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How to get $U(N)_k$ Kac-Moody modules and characters from $N \cdot k$ Dirac Fermions using $U(N \cdot k)_1 / SU(k)_N$?

It is known that the $U(N)_k$ Kac-Moody algebra can be written as the coset $U(N)_k = U(N \cdot k)_1 / SU(k)_N$. (This fact is related to the level-rank duality of $U(N)_k \leftrightarrow U(k)_N$.) A ...
Joe's user avatar
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Hopf algebras structure and quantum affine algebras

I'm looking for some information about the Hopf algebras structure and the quantum groups. In particularly I was wondering if (and eventually where) is defined in the case of quantum affine algebras ...
Mar Pao's user avatar
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A question about q-binomials at roots of unity

I have a question about a lemma $9.3.6$ in the book A Guide to Quantum Groups written by Vyjayanthi Chari and Andrew Pressley. This question comes from page 301, "The restricted specialization&...
fusheng's user avatar
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