Questions tagged [quaternionic-geometry]

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27 votes
1 answer

The quaternion moat problem

"One cannot walk to infinity on the real line if one uses steps of bounded length and steps on the prime numbers. This is simply a restatement of the classic result that there are arbitrarily ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Are there topological obstructions to the existence of almost quaternionic structures on compact manifolds?

$\DeclareMathOperator\End{End}\newcommand\Id{\mathrm{Id}}\DeclareMathOperator\Sp{Sp}\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$I start with some background, but people familiar with the subject may jump directly to ...
Andrei Moroianu's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Origin of number theoretic invariants associated to hyperbolic 3-manifolds

I've been studying number theoretic methods of classifying hyperbolic 3-manifolds for over a year now. In particular, there is are the trace field, invariant trace field, quaternion algebra, and ...
j0equ1nn's user avatar
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12 votes
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Compact quaternionic Kahler manifolds of negative curvature: examples

There is a well known problem of LeBrun-Salamon: are there any non-symmetric compact quaternionic-Kahler manifolds of positive scalar (and Ricci) curvature? It is hard and still unsolved: Quaternionic-...
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
12 votes
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Where can I find a copy of Bérard-Bergery's lecture notes on quaternionic manifolds?

In the 1970's, Bérard-Bergery proved certain results on quaternionic Kähler manifolds, some of which are explained in the book Einstein Manifolds by Besse. Several times, Besse's book references a set ...
TwistorSpaces's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

What is the convex hull of the quaternionic symmetries of the 3 dimensional cube?

It is well known that there are exactly five 3-dimensional regular convex polyhedra, known as the Platonic solids. In 1852 the Swiss mathematician Ludwig Schlafli found that there are exactly six ...
Ruy's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

References on quaternionic geometry

Is there any analog, in the quaternionic setting, of Kahler potentials? In particular I'm interested in a similar construction of the Fubini-Study 2-form on $\mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{C})$ over the ...
cinzia bisi's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Primes that are the sum of three squares

This is in some sense an extension of the earlier MO question, "Gaussian prime spirals." Gaussian primes in the complex plane, $a+b i$, require $a^2 +b^2$ prime off the axes. The generalization to ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Hyper-complex and quaternionic Kähler Geometry

What is the exact relationship hyper-complex and quaternionic Kahler manifolds? From Wikipedia we get that hyper-Kahler manifolds are both hyper-complex and quaternionic Kahler. Thus, the two families ...
Jean Delinez's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

The Hypercomplex Structure of $SU(3)$

(A) In this really stylish answer it is shown that one can define a family of complex structures $J_{\lambda}$ on the Lie group SU(3), dependent on the parameter $\lambda \in {\mathbb C}\backslash {\...
Tomasz Köner's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there a quaternionic analogue of Kodaira's embedding theorem?

Let $M$ be a $4m$-dimensional Quaternion-Kähler manifold of positive scalar curvature. Does there exist an $n$ large enough, so that $M$ can be embedded inside $\mathbb{H}P^n$ via a quaternionic ...
Malkoun's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Spin Structures for Quaternionic-Kaehler and Hyper-Kaehler Manifolds

As is well-known (see Friedrich's book for example) every Kähler manifold is spin (or at least spin$^c$) and the Dirac is given (up to a twist) by $\partial + \partial^*$. What happens in the ...
Janos Erdmann's user avatar
6 votes
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Quaternionic Veronese Embedding

I know that the complex projective line $\mathbb{C}P^1$ can be embedded in the complex projective space $\mathbb{C}P^n$ (Veronese embedding). For example, $\mathbb{C}P^1\rightarrow \mathbb{C}P^3$ is ...
Darius Alexander's user avatar
5 votes
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Quaternionic-Kahler metrics whose universal covers have only discrete isometry groups?

I am interested in quaternionic-Kahler metrics that are "as inhomogeneous as possible." Every complete quaternionic-Kahler manifold $X$ I can remember hearing of is a discrete quotient of some $Y$, ...
Andy Neitzke's user avatar
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5 votes
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Rozansky-Witten invariants of hyperkahler manifolds and independence of complex structure

Recently I have been learning about Rozansky-Witten invariants, mainly through Hitchin-Sawon's paper "curvature and characteristic numbers of hyperkahler manifolds" and through Justin Sawon'...
BS math's user avatar
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5 votes
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Reference request: 3-dimensional Mobius transforms

I am working on a project that I suspect requires calculations involving Möbius transformations on 3-dimensional space $\mathbb{R}^3$, identified with the quaternions $\mathbb{H}$ with $k$-component ...
Arseniy Sheydvasser's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Hyper-Kaehler Strucutre for Compact Lie Groups?

We know from the classy work of Joyce that "any compact Lie group becomes hypercomplex after it is multiplied by a sufficiently big torus". The quote comes from the Wikipedia page. I am asking if it ...
Tomasz Köner's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Are Wolf spaces flag manifolds?

It's all in the title: Are Wolf spaces flag manifolds? Both are group quotients of semi-simple Lie groups. In the Grassmannian case this is so, and I always tacitly assumed it extended to the general ...
Janos Erdmann's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Homogeneous Quaternionic-Kähler Structure of the Grassmannians?

Paraphrasing from Cortes' notes: The quaternionic Kähler condition for a manifold $M$, means that $\operatorname{End}(T(M))$ admits a parallel subbundle $Q$ which is locally spanned by $3$ ...
Pavel Katzo's user avatar
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Canonical bundle of twistor space

I am wondering whether there are cases, and if so whether some sufficient assumptions are know, when the twistor space of compact quaternionic/hypercomplex manifold has trivial canonical bundle. As ...
J.E.M.S's user avatar
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Do geodesics on a hyperkähler quotient have nice lifts?

Suppose one has a flat quaternionic vector space $V$, with a compatible inner product $g$. So $(V,g)$ is a flat hyperkähler manifold. Assume that there is some compact Lie group $G$ acting on $V$ ...
Malkoun's user avatar
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4 votes
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Terminology: Almost hyper-Hermitian vs Almost hyper-Kähler vs

After non-thorough literature search, it seems to me that there is no consensus on the usage of the terminology "(almost) hyper-Hermitian" vs "almost hyper-Kähler" vs "almost quaternion-Hermitian" etc....
seub's user avatar
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4 votes
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Hodge-Weil Formula for Quaternionic-Kähler manifold

Let $M$ be a quaternionic-Kähler manifold, with fundamental form $\omega$, and let $L$ be the Lefschetz operator of $\omega$. In the Kähler and, more generally, symplectic cases, there is a mysterious ...
Juan Corrida's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How does the concept of a hermitian metric generalize to a hyperkahler manifold?

A complex manifold admits an almost complex structure, $J$, which satisfies $$ {J^i}_j{J^j}_k=-{\delta^i}_k, $$ and a Hermitian metric, $g$, which satisfies $$ g_{st}{J^s}_i{J^t}_j=g_{ij}. \tag{1} $$...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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Which non-compact quaternion-Kähler spaces are Kähler?

The list of quaternion-Kähler compact symmetric spaces can be found here. I am curious to know which of the non-compact versions of these spaces are Kähler. If the answer is known also for non-...
AMA's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What turns $k$-variety into $k$-manifold?

Here's what I have in mind: for $k=\Bbb C$ algebraic equations with $k$-coefficients lead to a $k$-variety in $\Bbb A_k^n$, and that variety inherits the structure of $k$-manifold. However, the above ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 votes
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What do the Pauli matrices say about the Threefold Way?

The Pauli matrices $$\sigma_1=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}, \sigma_2=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & -i \\ i & 0 \end{pmatrix}, \sigma_3=\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \...
Andrius Kulikauskas's user avatar
2 votes
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Bézout theorem for complex solutions of systems of homogeneous quaternionic polynomials

Suppose that I have a system of $n$ homogeneous polynomials in $n+1$ variables $p_{1},\dots,p_{n}\in\mathbb{H}[x_{0},\dots,x_{n}]$ with coefficients at both sides in $\mathbb{H}.$ I want to know if ...
Hvjurthuk's user avatar
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Holonomy of hypercomplex manifold

The following is a quote from M. Barberis, I. Dotti, M. Verbitsky, Canonical Boundles of Complex Nilmanifolds with Applications to Hypercomplex Geometry, Math. Res. Lett., 16(2), 331-347, 2009. "Not ...
J.E.M.S's user avatar
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2 votes
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What are the Cartan geometries modeled on $\mathbb{H}P^m$?

I am not an expert on Cartan Geometry (in fact, I have just read and understood the definition, at a basic level). I have the following questions: 1) Can someone please describe what are the Cartan ...
Malkoun's user avatar
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1 vote
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Do these definitions of integrable quaternionic structure agree?

I have found two different definitions for integrable quaternionic structure in the literature, and I need to know if they agree with one another. One definition that I have found (from Differential ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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compact manifold as a hyperkahler quotient of an infinite-dimensional affine space

Is it possible to obtain K3 (or any other compact hyperkahler manifold) with its hyperkahler structure as a hyperkahler quotient of an infinite-dimensional affine quaternionic vector space with an ...
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
1 vote
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Heat kernel on quaternion Heisenberg group

For the n Heisenberg($\Bbb C^n\times\Bbb R$) it is known that the heat kernel $q_s(z,t)=c_n\int_{\Bbb R} e^{-i\lambda t}\Big( \frac{\lambda}{\sinh(\lambda s)}\Big)^n e^{-\frac{\lambda|z|^2\coth(\...
user484672's user avatar
1 vote
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Conway's quaternion notation +1/3[C_3×C_3]∙2^(2) represent C_3h of 4d Point group?

In John Conway and Derek Smith's On Quaternions and Octonions: their Geometry, Arithmetic, and Symmetry, they introduce a way to connect quaternions to 4D Point Group. Suppose: $[l,r]:x\to \bar lxr\;,\...
ql2000's user avatar
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Fundamental $1$-form for a Riemannian manifold?

Take a Hermitian manifold $(M,I,g)$ where $I$ is the complex structure and $g$ is the Hermitian metric. The associated fundamental $2$-form $ g(\cdot,I(\cdot)) $ captures a lot of the information ...
Dick Johnson's user avatar
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The geometry of PSO(4) and the quaternions [closed]

Question: Given a twist of the projective space, how do I find unit quaternions that represent it? Backgroud and what do I mean: Following Conway & Smith's On Quaternions and Octonions, every ...
Isa's user avatar
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