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3 votes
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Auslander-Reiten sequences where irreducible morphisms are all epi/mono

Let's work in the setting of modules over an Artin algebra $A$, or a finite-dimensional $k$-algebra $A$, or if you like, modules over a connected quiver $Q$ without oriented cycles. Let $M$ be such a ...
2 votes
0 answers

When do two path algebras share an underlying graph?

Suppose $Q$ and $Q'$ are two quivers. I am curious as to what relation $\mathbb{C}Q$ bears to $\mathbb{C}Q'$ when $Q$ and $Q'$ share the same underlying graph and only differ by direction. Since ...
5 votes
0 answers

Finite-dimensional irreducible representations of 2-loop quiver

What are the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of the quiver with one vertex and two loops?
7 votes
1 answer

Description of modules over self-injective algebras of finite representation type

Is there any description of indecomposable modules and irreducible morphisms over self-injective algebras of finite representation type? I am interested mainly in such a description for nonstandard ...
4 votes
2 answers

The explicit indecomposable representations of (any) Euclidean quiver of type E

It is known that for any quiver $Q$ that is an orientation of $\tilde{\mathbb{E}}_8$, the hereditary path algebra $KQ$ ($K$ being an algebraically closed field) is tame (but not finite). That is, in ...
1 vote
1 answer

finitely presented representations

Let Q=(V,E) be a direct graph where V is the set of all its vertices and E denotes the set of all its arrows. $X$ is called a representation of Q by modules if it is a functor from Q to R-Mod. i.e. $X(...