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6 votes
2 answers

When are the braid relations in a quasitriangular Hopf algebra equivalent?

Quasitriangular Hopf algebras have to satisfy, amongst other conditions, the following equations: $$(\Delta \otimes \mathrm{id}) (R) = R_{13} R_{23}$$ $$(\mathrm{id} \otimes \Delta) (R) = R_{13} R_{12}...
Manuel Bärenz's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

The Quantum Group ${\cal O}_q(SL(n))$, for $q>1$

For the quantum group ${\cal O}_q(SL(n))$, $q\in \mathbb{R}$, I have read, without a proof, that for $p>1$, there exists a $q\in (0,1)$ such that $$ {\cal O}_p(SL(n)) \simeq {\cal O}_q(SL(n)). $$ ...
Alesandro Levi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Definition of a cosemisimple Hopf algebra

A cosemisimple Hopf algebra is usually defined to a Hopf algebra which is the sum of its cosimple subcoalgebras. Does this definition assume that each cosimple subcoalgebra appears only once in the ...
Lars Pettersen's user avatar
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Modular double of elliptic quantum group

By studying dynamical quantum Yang-Baxter equations and corresponding $RLL$ relations, Felder defined an elliptic version of quantum group $E_{\tau, \eta}(sl_2)$, which can be understood as $\mathfrak{...
Kevin Ye's user avatar
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4 votes
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Cosemi-simple FRT Hopf Algebras

This question is a somewhere similar variation on an old question of mine. Given an FRT-algebra, which is to say, roughly, that it can be constructed from an R-matrix in the Yang--Baxter sense (see ...
Abo Kutis-Felan's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Compact Quantum Groups and FRT-Algebras

As is well known, every compact quantum group in the sense of Woronowicz has a dense Hopf $*$-sub-algebra. For the case of $q-SU(n)$ (among others) this Hopf $*$-sub-algebra is an FRT-algebra, which ...
Abo Kutis-Felan's user avatar
7 votes
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An alternative Cauchy theorem on Hopf algebras

Let $\mathbb{A}$ be a finite dimensional Hopf ${\rm C}^{\star}$-algebra. There already exists a generalization of Cauchy theorem using exponent, see [KSZ06]. We are interesting in an alternative ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
10 votes
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What's the relation between half-twists, star structures and bar involutions on Hopf algebras?

A star structure on a Hopf algebra is an antilinear antiautomorphism squaring to 1 and satisfying some further axioms. A Hopf algebra with a star structure is then a star algebra and a Hopf algebra in ...
Manuel Bärenz's user avatar
5 votes
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Dense Hopf $*$-subalgebra of compact quantum groups and cancellation laws

Recall the notion of the compact quantum group, in the sense of Woronowicz: it is a pair $(A,\Delta)$ where $A$ is a unital $C^*$-algebra and $\Delta:A \to A \otimes_{\min} A$ is a unital $*$-...
truebaran's user avatar
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Is there a perfect integral fusion category with PFdim = 2 mod 4?

A finite group $G$ is perfect if $G = G^{(1)} := \langle [G,G] \rangle$. Proposition: A finite group $G$ is perfect iff every $1$-dimensional complex representation of $G$ is trivial. proof: First if $...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
1 vote
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Weakly group theoretical fusion category and subsystems

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a fusion category and $H$ a semi-simple finite weak Hopf algebra such that $\mathcal{C}(H) = \mathcal{C}$. Suppose that for every nontrivial left coideal subalgebras $S$ of $H$ or ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there a non-trivial Hopf algebra without left coideal subalgebra?

Let $H$ be a finite dimensional Hopf ${\rm C}^{\star}$-algebra. A $\star$-subalgebra $I$ of $H$ is a left coideal if $\Delta(I) \subset H \otimes I$. $H$ is called maximal if it has no left coideal $\...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Tannakian formalism for topological Hopf algebras

Tannaka-Krein duality allows, under the appropriate assumptions, to reconstruct a Hopf algebra from its category of modules. This method was found to be powerful for instance in the work of Etingof-...
Sinan Yalin's user avatar
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3 votes
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The convolution on a semisimple finite quantum groupoid

Let $\mathbb{A}$ be a finite dim. weak Hopf $C^*$-algebra (or semisimple finite quantum groupoid) and $\hat{\mathbb{A}}$ its dual. Let the Fourier transform $\mathcal{F}: \mathbb{A} \to \hat{\mathbb{...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
2 votes
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Isomorphism Between $U_{h}(\frak{sl}_3)$ and $U({\frak sl}_3)[[h]]$

I take the following from Klimyk and Schmudgen's book Quantum Groups Page 167: Proposition For $\frak{g}$ a complex semi-simple Lie algebra, there is an isomorphism $\phi$ of the $h$-adic algebra $...
Juan Corrida's user avatar
3 votes
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dual notion to hopf galois extension and properties thereof

Let $H$ be a finite dimensional hopf algebra and $B \subset A$ be an $H$-extension of algebras. We know that the following are equivelant 1) $A \cong B \times_\sigma H$ is a cocycle crossed product ...
mebassett's user avatar
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quantum deformations of tensor category

I was told that, if I understand correctly, that the enveloping algebra of semisimple Lie algebra admits one family of quantum deformation as Hopf algebra, which was proved by Drinfeld. Anyone can ...
JJH's user avatar
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Is an integral simple fusion ring, categorifiable?

A fusion ring $\mathcal{F}$ (see here p 28) is integral if the Perron-Frobenius dimension $d(h_i)$ of its basic elements $\{h_1,...,h_r\}$, are integers. Its rank is $r$ and its dimension is $\sum d(...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
1 vote
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Understanding Sweedler's notation for the structure map of a comodule

I was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on the choice of indices for expressing the coaction using Sweedler notation. For example, in the paper of Andruskiewitsch About finite-...
crackplot's user avatar
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Existence of a Kac algebra for a given fusion ring in a particular class

A $n$-dimensional Kac algebra (i.e., a Hopf C*-algebra), admits finitely many irreducible representations, whose cardinal $r$ is called its rank, the increasing sequence $(d_{1},d_{2},d_{3}, ..., d_{r}...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
2 votes
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How simplify the pentagonal equation from two fusion rings?

A semi-simple finite dimensional Hopf algebra $\mathbb{A}$, and its dual $\mathbb{A}^{*}$ produce two fusion categories $\mathcal{C}$ and $\mathcal{C}^{*}$ and then two fusion rings $\mathcal{R}_{1}$ ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
6 votes
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How to compute the abelianization of the representation theory of a Hopf algebra?

I will ask two versions of my question, which probably aren't precisely the same, and I am also interested in hearing about nuances between the two. Version 1: Let $(C,\otimes)$ be any monoidal ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Are there small examples of non-pivotal finite tensor categories?

I'm looking for small concrete examples of non-pivotal finite tensor categories to do some calculations with. Here a finite tensor category is, according to Etingof-Ostrik, a rigid monoidal category ...
Noah Snyder's user avatar
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polynomial representation of $sl_{2}(k)$

Let $k$ be an algebraic closed field of characteristic 0. We write $$X=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0\\ \end{array} \right),~~ Y=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0\\ \...
15 votes
2 answers

Quantum-Jimbo Algebras: Why Such Fuss About Roots of Unity?

Coming from a Lie algebraic background, I'm trying to branch onto quantum group theory. The divide I see all the time, is $q$ a root of unity or $q$ not a root of unity. I am wondering why is this? If ...
Milen Stamatov's user avatar
3 votes
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Quantum Coordinate Algebras at Roots of Unity and Non-Standard Irrep Types

Let $\frak{g}$ be a complex semi-simple Lie algebra of rank $n$, and $U_q(\frak{g})$ the corresponding Drinfeld-Jimbo algebra. As is well-known, for $q$ not a root of unity, the irreducible finite-...
Janos Erdmann's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Hopf Duals and Matrix Coefficients

One defines the finite dual of a Hopf algebra $H$ as $$ H^o := \{f \in H^* ~|~ f(I) = 0, \text{ for some ideal $I$ of $H$ with } \dim_C(H/I) < \infty \}. $$ As is well-known, $H^o$ has a well-...
Janos Erdmann's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Generators of the Quantum Coordinate Algebras and Quantized Enveloping Algebra Representations

The representations of the quantized enveloping algebra $U_q(\frak{sl}_n)$ are labeled by the positive weight lattice $P^+$ of the classical Lie algebra $\frak{sl}_n$. Moreover, the dual Hopf algebra $...
Antonio Nogueria's user avatar
11 votes
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Quantized Enveloping Algebras at $q=1$

As is well-known, the quantized enveloping algebra $U_q(\frak{sl}_2)$ is not well-defined when $q=1$ because of the relation $$ [E,F] = \frac{K-K^{-1}}{q-q^{-1}}. $$ To address this problem, one has ...
Antonio Nogueria's user avatar
3 votes
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Hopf Algebra Pairings and Module-Comodule-Equivalences

Let $\left< , \right> : G \times H \to {\bf C}$ be a dually pairing for two complex Hopf algebras $G$ and $H$. For any (left)-$G$-comodule $(V,\Delta_R)$, we can give $V$ the structure of a left ...
Mihail Matrix's user avatar
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Explicit Descriptions of $q-SO(2)$, and $q-Sp(2)$?

When ever I hear noncommutative geometers talking about quantum groups, it is usually $q-SU(2)$ that they are discussing. As a result there are many good and explicit generator and relation ...
Ago Szekeres's user avatar
2 votes
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Zero Actions on a Hopf Module Preserved Under the AntiPode?

Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra, and $(M,\triangleleft)$ a $H$-module. Now for $m \in M$, and $h \in H$, then is it true in general that $$ m \triangleleft h = 0 ~~~ \implies ~~~~m \triangleleft S(h) = 0? $...
Dyke Acland's user avatar
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Changing Left Comodules into Right Comodules via the Antipode, and Comodule Tensor Products

Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra, with invertible antipode, and let $(M,\Delta_M)$ and $(N,\Delta_N)$ be two left $H$-comodules. Now as we all know, we have a left $H$-comodule structure on the tensor ...
Mihail Matrix's user avatar
30 votes
2 answers

quantum groups... not via presentations

Given a semisimple Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$ with Cartan matrix $a_{ij}$, the quantum group $U_q(\mathfrak g)$ is usually defined as the $\mathbb Q(q)$-algebra with generators $K_i$, $E_i$, $F_i$ (the ...
André Henriques's user avatar
3 votes
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Non-Faithfully Flat Quantum Homogeneous Spaces

Let $G$ and $H$ be two Hopf algebras, and $\pi: G \to H$ a Hopf algebra map. We will call an algebra of the form $$ M:= \lbrace m \in G ~ | ~ m_{(1)} \otimes \pi(m_{(2)}) = m \otimes 1 \rbrace $$ a ...
Réamonn Ó Buachalla's user avatar
2 votes
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$H$-Hopf modules equal the tensor products of their coinvariants with H

In a comment for this old question, it was said that > There is a theorem that Hopf modules are (up to isomorphism) the tensor products of their coinvariants with H. (This theorem is usually worded ...
Abtan Massini's user avatar
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Trivial Hopf Coinvariant Subspace Example

For $G,H$ Hopf algebras, and $\pi:G \to H$ a Hopf algebra map, can some-one give me an example of a (right) $H$-comodule $(V,\Delta_R)$, such that $$ (G \otimes V)^{\text{co}H} = \lbrace g_{(1)} \...
Dyke Acland's user avatar
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2-cocycles/Bigalois-objects over nontrivial liftings

It is easy to extend group-2-cocycles to smash-products with Nichols algebras over the group (just trivially). The same certainly doesn't work for nontrivial liftings. As I would like to check a ...
Simon Lentner's user avatar
1 vote
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Coinvariant Subalgebras of Hopf Comodules and Quotients

For $H$ a Hopf algebra, let $V$ be a right $H$-comodule with coaction $\Delta_R$. Moreover, let $W$ be a subspace of $V$ such that $\Delta_R(W) \subseteq W \otimes H$, and note that this implies that $...
Ago Szekeres's user avatar
5 votes
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Group-like Elements in a Coquasitriangular Bialgebra

What do we know about group-like elements in coquasitriangular bialgebras? In particular, we know that a commutative bialgebra in which all group-like elements are invertible is a Hopf algebra (see ...
Steve's user avatar
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14 votes
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Is a bialgebra with all group-like elements invertible a Hopf algebra?

We know that in a Hopf algebra all group-like elements are invertible. Is the converse also true? Here is the precise formulation of my question : Let $B$ be a bialgebra and $GLE$ = { $g \in B ~|~ g \...
Steve's user avatar
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20 votes
10 answers

Hopf algebras examples

Following Richard Borcherds' questions 34110 and 61315, I'm looking for interesting examples of Hopf algebras for an introductory Hopf algebras graduate course. Some of the examples I know are well-...
3 votes
2 answers

Does there exist a canonical "degree" filtration on quantum groups?

For any lie algebra $\mathfrak g$, there is a natural filtration on $U(\mathfrak g)$ by "degree": the filtered piece $U^{\leq n}(\mathfrak g)$ is just the image in $U(\mathfrak g)$ of $\bigoplus_{k=0}^...
John Pardon's user avatar
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11 votes
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Hopf Algebras and Quantum Groups

I have studied graduate abstract algebra and would like to learn about Hopf algebras and quantum groups. What book or books would you recommend? Are there other subjects that I should learn first ...
14 votes
1 answer

2-cocycle twists of braided Hopf algebras

2-cocycle twists of Hopf algebras Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra over a field $k$. Then a (left, unital) 2-cocycle on $H$ is a map $$ f: H \otimes H \to k$$ such that $$ f(x_{(1)},y_{(1)})f(x_{(2)} y_{(...
MTS's user avatar
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9 votes
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Yetter--Drinfeld Modules and Braidings

Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra, $M$ a right $H$-comodule for a coaction $\Delta_R$, and $\triangleleft$ a right $H$-action on $M$ such that $M$ is a Yetter--Drindfeld module. We know from general theory ...
John McCarthy's user avatar
8 votes
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What are the primitives of Lusztig's twisted bialgebra $\mathbf{f}$?

I'm trying to understand the coproduct on Lusztig's $\mathbf{f}$ and, apart from the Chevalley generators, I don't know of any more primitive elements. In the $q=1$ case, the Weyl group acts as a Hopf ...
Amy Pang's user avatar
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Image of the Coproduct of a Hopf Algebra

Let $H$ ba a Hopf algebra with coaction $\Delta: H \to H \otimes H$. Denote the action of $\Delta$ by $\Delta (h) = h_{(1)} \otimes h_{(2)}$. I was wondering if every element of $H$ can arise as a $h_{...
Dyke Acland's user avatar
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Given an algebra, can it be realized as a block of a Hopf algebra?

During a classification problem I came across a set of algebras given as the path algebra of a quiver with relations. As an example the local ones: $k\langle x,y\rangle/x^2,y^2, xy-qyx$, where $q\in k$...
Julian Kuelshammer's user avatar
5 votes
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a question about finite dimensional representation of a Hopf algebra

Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra over a field $k$ and $V$ a finite dimensional left $H$-module. Then $End_{k}(V)$ is a right $H$-module via $(f\cdot h)(v)=S(h_{1})f(h_{2}\cdot v)$. We set $Ann(End_{k}(V))$={...