-prehomomorphisms. For such a morphism $\theta : S \to T,$ instead of preserving the ...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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Is every monosemiring an idempotent semiring?

Is every monosemiring an idempotent semiring? To make my question clear, let me give definitions as follows: A semiring $(R, +, .)$ is said to be monosemiring if $x.y= x+y$ for all $x, y$ in $R$. And ...
gete's user avatar
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Definition of term functions, in universal algebra

According to the definitions in Sankappanavar's universal algebra : Assume $p$ is a term, then $p(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)$ indicates that the variables occurring in $p$ are among $x_1,...,x_n$. But there is ...
BAD MAN's user avatar
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Is a principal filter in a free Heyting algebra a projective Heyting algebra?

A Heyting algebra is a bounded distributive lattice $(L,\vee,\wedge,0,1)$ together with a binary operation $\rightarrow$ called implication or relative pseudocomplementation with the property that, ...
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