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Generalization of Witten's computation of the volume of moduli space

Let $\Sigma$ be a Riemann surface, and let $X:=\operatorname{Hom}(\pi_1(\Sigma),\operatorname{SU}(2))/\operatorname{SU}(2)$ be the $\operatorname{SU}(2)$ character variety of $\pi_1(\Sigma)$. There ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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Does the $(\mathbb Z/2)$-graded isomorphism $E_n \cong E_{n+2}$ have any nice properties?

This question assumes everything is dg. Let's decide to work over the "field" $\mathbb Q[\mu,\mu^{-1}]$ where $\mu$ has homological degree $+2$. Then chain complexes are just $\mathbb Z/2$-graded. ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
9 votes
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Lagrangian subgroups/submanifolds, 2d topological boundary and 3d "non-abelian" Chern–Simons theory

This post is meant to ask for proper references to fill a gap in the literature. My short question is that are there known and precise ways to formulate 2d topological boundary conditions" for ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Representations of 2-groups and quantum double constructions

Let $G$ be a finite group. The category of its representations (complex linear, finite dimensional, throughout this whole question) is equivalent to $\mathbb{C}[G]$-modules. V. Drinfeld constructed a ...
Student's user avatar
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Differential form TQFT for Walker-Wang model?

In terms of the TQFTs in continuous differential form gauge fields, what would the Walker-Wang lattice model describe? Obviously, there is a $BF$ theory part: $$\frac{N}{2 \pi}\int B dA$$ if it ...
miss-tery's user avatar
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Are vertex operator algebras ever conspiratorial?

I have a vertex operator algebra (VOA) $V$ with all niceness properties (unitary, rational, CFT type, etc). Its Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g} = V_1$ of spin-$1$ fields is large, and I understand how the ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
4 votes
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Do real polarization and Kahler polarization of character varieties of closed surfaces give equivalent representations of the Mapping Class Group?

This is a question about the Witten--Reshetikhin--Turaev representations of the mapping class group of a closed surface $\Sigma_g$. For simplicity, we'll stick to the case $G=SU(2)$. These ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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Ordering in Cobordism Category

Let $Cob^{3}$ denote the cobordism category of $1$ dimensional manifolds i.e the objects are finite disjoint union of circles and morphisms are represented by surfaces. Is it possible to treat the ...
Monkey.D.Luffy's user avatar
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A variant of quantum harmonic oscillators

We have the following variant of harmonic oscillators. $$ \left\{ \begin{array}{**lr**} T = a + a^\dagger\\ a | n \rangle = \sqrt{[n]} |n-1 \rangle \\ a^\dagger |n\rangle = \sqrt{[n+1]} |n+1\...
Lili Si's user avatar
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Some version of non-commutative Wick formula

Let $V$ be a vertex algebra. The traditional non-commutative Wick formula is a tool to calculate term like $[a_\lambda:bc:]$. However, I need to calculate terms of the form $[:ab:_\lambda c]$. I found ...
Estwald's user avatar
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