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Is a 8-dimensional quadratic form recognized by its Lie algebra, modulo equivalence and scalar multiplication?

Question. Let $K$ be a field of characteristic zero (large characteristic should be fine too). Let $q,q'$ be two non-degenerate quadratic forms on $K^n$ with $n=8$. Suppose that the Lie algebras $\...
YCor's user avatar
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Constructing groups of Type E7 with certain Tits Index

In a new survey on $E_8$, namely Skip Garibaldi - E8 the most exceptional group , the author gives an example (Example 8.4., page 15) on how to construct a group of type E8 with a prescribed Tits-...
nxir's user avatar
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cubic forms and finiteness of $k^*/(k^*)^3$

In some recent computation I came across certain cubic forms and was wondering about analogue of following result for quadratic forms. If $k^*/(k^*)^2$ is finite then there are only finitely many ...
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